Chapter Four : The Good, The Bad, The Dirty

Start from the beginning

Sweat dripped down your forehead and your movements were shaky, much like the day before. Walking down the dark halls, alone, was enough to urge you to walk a little faster and to just get it over with. The barking got louder and the sound of something else became more distinct, You already knew what you were dealing with today.

Once reaching the old worn down door that was the so-called entrance to the attic, the door creaked  open as if it sensed your presence. It was so dark that you couldn't see the steps and your hand searched the dusty wall for the light-switch. Your body leaned too far over and you slipped down the dingy stairs making a a lot of noise.

You were met with two sets of eyes. Orange eyes gleamed down at you with a predatory gaze and hazel ones welcomed you with constant licks to the face. 

"Hello there" You try tried to reason with it, apparently fighting it wasn't an option and your only choice left was to talk to it. Your dog was stupid dog, a very, very stupid dog. You reached out to grab her, so you both could run away after. But she had other plans. She backed up, bumping into the the person. The person picked her up with ease, and held her in their arms far out of your reach. The moonlight that shown from the small basement window was enough to let you see the bright orange gem that was her nose. The one that you were cuddling with a few weeks ago. You had searched up the gem days ago, and Google had identified it as a Jasper. Obviously the person it front of you wasn't human.

Maybe it was a Jasper.

"Hey Jasper, Buddy", It seemed shocked and thrilled at you speaking to it, smiling largely, sharp feral teeth gleamed under the moonlight. It seemed to approve of your choice of your naming and to be quite frank the monsters fucked up smile brought warmth to your heart. Speaking to it as if it was an old friend from long ago, that you missed dearly, it was enough for it to drop your dog harshly.  You didn't care about that, you dog ran as soon as you she hit the floor, leaving you again and honestly you were reconsidering letting that piece of shit run away next time she ran after a car. All jokes aside, it was only you and this creature left in this crammed basement, there wasn't nowhere to go besides where you had entered from, not only that , you could hardly see and you were sure the she-hulk over there had better eyesight then you. 

Trying again to negotiate with it again since the first time resulted in exactly what you wanted, " How have you been lately. No need to worry about me." The creature nodded and leaned forward loving every bit of  the attention, you couldn't really tell if it understand you but it certainly wasn't as hostile as you first thought , but what you said next was stupid.

 Maybe you were testing it to see its intelligence, but see, even to me, you were a full fledged dummy.

"Why don't we get out this tight basement?" It was question that you really hadn't thought through and you really weren't expecting a answer.

It tilted it's head and you froze fully understanding the danger of what you had said. Hopefully it didn't hear you-"Sure" it's voice deep not husky, just deep, and it had a feminine tone to it that made you question its gender. You ran up the stairs to the first floor, she followed behind easily. You felt her breath on the crook of your neck and it sent shivers done your spine.

Your were afraid to turn around, so you didn't, but when you had reached your room she was wasn't following anymore.

'Oh my god, where did she go' you definitely weren't going to go looking for her at this time. You went to bed, it took you awhile but the anxiety wore its own self out taking you out with it. For the first time in days you slept, and it was good.

When you had awoken the next day you had forgotten about your unwanted house-guest and climbed out your new bed, after the first one was destroyed. Your ankle was grasped by cold muscular hands from under your bed and you jumped but the hand didn't let you go. Honestly you peed a little.  You looked down to see blank amber eyes belonging Jasper, You two stared at each other before she abruptly released your leg and her arm snaked back under the bed with the rest of her. 'What is she doing'.

" Get out, what are you doing?" Her head pushed back out and you could clearly see her shrug at you.

 "You having fun down there?" you said sarcastically. She nodded, and your bottom lip upturned in a grimace, her 'funny' replies were getting the best of you. Getting up like any other weekend you set out a new pair of pajamas and your cute little pug slippers. You darted down the hall into the bathroom, running the water and filling it up with body wash. Once the bubbles were at their prime, you undressed, you where down to your underwear when you saw her reflection in the bathroom mirror. There she was watching you from a crack in the bathroom door.

'She is not serious' her constant "Oooohs and Ahhh's" were very serious and you threw your slipper at her. She caught it darting off with your shoe, you ran after her in a hurry you didn't even catch the direction she went.

Slowing down you cautiously watched out for any spot being enough for her to hide in. "How is she so quite" you exclaimed. Apparently you didn't notice her creeping into the basement. You almost walked past her when she jumped out scaring you badly, tossing your slipper to you she ran back up to the stairs. It took you awhile to get over the jump-scare and when you did you hated that one particular slipper. All you wanted was a bath, That's it. ' How hard is it to bathe in this house?'. You've been questioning everything and you were starting to question your sanity.

Upon reaching the bathroom door you did a quick glance around, but she was nowhere to be found. Happily, you locked the door and jumped into your soothing bath. Where you were sitting was very uncomfortable. You moved around to find a nice spot but you just couldn't. Sighing, the bath wasn't as soothing as you thought it was. Resting your head on the end of the tub, you dowsed off. You were awaken to a bath of luke-warm water and no bubbles. You looked down to see Jasper in all her glory, You were sitting on Jasper. Motherfucking Jasper.

You had to say she had no titties what so ever and you giggled at the sight of her naked and flustered body. You were always weird like this when you woke up. You looked at her oddly before realizing and abruptly got up, she grabbed you back down. Both of your heads collided resulting in a kiss. It was your first kiss to be exact and you didn't like. But she did. She was loving every single bit of it.

You pulled back hard but to no prevail. Her grip was tight. It was simple, lips on lips, but that quickly ended with her loud moan that made your knees quiver and the lower part of you unbelievably hot and unbearable. She grasped your face holding you tightly before flipping you over on your back the water flooded through you nostrils and you gasped. Her tongue collided with yours, fighting a war that was already won. Exploring every crease and crevice of the cavern of your mouth, grinding down on you harshly, you were letting out a series of moans and you were pretty sure the neighbors were going to call the cops sooner or later. She pulled back allowing you to breathe and instantly you sprung out of the tub ready to be done with this hellish day but hands to your waist said otherwise. Pulling your petite body back into the tub, you squirmed and screamed, but you were back under the water again and this time your back was facing Jasper so you were on you hands and knees. 

She pressed up against you and at this point you honestly didn't know what she had up her sleeve. Something warm and slimy touched the back of your leg and your froze, 'She might actually be a he'. It was no way of getting out of this death trap. But you still tried. You kicked back frantically but her body was like stone, it was no use. You had to play along wisely, you moaned loudly. Sending shivers down her spine momentarily pausing her from her unwanted ministrations. You turned around, a seductive look in your eyes, to the eye of a bystander you seemed more courageous then you actually were. She stopped and gazed at you and smiled at you lovingly. Caressed her face she purred at the sudden affection, eyes closed and body leaned backwards at the touch. Here was your chance.

You got up, and she gazed up at you, almost as if you were asserting dominance on her and she accepting the change with open arms.' Close your eyes'. She do so without hesitating. You ran out the tub locking the door behind you. You glanced back and caught sight of her crestfallen face, similar to one of an abandoned puppy. 

You didn't care, that he-she was staying in there to further notice.

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