While Phil got dressed, I considered doing some painting, since I was in a slight slump at the moment and thinking about breaking out of it, but I knew that if I did succeed in that, I would get sucked into my hobby and we didn't have time to pry me away.

Part of the present I'd gotten for my boyfriend was a painting. It was a painting of us, a recreation of a photo PJ had taken of us while on break at the store. The photo was one Phil hadn't seen, but only because he'd been in the bathroom when our friend had handed it to me. I looked at it now, removing it from a crack in the back of my easel, resting my face in my hand as I studied it once more, even if I had multiple times due to painting it.

It had been taken when neither of us were paying attention, I could tell, because my facial expression showed that nothing existed in my mind during that moment except for that boy. I was sitting on the counter with my legs hanging off, both my hands resting on the edge of the wood, my entire body leaning towards Phil, who was standing in front of me with both his hands on my hips, legs stood between mine. He was leaning towards me as if he was going to kiss me, but his mouth was open proving that he'd been talking about something despite our close proximity. Because of how close the photo was zoomed in, and because of how good PJ's camera was, anyone could easily examine the emotions in our countenances and make an assertion that we were just two young people in love. My dark eyes of which I couldn't remember ever seeing sparkle were doing just that, my gaze locked with that of the boy in front of me. The smile on my face was one filled with peace, as if absolutely nothing in the world could bother me during that moment. Phil's face, of course, was mirroring mine, but in a more beautiful way, which was something I could only say since I was biased in that category.

It was a photo that stumped me, a photo that made my mind more easily expand towards different types of art such as photography. It was strange to see myself from someone else's point of view. Putting aside that we were the ones in the photo, I couldn't help but think that it was beautiful picture, one that you might see in a display and when you passed it you would think, wow what a gorgeous couple. It might have looked posed to anyone who didn't understand fine things, except I had a respect for photography because it was purely the truth, and the truth in this situation was so easy to see.

"Ready to show me whatever is going on today?" I heard the voice of Phil behind me, and I quickly shoved the photo back to where I'd been keeping it. No spoilers for what was to come.

"Yes," I replied, standing up and walking over to him. "I have something to show you that I've been saving for a long time."

He raised his eyebrows but made no comment as we slipped on our shoes and jackets. The cold January air hit us as we stepped outside, Phil's cheeks immediately going red as mine most likely went even redder. My hand in his felt warm, however, as it always did.

"So what is this place you are taking me to?" Phil questioned, curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, remember when I took you to that abandoned movie theater?" He nodded. "There's something even better that's abandoned."

He laughed. "Kind of sad if you ask me. So many nice things just abandoned in this ugly town."

I shrugged. "I guess, although that just leaves more adventures for us." I didn't await his reaction because soon enough we were past the store and then past the movie theater until we arrived at a field after weaving through multiple alleyways. I went to pass one building, but Phil pulled me back.

"Dan, what's this?" He asked, gesturing towards the wall. The wall which was covered with paint.

I smiled shyly. "I used to paint here when I didn't have any canvases. No one comes around so I knew I wouldn't get in trouble." I looked towards what Phil was looking at with amazement, admiring my old work. I was good back then, but by now my style was a bit different. The wall was mostly neutral colors like navy blue and dark red and black, since that was before I'd discovered my need for bright colors.

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