Sitting by the Water

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We broke apart, both heavily breathing. Nathans phone vibrated in his pocket, signalling me to get off of him. He looked at it and showed me.

Avery and Evan are sleeping over. You guys can stay up until 12am. Please sleep as much as you want. Be back at the house at 11pm. Your father and I will be sleeping.    -Mom xoxoxoxo

He looked at me as I lifted up my head. He was smiling and I joined him. 

"Is she serious?" I asked him.

"Yeah. She knows that I like you and by the looks of it she knew exactly what I had in mind." He smirked.

"Wow. She really trusts you. What about your dad?" I asked him curiously.

"I don't listen to him." Nathan told me. "He isn't my real dad." He turned his head to face me.

"Nathan" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean, not your real dad?"

"My dad died 12 years ago before Evan came into the picture. He had bone cancer and died 5 months after he was diagnosed. That's why my mom is so laid back." His head lowered and he become immensly interested in his hands.

"Nathan. That is terrible." I put a finger under his chin and lifted up his head. His eyes showed saddness. "Let's just move on. So.. You actually like me?"

He smiled and looked into my eyes. "More than you will ever know."

We both relaxed and looked at the shimmering lake. The sun fully disappeared and the stars started coming out from their hibernation. The moon was full and I examined all the craters that it had. I felt someones hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer. Nathan pulled me against him and I nuzzled in his chest. 

This was perfect. We aren't officially together but we can pretend. It was a fairytale. A dream come true. I finally found life on earth that actually enjoyed my presence. He didn't just laugh at me. He laughed with me. It was something that never happened before.

He placed his fingers on my cheek and turned my face to look at his. I could see the small glow coming from his beautiful eyes from the moons glare. He leaned in and we shared a simple kiss. A pssionate one but not very rough like the last one. It was serene. Beautiful.

We broke apart staring into eachothers eyes and he reached in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. The glowing from the phone lit up his handsome face showing all of his features. He had a very strong face, his chin and cheeks being outlined immensely outlined. I couldn't believe it.

"It's 11. Lets go back." He said to me.

I nodded and we both stood up. He grabbed his polo and pulled it back over his head, slightly messing up his hair. I reached out and put the strands back in place.He smiled and tookmy hand leading me up the small hill to their house. It was a silent walk back. 

He opened the front door for me andI walked in being hitby the cinnimon smell in their house. I can't believe I didn't notice it before. We walked up the stairs to Nathan's room and I saw my bag on his bed. 

"I'll go change." I said to him while grabbing my bag.

I put on my black and white striped pajama bottoms and pulled on my 'Keep Calm and Carry On' tee. I brushed out my hair and put it back up in a messy bun. I didn't want to deal with it right now. I brushed my teeth, washed off my makeup, and went back to Nathans room. I stopped in my tracks only to see Nathan. He was shirtless and only had on blue, red, and white pajama bottoms. His six pack was loosened, but you can obviously still see it. 

"Oh hey. Uhmm... If you don't mind you can sleep in my bed with me. We don't have any other air mattresses. Gavin is using the other one." He said to me putting on a smile on his face.

Thank you Gavin.

"Uhm yeah that's fine." I said pointing to his queen size bed. 

He climed in and pulled the covers up to his chin.

"Are you going to sleep standing up right there?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh. Uhm.. Haha No."

I slowly climbed in after him. The comfortable way to sleep was facing him so I lay down and pulled up the covers and looked at him.

He was smiling at me. It was so hot. Slowly he pulled out his arm and started to play with the one blonde strand that fell out of the bun. I looked at him once right before closing my eyes. He looked so peaceful sleeping there.

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