"What harm will it do though? I think that I have a right to know whatever the hell is going on." I stated, moving closer to the desk with the contents that Luke was studying. He was silent for a few moments, dropping his head into his hands.

"Adelaide, no." He stated simply.

"Seriously Luke? What happened to not keeping things to ourselves?" I exclaimed, annoyance ridden within my tone. "Another set of eyes may do some good looking at those files." I wasn't too sure as to why I so desperately wanted to help him, though I blamed it purely on my curiosity.

Luke let a heavy sigh escape his throat before he responded. "Just the files Adelaide, that's where it stops, okay?" Luke cautioned, finally giving into my requests. I smiled, making my way over to his side of the desk, questioning him on what he knew so far. "The people that are looking for you want to use you as leverage to get something from your Dad, but we don't know what they want. We don't know who or where they are based either, which is what I've got to figure out. These papers and files are meant to be clues apparently."

"Well what does my dad have that they could possibly want?" I questioned, lifting numerous packs of paper, shifting my way through them.

"It could be anything; I mean I would have thought that they would have already put it down on the table what they want. So it makes me question their motives."

"What information do we already have on them? That could give us some idea of their intentions." I responded, still unsure about the entire situation, especially because I had never been aware of what goes on in any of my father's cases before, never mind been involved in one.

"We don't know a lot if I'm being honest, just a handful of names, a few of which we have traced back to Switzerland, which lead to nothing. We have been tracking certain members of the group for a while too, this is all we have." He pointed to the heap of parchment in front of us. "So we'll just go through them all, look for links, any connections or anything suspicious, okay?" I shrugged, taking a seat of the floor, laying out all of the papers that Luke had handed me, delving into a world that I was completely out of my depth in.

Half an hour later, after still having not found anything, I came across the folder that I had previously come in here for. I had at first, had no intention of discussing my theories with Luke, though it was my only shot of actually getting some answers. "Luke, why is my medical folder here?" His shuffling came to an abrupt stop as he raised his head expeditiously.

"Where did you get that?" He demanded, his voice taking an intimidating tone that I hadn't heard in a few weeks.

"It was in the pile you gave me, why do you have it?" At my words, he rose to his feet, came over to where I was sat and took the paper from my hands.

"The file must have gotten mixed up with all of the other crap on my desk." He stated, placing the record in a filing cabinet on the far side of the room. I had to bring it with because of your injuries, in case they needed to be checked out something at the hospital, then I could give them a copy of your file."

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, though I couldn't hold my tongue for long. "Do you know what happened to my side, like my rib, Luke?"

"It was damaged during the crash?" He responded, confusion flushing his features with his eye brows furrowing and a frown etching its way onto his face.

"What specifically happened to it though Luke?" I requested, the volume of my voice increasing.

"How am I supposed to know, Adelaide? All I heard was that you shattered the left side of your rib cage." Luke stated, ushering me over to where he was sat at the desk. "What's brought this on?"

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