Chapter 10: The Temperamental Hyperdrive

Start from the beginning

"Good.  Anyway, I'd like you to meet someone.  This is Captain Rex of the 501st." I narrowed my eyes at that.  It was weird.  I felt like I'd heard that somewhere before, but I couldn't think where.  Turning my thoughts away from the number, I took his hand of which he had stuck out to shake.

"Nice to meet you." I said out of courtesy but still slightly wary.  Yes the Rebellion had taken me in in the end, but I had grown up learning that being careful was the best way of staying alive.

"And you." He replied.

"So, what did you call me here for?  I thought I was banned from this room." My runaway tongue proceeded to speak without my mind giving it permission.

Rex chuckled and muttered something to Ahsoka who also laughed.  Then Kanan turned to me and decided to answer question.

"We need you to come with us on a run to Kessle." He replied.  I frowned.  Hadn't I specifically told them that I didn't want to be on any field missions?  Kanan seemed to notice this and hurried to make amends. "Don't worry, it's not a field mission, just grabbing supplies and dropping some off to some rebels there."

"And you need me there because?" I asked raising an eyebrow sceptically.

"Well, by the sounds of it, you know your way around mechanics.  And we're taking a rust bucket whilst the Ghost and Phantom are in for maintenance." Sabine smiled.

Something sounded off in this whole thing, but I went along somewhat reluctantly.  Sabine was good with tech as well as Ezra and Zeb.  So why did they actually need me?

"When do we leave?" I asked coolly.

"In the morning." Hera said.

"I'll see you then." I said before walking towards the door.  I then stopped and turned back around awkwardly. "Uhh, am I supposed to sleep in the tech room again or..." I trailed off.

Sabine followed me and put two hands on my shoulders. "You're bunking with me." She laughed lightly.

I came up with the ever intelligent response of, "Oh."

I didn't mean to sound rude, it's just that after a few years alone, I wasn't used to sleeping in a confined space with others.  Or any confined space with others.

As Sabine guided me back to her- no, our room, I pondered on this seemingly innocent run to Kessle.  They were telling the truth, but my intuition told me that they hadn't told me the whole truth.

So what were they hiding?

Anonymous P.O.V

My eyes snapped open as I hurriedly uncrossed my legs, my focus shattered in a fleeting glimpse of someone who simply couldn't exist.  Sunlight filtered through the blinds casting luminescent strips against the wall, broken by the shadow of my figure passing over it.

The round meditating stool that I had been previously sat on rocked unsteadily and was slightly moth eaten.  A varied range of tattered rugs decorated the floor, barely covering the cold wood floorboards.

I cracked open the door and spotted the slender figure hunched over the sink.  The quiet clank of pots against pans penetrated the still air.

"You've sensed something. " She said calmly.

I sat down heavily on a kitchen chair and propped a youthful chin in one hand. "I can't be sure.  But if I'm right..." I trailed off thinking of the possibilities.

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