Chapter 9: Breaking Bonds

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Ezra's P.O.V

I delved into the crowds, not caring who I shoved out the way.  There were a lot of indignant shouts, but I ignored all of them. Buildings rose up on either side of the streets; sheer artificial cliffs, casting looming shadows over the smooth paved streets.  Hovercars moved in single lines above me like slaves in chains and people's voices melded into one big incomprehensible sound. 

It sounded like Zeb and Chopper arguing.

As the people seemed to get thicker and thicker, my breaths quickened in the claustrophobic space until I couldn't bear it and broke off from the crowd and paused to catch my breath.  Hopelessly searching the flow of people for a miraculous chance that Azulia's brown cloak hood may come into view, I took long shaky gasps of air to calm my frayed nerves.  At this rate, I'd never find her, and I knew that this was my one chance to find her before I lost her forever. I let a breath of air out and focused. But I saw nothing, no matter how hard I tried.

Do or do not, there is no try.

Kanan's words rang in my head. Although I got the main idea, I didn't really understand the concept fully. But it was now or never. I cleared my thoughts and focused on Azulia. Images rushed into my head, as if it was a film, only in pictures. There was a girl in a cloak; Azulia, and she was walking not too far away. It was still busy and there was a neon sign advertising the Empire. She glanced around warily, keeping one hand rested on her staff. Quickly, the images stopped and I opened my eyes. Looking left, I took off down the street. I could sense that she was close, but I wasn't sure how close.

I spotted the sign from my vision and looked around desperately. Then, I caught the corner of a brown cape flutter around a corner. Running after it, I spotted the figure and grabbed their shoulder.

It wasn't Azulia.

The Mirialan gave me a weird look before walking off.  I sighed and slouched down against a wall in defeat.

"Aren't you supposed to be flying away?" A voice said behind me.

I whipped around to a frowning Azulia. "Azulia!  I was beginning to think that I'd never find you!" I exclaimed, walking up to her.  Her expression didn't change. "What?" I asked.

"Are you honestly asking me that? One minute you're mad at me and then the next you're looking for me!? Make your mind up Bridger!" She said incredulously.

"Why are you mad!? I came back to bring you back!" I retorted.

"Both you and your crew clearly doesn't want me back."

"Why are you being like this?" I asked disbelievingly. She didn't reply but her face said it all.  Underneath the disapproving look, she was hurt and anguished that she'd been abandoned. "I'm sorry.  Ok, is that what you want to hear?"

"What? So I'm supposed to forgive you when you can't even forgive me?" Azulia stated with a bitter chuckle.  I remembered our argument.  We didn't say anything.  There was nothing to say.

"I'm not asking you to stay with me.  And I know that you don't like me right now, but at least come back to the rebellion.  We can find you a job, a place to sleep." I pleaded.

"They didn't want to give me shelter before so what changed?" She asked coldly, and that's when it hit me.  She was shutting her feelings out.  Her luminous eyes didn't hold the warmth they did before and seemed more harsh.  Her face seemed to be set in stone.

"Hy are you shutting your feelings out? We were friends!" I exclaimed.

Hurt flared in her golden orbs. "Emotions have only got me pain.  They're of no use to me now."

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