"Is it morning already?" He mumbled in his husky voice making me melt.

"No it's only 2 in the morning." I grinned sheepishly my eyes trailing him.

"You can't sleep?" His fingers trail up and down my face to my neck shaking my head in return.

He leans forward meeting my lips kissing me deeply and everything about our kiss says it all. The passion, the want no need to feel each other, the vulnerable way we trust each other with our bodies and burning desire that is in our veins.

He lift himself up and hover above me while I part my legs and wrap my legs around his waist. I am lost with the pleasure of his hands gripping my hips tightly and the way his lips moved and his tongue swipe against mine. I moan lacing my fingers through the strands of his silky hair. The urgency of our kiss grew intense having both of us pant.

I shift my hips making him groan against my lips feeling his hard length making me grin sheepishly.  Loving every bit of the way I make him feel like what he does for me too.

He grin in return seeing my smile his eyes softening pressing his body onto mine his arms resting on either side of my head.

"You're a beautiful sight to look at." He spoke softly gazing at me and I believe his every word because he makes me feel like it.

He place a kiss on my cheek, a trail blaze burn from his lips to my skin feeling him ignite something in my body making me sight closing my eyes. I found my love for him a long time ago and to have him this close to me is causing my heart to clench painfully.

I want him, I want every bit of him, my first love, my first intimate experience.

I grab his face cradling him against my palm connecting our lips once more drowning in complete happiness from his touch. This time the kiss is slow, passionate taking our time. Our tongues tangle each other tasting and nipping. The hunger from deep within can't be put out not until we both find realise.

I pull back breathing heavily staring at him my heart full of love for him and I'm ready to give everything up for him.

"I'm ready." I whispered watching his face.

His eyes widen knowing exactly what that means. Right infront of me I've never seen him look so caught off guard before making me chuckle softly.

"Are you sure about this? You know I can wait as long as you want me to, I just don't want you to regret it. I want you to make sure-

I slam my lips onto his pushing my tongue pass his lips and all I could taste is him inside my mouth and it's the taste I want to keep forever. It took him a few seconds before kissing me back with the same amount of hunger. His groan sent a vibration right through my core feeling our front rub against each other in a sensual way.

His hand sneak up my baggy sweater grazing up my thighs to my waist, his large hands exploring my skin while my hands trail down his naked back. His lips trailing down to my neck and I feel his tongue dart to taste my skin and nipped it pulling my skin between his teeth making me whimper. He moved away enough to lift my sweater off me.

Out of pure lust and love for him all I could think about it needing him right now. When I felt his body tense, his lips stopped kissing my skin and when I looked back into his eyes I see shock staring down at my arms.

It was like a bucket of ice washed over me, shame and a distraught feeling became over whelming I began to panic. I try to push him off me and cover my arms but when he caught my wrist and refused to let go of me tears began to spill.

The fear of him finding out about this because he will think it's disgusting how I mutilated myself out of weakness.

"Hailey." He spoke almost brokenly his eyes finally meeting mine.

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