finding out the gender

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Jayme's P.o.v

One month later

I am now 12 weeks and I told Kenzie that I'm pregnant and she's happy to have a little sibling she can boss around and tease because Codey won't stop doing that to her. I've seen him doing it it is really cute and funny I also told Luke and he doesn't mind and everyone else in the house knows almost everyone at school probably knows because when I walk past Alex and his guy friends he's laughing and pointing at me and then says something and they all look shocked. I got ready for school Kenzie is with Luke and Codey today so no dropping her off and Lia stayed last night so I don't gotta pick her up she really needs to get her car fixed but going to Starbucks is a everyday routine and they know my order by now. So once I got to Starbucks I walked in

"Hey Jayme" Peyton said she is the one who always makes my coffee and we've became friends over the last 2 months

"Hey Peyton my usual please and a strawberries and creme also" I said and she smiled

"One Carmel Frappuccino and one strawberries and creme Frappuccino and one blueberry muffin and one chocolate chip muffin coming right up" she said and walked in the back made the coffee and gave me my drinks and food and I gave her the money. I walked outside and handed Lia her coffee

"Thanks" she said and I smiled and buckled up and started driving to school. Once we got there we got out of the car and walked in

"Hey look it's the Slut!" Someone shouted when I walked through the door and I looked around too see everyone staring at me

"So did you ever find out who the dad was this time you whore?" A girl asked and I looked around and saw Alex looking at everyone shocked then at me and by my face he saw I was about to cry

"Aw is the poor whore gonna cry I feel bad for the dad there gonna have a child with a slut of a mother" a different girl said

"So who is the poor fella anyway or do you not know?" A girl that was next to Alex asked

"I-i uhh" I said not being able to talk because of all the tears

"I'm the dad!" I heard someone yell and I looked to see Gabe grabbing my hand and walking me past all of them and once they saw Gabe they all stopped talking

"Alex told everyone that you had sex with his brother and he was the dad" November said running over to me and I stopped walking and looked at Alex and he looked hurt and I gave him my death glare that is pretty bad coming from me I never hate anyone and now I hate him

After a horrible day of school and being picked on I went to my doctors appointment for the baby

"Welcome back Jayme and uncles little monster" Dustin said rubbing my belly and I laughed and Gabe walked in right behind me

"I am the father don't forget me" he said and we both laughed

"So first I'm gonna check to see if it's healthy and then see the Gender" he said and I smiled "So how was your day?" He asked me

"Not good I got bullied because of my pregnancy" I told him and he looked at me

"A girl as pretty as you being bullied for having a baby?" He looked shocked

"Yeah I was popular but then my ex decided it was his life mission to ruin my life" I told and he started moving the wand around

"Baby is healthy are you ready to know?" He asked and Gabe grabbed my hand

"Yes" we both said

"You are having a baby boy" he said and my eyes started watering

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