almost there

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Jayme's P.o.v

I am now 30 weeks (7 months and 2 weeks) I cannot wait for this brat to come out like I said before but he's moving around alot in there but my back hurts and I get started at all the time I go anywhere because I'm holding Kenzie's hand and I'm pregnant some people ask if they can touch my belly and I tell them that's fine and they ask how old I am and I tell them then they look at me like I'm a slut and move there hands and walk away god I sometimes wish Gabe was here to save me from the stares but he's too busy with his girlfriend I mean he still comes to the doctors with me but its not the same anymore I miss hanging out with him I hate being pregnant during the summer it's too hot and I'm too fat.

"Hey you" Luke said Walking in the house without knocking

"Excuse me I could have been naked why the hell didn't you knock?!" I yell at him

" uhhh it's not anything I haven't seen?" He said like it was a question

"Yeah but we aren't dating anymore so go outside and knock!" I yell and he does and finally I let him in "now what did you want?" I asked

"I uh wanted to ask your advice on something" he said

"Me? Why me?" I asked

"Because your a girl and the advice I need is about a girl" he said and I laughed

"What girl?" I asked

"Uh her name is Heather she is uh part of your gang" he said and I smiled

"I know she's my newest member and she's 17" I told him " she may be in a gang but she likes romance like all girls not cheesy romantic just ordinary romantic" I told him and he looked confused

"What the hell is ordinary romantic?" He asked and I giggled

"Think of something yourself don't do things that have been done. Luke the girl likes animals for god sake and she loves Tattoos use that as an advantage" I told him and pushed him out the door and locked him out I can't believe I just told my ex boyfriend how to get a girlfriend when I just fell for his bad ways in the beginning. And that will never change he's always gonna be the bad boy that everyone wants but never gets and I'm glad he changed a little for his daughter but not to much he needs to be him.
I decided I was gonna dress up and go outside and by dress up I mean throwing on sweatpants and a shirt and putting my hair in a messy bun and then do my make up nothing more. I walked out and saw Cameron getting out of his car and Alex walking behind him and they were talking and Cam looked at him and nodded and they both walked in..

"Uh hi? Cameron can I speak to you please NOW!" I raised my voice a bit

"I told you she wasn't gonna be fine" Alex told Cameron and I smiled

"No that's totally fine your fine stay here hang out I don't mind! Cam I'm leaving if anyone asks I went to the twins" I said and walked out slamming the door behind me
He cannot just bring Alex here the guy that knows my deepest secrets the guy I fell hard for damn him and being his brother!
But then I remembered I forgot the keys to the car and they also have my house keys on them damn me. But I don't want to have to go back in there so I just decided to walk to the Twins house.. when I drive they live 30 minutes away but when I walk and I'm 7 months pregnant it takes 1 hour maybe more.
After an hour and 15 minutes I finally knocked on the door I was ready to just fall over and once I was about to the door opened

"Hey Jayme" Jeremy opened the door smiling and smiled back

"Hi... can... I please... come... in... Mr Quinn" I asked between breaths and he nodded and moved away so I can go in

"You know Jayme you don't have to call me Mr Quinn just Jeremy" he said and I nodded and plopped on the couch

"Is Wesley or Caleb here?" I asked and he nodded

"Wesley is here but he's upstairs right now" he told me and I looked at the stairs and sighed

"The stairs look like there's 50 flights I don't think I'll go up there I'll just stay here" I told him and laid on the couch and I felt a blanket go over me before I was out

"Jayme it's 9 in the morning your dad must be worried" Jeremy said and I opened my eyes and looked at him

"It's that late? Did I stay the night? How did I get on the bed I was on the couch?" I asked

"I moved you in my room and I slept on the couch it's not good for a pregnant woman to sleep on the couch" he told me and I nodded

"Jeremy do you guys have food?" I asked and he nodded and I got up and walked downstairs too see the twins down there and I smiled

"I was wondering why dad slept on the couch but now I know" Caleb said and I laughed

"Yeah I came to see you guys and I ended up sleeping on the couch so your dad took me to his room and slept on the couch" I told them

" but where is your car Jay? I didn't see it outside when I got home" Caleb said I smiled.

" I walked here" I told them and they both looked mad then smiled

"Well we will give you a ride back because you don't want the baby to come out too soon" Wes said and I smiled and nodded and walked to the fridge and grabbed eggs and the stuff to make and omelet and started cooking for everyone after we all ate

Caleb gave me a ride home on his way to go see Rayleigh and I watched as he drove away and I looked to see no one was home and I remembered I don't have my keys anymore so I sat on the porch until I remembered that Alex's house was 15 minutes away to walk too so I made the dumb choice of going there
After the 15 minute walk I knocked on the door and Alex answered and I smiled

"What are you doing here Jayme?" He asked

"I got locked out of the house and your the first person I thought of who was close" I told him and he nodded

"Well come in" Alex said and moved so I can walk in I looked inside and saw everything I remembered when I was in love with him everything came rushing back and I smiled and walked in the house.

That was a big mistake

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