lord no!

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Jayme's P.o.v

Remember about all those lies I was talking about? Yeah the ones I would die to keep. Well I just couldn't keep it in when I saw her
I walked into Lia's house with Monica behind me

"Oh hi guys sorry um, Kenzie come on down baby!" Lia yelled and a little girl with brown eyes and dark brown hair walked down

"Hi I'm Kenzie" she said and smiled and put out her hand for me to shake it and I smiled back

"I'm Jayme" I said and shook her hand once I did memories came flooding in

2 years ago

"Sweetie do you have a mom or dad here with you?" The nurse asked

"No I don't they don't know I'm here!" I told her back while crying "but I think it's time" I said again

"Okay sweetie I know but you have no one here?" She asked again

"No one knows I'm pregnant not even the dad!" I yelled and they helped me deliver my beautiful baby girl that I knew I couldn't keep the adoptive mom was already here ready to take her after about 5 minutes with my baby she walked in with her daughter that's my age I don't remember her daughters name but I didn't care as long as the parent is a good one that's all I cared

"We already agreed to name her Mackenzie don't worry you can visit if you want" the mom told me I smiled sadly looking at my baby girl

"I would but I might take her back it wouldn't be right she deserves a better home and I know she will get one" I said crying I looked at her and kissed her forehead "bye my sweet baby girl" I said and watched as they walked away with my baby the only person I will love for the rest of my life I wanted to stop them but I couldn't she needed a wonderful home so I didn't I cried myself to sleep that day the nurses all agreed to tell my dad I got into a crash or something and he believed it I cried for maybe a couple months after I gave her away

End of flashback

I smiled and looked at Lia

"Can I talk with you alone?" I asked she nodded and pointed outside

"What's up?" She asked when we got out the door

"Who's the father she doesn't look like you at all" I said

"Oh right she is mine but I didn't give birth she was adopted from my mom but my mom got to tired to raise her so I took on the job and my mom kinda left never looked back she's all I really have" she smiled I nodded
She looks so happy but what I said to her mom was the truth if I would to see her I would take her and I wanted to so badly but I just couldn't she had a home, life, everything she would need she wouldn't of got that from me so that lead to me leaving telling her I didn't feel well I left and drove I don't know where I was going but I left and I wanted to take the beautiful little girl with I almost did but I stopped myself again she's happy it looks like. But everyday that I went over after that I bonded with Kenzie more and more even Lia trusted me enough to watch her

It's been 5 months and I love her. She is definitely mine I finally told my dad I had a kid so so much for keeping that a secret till I die but I didn't know why I would want to keep her one now Rayleigh told me that she liked wesley and I told her I did also but then again I guess that didn't stop her from getting him I've noticed her being weird alot lately talking to someone alot about who knows what I'm sitting with Kenzie now playing dolls with her while Lia had to go do errands

"Kenzie want to go get ice cream?" I asked her and she smiled and shook her head and I laughed I went upstairs and took her spare car seat and put it in my car and buckled her up and I put on music and we started singing it was kinda cute listening to a two year old who didn't know half the words. She is so my daughter

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