Season 5 Episode 15

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Teen Wolf is back and here is what I think of tonight's episode.

Stiles should be a deputy because he knows what he's doing. CLEARLY he's got the radio to speak to all the other deputies He's got the car, he knows what to do, so sheriff when he graduates please get him a job.

The part where the beast was being chased down I loved it so much. I am loving this episode so much. I really liked it when with our Parrish got hit against the wall because I feel like he was fighting the beast like that picture of the beast and the hellhound. His dream is really coming true so I am really excited to see where that goes. We REALLY confirmed that the beast is human and the bloody prints turned into feet marks. I was like okay this person is human. Now we have to figure out who the beast is.They're human so do we know this person.

I don't like Valack because he's trying to drill a hole into a Lydia's head without noticing what he's doing wrong. She can die from hearing all the screams and her can kill people. They need to get her out as fast as possible.

I love the sheriff because he wants to get Lydia out of there even if it's illegal. While his son put together this brilliant plan. I love the plan that they put together it's like everybody's helping out everyone and there's no Malia and Lydia feud. This just all of them working together to get a friend back because without them she wouldn't die.

Valack putting on that mask on the nurses face is so messed up but I fucking hate that bitch so I guess it's okay. But it still messed up. Like did Valack put the masked on the Dred doctors? Did he make the dread doctors then write a book about them?

Scott and Liam and how Melissa McCall gave Scott the body bag first. Then they started talking about the beast and it did this and he's. I agree with Melissa I hope that Scott doesn't come back in one of the body bags. She hands Liam a body bag is like you try to kill my son again I'll be putting you in one of these. Melissa McCall. YES! TELL HIM! BEAT HIS ASS! I love it, I love it and he's like she's so mad. I thought that was hilarious, thank you Jeff Davis for bringing humor back.

Parrish and Stiles scene. You know we start to wonder how come the beast killed 30 people but not Parrish.

I'm excited for that but now for Kira and how she is trying to get Lydia out. I got so excited because she got it to start working and she calm down. She got it but then I saw Corey this bitch. He came from the wall doing some iguana shit and Theo now knows what they're doing and I'm mad because he is trying to take Lydia before Scott does.

It's like Theo knows his connections he knows how to get what he wants. Scott know you don't need Theo's help. You have stiles he will get Lydia out of that special unit because he's human.

Kira is saying I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it and everybody's like yeah you got it here. Malia is over here like try your best I thought this was funny because she is being typical Malia. I'm glad Malia was honest because it shows the real real side of Teen Wolf. I don't know how it's going to turn out but I hope for the better and not for the worse. The plan that sounds so well put together I'm proud of Stiles for that.

Parrish is just like you don't want to see the bodies they are decomposed there not the greatest looking. Like my only question is where the hell did they get those bodies like they look pretty gross.

Malia and Kira and Nelson. I like this guy he is hot. I don't know if that was planned but it was perfect.

Stile's plan is the best became they were in body bags and they got out and said never again. I'm like that's right you're not going to die that type of death that we need to put you in body bags so I love it.

I told you Kira can do it. She just needs a little motivation and focus and she got it so it I'm really proud of her now.

The kid that was screaming because he needed his doctor to give him his meds. I'm glad Scott shut him up and I love the way he did he brought out his full alpha look. This shows power and dominance over people

Deucalion is talking to Hayden's and they never had a scene together. He tells Hayden that when Theo puts on the claws because his frequency does not fit for him he will die. I love Cody Christian I don't want him to go off the show. I like his character but for the sake of the Teen Wolf Fandom I want him to die. I want him to die so badly. Hayden tell him put on the claws don't tell him not to put on the claws.

Liam and Scott I know you're weak but you can do it. You can do it for Lydia and Liam said for Scott to hit him I thought that was awesome. He uses his pain in a good way in a way that it would help someone. I feel like this episode is bringing out so much in so many people. I love it

Stiles is too late and it's sad because Lydia's like you have to go you have to go you can't be with me here. I know you tried so hard but I don't want to kill you. That was so brave and it really made me kind of sad. But this is the part when Theo is coming in because he's like we're here for Lydia Martin. We see Parrish thinking I got to come for my girl. I got to go get her. I really like the part with Liam though and how he uses anger.

We already watch the part  when Theo comes into echien so I'm not going to say anything about that. Malia and Kira are all trying to get theirs plan and it wasn't working because there is a lockdown.

When Scott and Liam got shocked I got scared. But Scott growled and I just made everyone come alive. This one of the best parts because its alpha Scott calling his whole pack just by a roar.

When the hell you going to get Lydia? You said that last episode. Really Scott.

Anyway that is a review for this week and I hope you guys liked it see you next week.

Farewell, Finstock,

-Chikere 🐺🌛

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