Season 5 Episode 14

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Teen wolf is back and this is what I think of tonight's episode.

I'm so glad that both Argents are working together because they need each other more than ever right now. Gerard is a blessing because he stopped the dread doctors that were supposed to be on frequencies that we couldn't imagine. But Gerard had the perfect thing to stop them. Argent was looking and found the bodies. At first I thought it was all the bodies from the hell and back poster. Like everybody dead in the pile. I get why Parrish is suspicious because there are a lot of bodies and he feels like he needs to do something. But he's just a deputy really all he has to do now is look at the missing persons reports. I don't think it was a bad thing that Sheriff told him to do that. But now the Sheriff knows about the beast I thought he knew about it earlier but I think it's good because it helps the cops. Now he can tell Parrish like, man I was wrong your dream is coming true and I'm sorry that you have to hear that.

I feel like Lydia did not have to have a moment. I feel like that should all happen in the one to two episodes of leading up to her release from Eichen House. I feel like you don't have to visit every single person in this episode because they all deserve at least an episode alone. I just forgot about lydia's ass kicking skills. Now she is really learning how to kick ass with her voice. I'm kind of suspicious about Meredith like how did she learn. Who was the Banshee that showed her? Was it Lydia grandma?

Theo is crazy because he was trying to get Malia to shoot wolvesbain into her neck. The messed up part about this was that Malia was willing to inject wolfsbane into her body just to find Deaton because she doesn't want Scott to find out. That moment I was so happy because I thought Malia and Theo were going to kiss.

Its really funny because when the officer asked hey do you guys believe in the supernatural. I was no they don't believe in werewolves, Banshees, hellbounds. 😂

I was so sad because Kira now doesn't have her sword. I don't think she's worth less but I think she doesn't have as much power. I hope this leads to her really taming the Fox because the sword is a gateway to the Fox. I don't know if her dad had to destroy the sword. But it broke my heart once the swords broken pieces hit the table.

Malia and Theo with that weird contraption that he put on her eyes. I felt like hell because it look like it hurt so bad. I would never want to experience that. I'm glad she found that the Desert Wolf in Beacon Hills because it would be ae a waste if she did not find her.

First I've never seen Shelley Hennig and Dylan Sprayberry in a scene together alone, so I totally love that scene. Even though it was so short.

I really love and the part where the Braden Theo were debating back and forth it was really funny. Breaden really wanted him dead and I'm like in on board with that. Malia is really destined to find her mom and I'm not so sure she knows what she's doing. I hope she doesn't die.

When Liam missed the tunnel five times it was really funny because Scott was stalking him. I really thought this was a great moment because it showed the progression of Liam and Scott. It got Liam in a state where he could start forgiving himself, and maybe Scott can start forgiving him.

It was really nice knowing how Meredith controlled her powers even though she accidentally killed everyone. She didn't want to do it she couldn't handle that I understand. But that's not what Lydia wants to do, if she doesn't want to kill anyone she has to discover her own way. She can't rely on anybody else's way to help her.

I'm totally freaking out because of that Stiles and Lydia moment. He was holding her hand. While he was rubbing her hands he was like, babe we need you to come back I'm so sad without you.Lydia's mom keeps saying she's safe at eichen house but in reality she's not. She's worse than she ever has been. I thought it was so smart because Stiles got the guy's key card. So he's coming back. We know he's coming back because he knows what they're doing is wrong.

Scott and Liam have been walking around for hours and haven't found anything yet. But the strongest part was when Liam started to apologize. He can't just let go of him trying to kill Scott, which makes sense. Like he can't just say sorry, he has to go and do the extra mile because he knows sorry doesn't mean anything to him.

Argent saw the beast of Gevaudan and the hellhound fighting in the painting. Underneath them is everyone dead. They're going to do something before this happens because that would be absolutely terrible if everyone died.

Theo is a son of a bitch he betrayed Malia and I was like I kinda expected it because he's a bad guy. Why would you expect him to go good just to help Malia he totally just pushed down Brayden and shot Malia and finally gave the gun to the desert wolf and left. With the talons to steal the beast's power. Are you freaking kidding me?

Now Argent and Gerard found out that parrish was the hellhound. He talked about what really happened in the army. In his flashback he was defusing a bomb and he blew up. They probably thought he died in combat right? But what if his name is not really Jordan Parrish it's Camden Lahey. What if he really is Isaac's brother. Wouldn't that be really weird.

But anyway they found out he was a hellhound and that he is very useful to their cause. It was very funny because parrish was like so this is your father and Argent was just like he didn't have much of a choice. The part where Lydia screamed was my favourite because she made lights blow out. That really helped Malia get a grip of her mother and be able to kick her and beat her up. I honestly don't understand why The Desert Wolf wants Malia's power no wonder she had a kid with Peter. She loves power all she wants is power, no matter if she has to kill her own kid. I wonder if the dread doctors are still standing there or if they turned around and just left.

So we finally got Deaton because Malia saved hin. I wonder where the desert wolf went. Was she just like I don't care about power anymore bye. Like please fix this Jeff. Theo found Deucalion and they are working together. My only proublem is that no, deucalion you cant have Scotts eyeballs dont touch my baby. I don't get it but I'm so excited because the pack is back and clearly we have all these maps and stuff and the security log book. So we are going to breakout Lydia. I'm so ready to kick ass next week dude I'm so ready I'm ready we're going to kick ass. I hope you guys like my reaction I'll see you guys next week for another episode of Teen Wolf

Toodles Tate,

-Chikere Oduocha 🐺💕🌛

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