Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Warning: Car Sex


The second we were in the back seat and the doors were shut Vic pulled me close. His lips hit my mouth and he kissed me hard. Our lips moved in sync while our tongues danced together. We were taking things fast, yeah, but I'm not really the type of person to take life slow. Plus I needed Vic. I needed him to show me how much he loved me before it's too late. 

His arms reached to wrap around my waist. I gripped his shirt and moaned into his mouth. Vic is a great kisser. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend with such a talent. The way he moves his lips and tangles his tongue with mine… oh man! It was making me crazy. I just wanted to hurry things up already. Slow sucks. 

I pulled away while a sky smirk. Vic watched in anticipation as I pulled my dress over my head. Under my dress I wore a small, lace strapless bra and matching panties. They weren't my sexiest underwear, but they weren't my ugliest either. They were also red and black, so maybe those sexy colors helped. 

I removed my shoes and tossed my dress onto the floor of his car. No, backseat car sex isn't the best way to have sex with your boyfriend for the first time. Yes, we could have just taken the time short out of our night to drive back to one of our places. We both could care less though. I wanted him, I'm not going to lie. I've had thoughts about the first time we would ever have sex. I wondered if he had kinks, liked dirty talk, or loved to be very dominate and treat me like the naughty girl I am when I'm horny. I wanted Vic to punish me, smack me, grab me, and pound into me. Is that too much, or just enough? I haven't had sex much, only a couple times. Both times never lead up to my expectations. If Vic's my soul mate, then maybe he will? 

By the way Vic was looking at my barely clad body, noting how I looked on my knees in the back of his car, told me that maybe he will.  His eyes were dark and clouded by lust. His teeth bit into his bottom lip, almost drawing blood. His hands slowly went to his chest. He began to unbutton his tight shirt, which by the way complemented his muscles very well. We never broke eye contact as he removed his shirt and I stroke my chest. I couldn't help but sort of touch (rub?) myself when I saw Vic's exposed torso. While he got on his knees on the backseats to level with me I licked my lips. His chest hair, happy trail, and V line were all such a turn on. 

Vic grinned wickedly, dropping his shirt to the floor of the car. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my breasts. His grin widened. I allowed him to touch, group, and squeeze me. I'd rather him grasp my chest instead of doing it myself. 

He leaned in to kiss my neck. His hands made their way to my back. He wasted no time in unclasping my bra. It fell between us. I quickly moved it to the pile of clothes that were already off. "Blair," he hissed. The feeling of his hot breath on my neck tickled, making me smile. "You are beautiful, you that that?" Another kiss was pressed onto my skin. 

I nodded. "I know, Vic. Thank you. You're too good to me."

He chuckled, his angelic voice entering my ears. "You're even better to me."

I placed my lips onto his neck, kissing softly, and started tugging down his pants. I managed to grab hold of his boxers too and tug those off as well. He helped me a bit and in the matter of minutes he was naked under me. He laid down, with his legs together and slightly bent, to fit in the backseat. I straddled him, my left leg hanging off the seat and touching the ground. My right leg was sandwiched between the seat and Vic's waist. 

I trailed my eyes down his body. His face held a smirk, a lustful one that I'd seen before. His arms were toned, one hanging off the seat like my left leg and one stretched out so he could play with the waistband of my panties. His chest was covered in hair. It was something that oddly turned me on. His V line and happy trail led my wondering eyes to the one place I had to see most. I stared at his erection, unable to do anything else. He was bigger than anyone else I had ever been with, or maybe I was just making myself believe that. His tan skin, strong muscles, and dark eyes are enough to hypnotize me into believing he's the largest in the world. 

Vic grinned and eyed me. Here he was, fully naked under me while I still had to take off one more article of clothing. Why wasn't it off yet? I gripped the top of my panties and slid them off. I tried to not be awkward while doing so, and luckily (with Vic's help) I think I looked rather sexy. Finally I were both naked, him hard and myself wet. 

"You okay?" he asked. Though the question was meant to be sweet his voice was laced with seduction. He knew what he was doing to me. Don't try to act all sweet, Victor. You know I'm just fine. Better than ever, actually. 

"I'm perfect." I bit my lip and looked him in the eyes. I reached down to the area that was so private to me, the area that was so close to his area. I made sure to do all of this slowly, allowing him to watch in pleasure. I swear it only made him harder, especially when my fingers rubbed my clit.  

"Blair," he mumbled. He licked his lips. 


"Are you sure you want this?"

I thought for a moment. Yes. Yes I do. Why not? I don't have forever to express my love or Vic in the most beautiful way possible. "I'm sure," I answered. 

Vic chuckled and brought my hand, the one that I was having fun with, to his mouth. He licked and sucked on my fingers. "Good." He gripped my hair and pulled my face down to his. He kissed me as I prepares myself to ride him. His hands were suddenly on my waist. He lifted me up for half a second before slamming my body down on his member. I had to pull away from his mouth to groan. 

"Oh my god!"

"Agreed," he muttered. He began bucking his hips slowly until I got comfortable. I bounced on him, moved my hips in a circular motion, and basically had the best sex of my life. I made sure to not bang my head on the roof of his car or slam his head into the car door. 

It didn't take long for a certain feeling in my lower belly to occur. Vic could tell too. It made him fuck into me faster. "So wet," he hissed, hitting harder. 

I felt him ram into my G spot, making me cry out. I couldn't take it anymore. "Vic! Oh f-fuck, Vic," I gasped. I released around him, screaming profanities. I don't care about being gentle, quiet, or classy. The best release of my life just took over. I wanted my moment. 

He sloppy bucked his hips up, groaning and growling. I tried to continue to bounce on him. I just couldn't help but go tired on him. I guess he enjoyed having his own way with me on him because soon enough was mumbling about releasing. He pulled me off of him, pointed his dick towards me while I sat on his thighs, stroked himself once or twice, and climaxed on my stomach and breasts. 

Holy fuck. 


Once we regained our… selves we slipped on some clothing and moved to the front of the car, back into our original seats. I was in the drivers since Vic was really tuckered out. He had pulled on his boxers and pants, not bothering to zip them or button them. I had on my panties, bra, and his button-up shirt. I rolled up the sleeves and left it unbuttoned. My hair was sort of a mess, along with his. But that was okay. I also wore my glad anchor necklace that I rarely ever take off. It only leaves my neck when I'm at the hospital. 

Vic and I sat with our backs to the car doors. We stared at each other and smiled. That was it, until I mumbled an 'I love you' to him. I couldn't help in. I had to. I loved him and he needed to know it every second of everyday before I'm… gone. 

"I love you back," he whispered. His straight hair began to curl a bit, probably because of all the sweat from our previous activity in the backseat. I love his hair straight, but naturally curly is just as great too. He should stop straightening it once in awhile. He could change things up a bit. I still love his hair nonetheless though, curly or straight. 

"You know, I can't waste anytime."

"I know." His voice cracked the the slightest bit. I know it's hard for him. It's never hard to lose a loved one. I know. 

I believe that Vic loves me just as much as I love him. I don't think I'm not worth his time. I've learned to love and accept myself. I truly believe that I'm a good person who is worth his love, mostly because I've been given the courage to believe what I'm told is the truth. I think it's crazy that we're together. I'm obviously super lucky. He's the same way. We're both lucky to have each other and we both know it. I deserve him and he deserves me. 

"Hey…" I stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh. Hearing his warm chuckle made my heart feel better. "Promise me that… when I go you won't do anything you know I wouldn't approve of?" 

"Like what?" Vic wondered. 

"No harming yourself, no suicidal attempts, no cheating on any other girls you date later on-"

"What?!" Vic's voice cracked again, but this time it was because he was shocked. "What makes you think I would cheat on anyone, let alone date again at all?!"

I shrugged. "Don't limit yourself just because I'm gone. And just, don't cheat? I've been cheated on before so while I'm watching over you I don't want to see you cheat on anyone. Got it?"

Vic chuckled and mumbled a small, "I got it," before slowly sinking back into his calm state in his seat. 

"Anyway, no harming, suicidal anything, cheating, blaming my death on yourself or anyone else, and crying at my memorial service."

"Why aren't I allowed to cry? The love of my life is dying and I can't cry?" Vic chuckled. 

"I just don't want you sad when you're supposed to be celebrating my life. And no black either! You can wear black at my funeral, but no black during my memorial service. In fact, I want you to wear something pink and something. Like a pink tie and gold shoes. Or a pink shirt and gold pants." Vic laughed at me. I couldn't help but laugh too. My boyfriends laugh is contagious. 

"I don't care if your sick! I'm not wearing a pink tie or gold pants!" Vic laughed. 

"Please?" I teased. 

"Ugh, fine. Only for you, Darling."

"Yay! Now kiss me," I ordered. We sat up straight and leaned in to press our lips against each others. When we pulled away I sighed. "I love kissing you. Promise we can always do it? Like, always kiss?" The question was so silly. I wasn't expecting an answer, but I got one. 

"I'd kiss you even if you were dead."

I couldn't stop myself from saying something back. Something dark and depressing. Something that would only remind us of our nonexistent future. "Soon you will be. I'll be laying in a casket, a frown forever frozen on my face." 

Vic didn't frown or pull away though. He only pecked my lips and mumbled, "I'll make sure that frown turns out to be a smile. I want you to be happy for the rest of your life. We're living large, aren't we?" I smirked and nodded. "Good. Now lets go home. How about back to your place since Mike is at mine?"

"Yeah. I'll drive us. Buckle up, baby," I said. We put on our seat belts and I started his car, driving back to my place quickly. I needed to get him to my house, to my bed, so we could cuddle and talk comfortably all night. 

That's all I wanted. I just wanted to be in his arms, forever and ever…

A/N: I hope that was good. If it wasn't I'm sorry. Comment and tell me your thoughts about the scene. Was is hot? Sexy? Awkward? Were imagining Kellin Quinn riding Vic instead of Blair? Did you imagine yourself riding Vic?! It's cool, you can tell me. We're all family here. Anyway, there's only five more chapters left, plus a possible epilogue. Would you guys like on epilogue too or just ten chapters like I was originally planning? Or I could make an alternate ending since I'm pretty sure you'll hate all the feels you will get from the next five chapters. ;) Comment/vote/and follow me please. Could I get seven comments telling me your thoughts about the chapter? Please and thank you. Later guys. :)


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