Chapter One

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A/N: Touring, Mike, Jaime, Tony, and many PTV songs won't be mentioned. In this story it takes place when Vic was twenty-six and PTV wasn't as big as they are now. This is going to be a short fic (ten chapters not counting the prologue) and talks a lot about things I've gone through. I hope you all like this. Enjoy. 

Chapter One 


Last night was terrible. I couldn't sleep, stand up straight, or eat. It felt like someone continuously stabbed me in the gut. I called my father to come to my apartment and take me to the hospital. Nothing new. I'm a regular here. They usually make me stay the night, run some tests, and then let me leave the next day. Why do I go to the hospital? I get these stomachaches. Well, I guess they aren't always stomachaches. Sometimes it's my stomach, other times it's my lower intestine. This time it was my stomach. 

My dad was coming to pick my up at one this afternoon. It's eleven right now. I have two hours to get up and walk around. My doctor, Dr. Lora, won't let me leave unless I can walk fine. I got up out of my bed, making sure my gown covered my clothesless body, and stood on my feet. I slowly made my way to the door and opened it. I figured I would walk down the hall and back. That way a nurse could watch and tell my doctor that I actually walked. The nurse sitting at a desk across from my room looked up at me and smiled, letting me know it would be fine if I walked. I couldn't walk to fast, but I could walk with my back straight. That's all the matters to my doctor. 

You may be wondering how I got here, what's going on, or even who I am. I'm Blair Marie Anderson. I'm a twenty-two year old tattoo artist in San Diego. My stomach pains started when I was twenty. My doctor says it was because of stress. I dropped out of college because of the pains and stress and became a tattoo artist. I live in an apartment near ocean, though I'm only there for about five hours out of the whole day. I'm either a work, at the hospital, or on an adventure. 

You see, I'm a 'live in the now' kind of person. I hate my stomachaches with every fiber if my being, but I don't let them get in the way of living the rest of my life. I don't have a lot of time left due to my abdominal cavity issues so basically I just say YOLO and be reckless. 

I'm not completely sad about not living for over a year either. I'm estimated to leave in two to three months. I should be sobbing everyday. But I look at it this way: in a few months I will be back with my mom. That's all I've wanted since I was fucked up on graduation day. Plus I won't have anymore stomach pains. 

As I slowly walked through the halls I passed other patients' rooms. I was looking at my feet but I still listened to what some said. One sounded like a teen girl. She was talking to someone about surfing. Another one sounded like a man in his fifties. He was talking to a child because I heard the childish giggle. Probably his child or grandchild. 

I wish my dad had stayed the night. I know he has my brother James at home to look after, but he's sixteen. He can look after himself for one night. All I want is someone by my side again. I want my best friend back. Sadly I will never get her back. 

It is still a mystery today why she did it. Maybe because of stress, her rude boss, or something entirely different. I know it wasn't my fault. I just wish she could have left a note or something letting myself and James know that she loves us. It wasn't our fault. We thought that at first, of course. Now we know better though. We're not twelve and eighteen anymore. 

I think my dad didn't want to come because he doesn't want to accept the fact that I'm not going to be here for long. It's hard on him and my brother. My doctor is doing everything he can to make sure I live as long as possible, but we all know that four months or longer is a sweet dream. One that we will never awake from. That's just the way life is. Bad things happen, you just got to deal wi-"

"Ow!" I cried out. I had bumped into someone on my way through the hall. Someone muscly, in shorts and a tank top. They wore Vans. I knew that because they stepped on my bare feet. I guess it was my fault since I was looking down. When they stepped on my feet they also pushed me back a little too fast. It made my stomach churn. I looked up into the face of the person in front of me. They were male, tan, and adorable. Hmm…

"Oh crap! Sorry, I didn't mean to! I wasn't-"

I cut him off. "Could you just stop speaking and help me back to my room please?" I mumbled. Shit, my stomach was beginning to hurt again. Not bad like last night, but it was painful. 

He looked around the hall to see if any nurses weren't already busy. They all were. He nodded as if he didn't want to. He helped me slowly turn around and even kept the back of my loose gown together. He kept me steady as I slowly made my way back to my room. I guess I'm not going home in two hours. I better be home before tomorrow morning at least. I've got to go to work and make art on people. 

Mr. I Don't Know His Name laid be back down on my hospital bed. He apologized over and over again. "Look, I'm really sorry," he said once more. 

"It's okay."

He sat down in the chair next to the bed. "No, it's not. What are you in for anyway?"

I sighed. "Stomach pains. Bad stomach pains."

He frowned. "Oh. I'm really sorry. Can I make it up to you? Maybe get you something to eat that isn't bad hospital food?" 

I chuckled, which didn't feel too nice. I shook my head no. "I'm okay. Thanks anyways though."

He shrugged. "I'm Vic, by the way." Vic stuck out his hand for me to shake. 

I reached my hand to his and shook it. "Nice to meet you. I'm Blair. So why are you here? If you don't mind telling."

"I don't mind at all, especially since you told me why you are in here. My friend Jaime fell out of a tree and kind of broke his leg. I was just going to his place to pick him up some clothes," Vic explained. 

"Kind of?" I gigged. 

"Well, completely broke it actually." Vic seemed a little shy and nervous, or he thinks this is just really awkward. 

There was a silence for about a minute before he couldn't take it anymore. "So, what do you do?" he asked. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned. Do what?

"Like a job? Or are you still in school?" Vic wondered. 

"Oh." I shook my head no. "I'm not in school anymore. I'm a tattoo artist." Vic looked at me, scanning my body for any tattoos. I only have three though, two of which he couldn't see. They aren't big. I have a semicolon behind my left ear. It's for my mother and every other suicidal or hurting person out there. It represents having the power to stop but choosing to continue. I also have music notes behind my right ear because I love music. Then, on my left forearm I have a script. It says "Remember who you are and what you stand for". I got it to remind myself that am my own unique person. I am who I am and I should never try to be anyone besides myself. "What do you do?" I asked. 

He looked away from the only tattoo he could see; my forearm tattoo. "I'm a musician. I'm in a band called Pierce The Veil. We aren't real big, but we're getting there within time."

I smiled. I wonder what style of music his band makes. "That sounds really cool," I told him. 

He smiled and blushed. I was right. He is adorable. "Thanks. Maybe… you could come watch us play sometime." His personality was so attractive. He was shy but also social. 

I nodded. I hope they play soon, or else I won't ever be able to see. "Sounds like a plan."

"Good." He stood up from his seat and sighed. "I gotta go grab some clothes for my friend. Maybe we could meet up sometime?"

"I'd like that," I mumbled. I probably could have talked louder but my smile didn't allow it. It's was too big. 

"Awesome. Good. Great. I'll see you," he said before walking out the open door to my room. Vic sure is something. He made me completely forget about my foot and stomach pains. Since I ignored them they don't hurt at the moment. How could I not ignore the pain when I just met an amazing boy? 

I was about to call for a curse and tell her I was hungry, but Vic popped back into the room. He was bent over a bit and breathing heavily as he stood in the doorway. I giggled at him. "Hey Vic. Long time, no see," I joked. 

He smirked and chuckled. "I know," he teased. "I forgot to asked where you worked."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "I told you. A tattoo parlor."

"Yeah, but what's the name?" 

"Left Hand Black. Why?" I quizzed. 

He just smiled and shook his head. "You gotta work tomorrow?" I nodded slowly. "Cool." And then he left. 

"Okay then," I told myself. That boy is strange. 

I can already tell that Vic, the strange boy who bumped into me, should not get involved with me. I can't do to him what my mom did to me. I can't leave him if we get attached. I can't do what I promised to never do. 

I keep my promises, unlike some people…

A/N: The other chapters will get longer, I promise. I hope you all liked this. I gets better. Picture on the side is Blair's tattoos. Comment, vote, and add to your reading lists my lovelies. Love you all. <3


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