Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


The future.

I was most afraid of that now more than anything. How was I going to die exactly? I mean I know how. My small intestine will twist so much so that the doctors can't fix it. But how will I go? I know it will most likely be painful. The doctors have talked to me about maybe putting me under when it's time so I don't have to go painfully. It would be like dying in my sleep. The thing with going under is that it would be scheduled. I want as much time on Earth as possible now. I want to make my short future as great as I can. 

These last three weeks since the dinner have been heaven. Mostly because I've been the girlfriend of the wonderful Victor Vincent Fuentes. I remember telling him about my fate a week into our relationship. I didn't want to randomly leave him soon without him knowing. I really like him and I want to be completely honest with him. 

One of my favorite memories of the past three weeks has been meeting his parents, his brother Mike, and his best friends Tony and Jaime. At the two week point he invited me to his house that he shares with Mike to meet his parents. He also invited his friends so I could meet them too. Mama Fuentes asked me a lot of questions about my relationship with her son. Papa Fuentes asked me questions about my career, although he didn't ask many because he was busy making tacos. Mike asked me a lot of music questions, like what bands I listened to and if I wanted to hear some "mexicore" after dinner. I turned to Vic for an answer. He only grinned and nodded. I guess I did want to. Jaime asked random questions, like if my hair is naturally brown and how tall I am. Tony didn't ask anything. He's shy, but it's cool. He has a nice smile and cool hair. 

"I'm glad Vic is treating you well," Mama Fuentes had said to me after dinner. Vic's parents and myself gathered in some sort of basement-living room place to listen to Pierce The Veil. I was excited to hear my boyfriend's band. 

"You are going to love their music," Papa Fuentes exclaimed while pointing to the four boys with instruments. 

He was right. I fell in love with what they call "mexicore" and especially Vic singing along to something not acoustic. I already loved his voice, but his voice along with electric guitars, a bass, and drums is sick. 

Tonight will hopefully be another favorite of mine. I opened the door of my father's house (not needing to knock since I'm his daughter) and walked in. Vic followed nervously. I led him into the kitchen/dining room where Dad was putting food on the table and my younger teen brother James set the places. When they heard us enter they looked and smiled. 

"Blair!" Daddy exclaimed. He came over to give my cheek a kiss. 

"Hey big sis," James said with a smirk. He looked to Vic. "Sup?" he asked with a head nod. 

"Nothing much dude," Vic replied with a smile. 

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Anderson, but you can call me David," Dad said. He stuck his hand out to shake Vic's. Vic took his hand from mine since we held hands coming in the house. They shook hands, making my dad grin widely. 

We all sat down at the dinner table and filled our plates with whatever food we wanted. I are light so I wouldn't end up with stomach cramps. During dinner Vic was asked many questions. He gave honest answers and even told Dad and James about his life. 

"I am Irish and Mexican," Vic said. "I get the Irish part from my mom. I have three siblings, two brothers and one sister. My big brother and my sister are half-siblings, they aren't my father's biological children. I have a younger brother who is my father's biological son. His name is Mile. I was named after my dad, whose name is also Victor. I don't like being called Victor all the time though so I go by Vic. I'm in a band with Mike and two friends, Tony and Jaime. Our style is in the more punk side of music," Vic told them. James seemed fascinated about Vic's music. Dad seemed interested in Vic's home life. 

After dinner we all moved to the living room. Dad sat in his chair, the one with the perfect view of the flat screen TV. James sat on the couch, leaving enough room for Vic to sit as well. I walked around the living room with him while he looked at all the pictures Dad has on shelves or hanging on walls. 

Vic pointed to one and laughed. It was one when I was a baby. I playfully slapped his chest. "What're you laughing at my baby pictures for?" I giggled. 

"You look so cute!" Vic gushed. 

"Aren't you a charmer?" Dad cut in with a smirk. 

"So how long have you been playing guitar?" James asked randomly. 

Vic only chuckled. "I like your dad and brother," he whispered to me as we looked around some more. I even showed him pictures from my five birthday that Dad had hanging around. A five year old plus a big birthday cake equals a mess. A mess Vic enjoyed giggling like a little school girl about. 

"Thank you," I replied. I said it only loud enough for Vic to hear. Dad and James were busy watching late night sports on the TV. 

"So when do I get to meet your mother?" 

I froze. "W-what?" I hissed. 

He pointed to a photo hanging near the living room window. In it was me in my prom dress, my dad on one side, and my beautiful mother on the other. James took the picture right before my date came and we went to prom. That was one of the last moments I had with my mom since prom was only a couple days before graduation. 

"Your mom. She looks a lot like you. When do I get to meet her?" Vic's whisper hurt. It stung. It ripped apart my soul and I felt like my heart was just thrown in a pool of acid. In a second I was okay again and smiled apologetically. 

"Vic, you don't get to meet her," I sighed.  

He knitted his brows together. Obviously he was confused. Who isn't when their girlfriend tells them they don't get to meet their mom? "Why?"

I slipped my hand into his and led him to the front door. Ignoring him, I said, "We're leaving. Thank you for the dinner, Daddy. We'll see you soon! Love you two!"

"Okay! It was nice meeting you, Vic. Come around soon!" Daddy called. 

Once we were out the door I brought him over to his car. I told him to get into the passengers side seat and even took his keys from him. "Where are we going?" he asked. 

"Nowhere," I murmured back.


We sat on the hood of Vic's car in a meadow. Fireflies were all around us, lighting up the night sky. When I first drove us here (to get some space of course) I was hoping to immediately tell him about my mother. I told him about me dying soon. Why couldn't I tell him about Mom? Probably because her suicide hurt worse than any stomachache ever could. 

"So…" Vic broke the silence. "What happened to your mom?"

I gave him a small smile. I didn't want to just say 'my mom is dead' or say 'my mom killed herself'. That's so dramatic and disrespectful to my mother in my book. I had to say it as classy and respectful as possible, although there isn't really a classy way to say my mom took her own life on the day I was going to graduate high school. "My mom passed away a few years ago, Vic. She… uh… she took her own life."

Vic frowned and looked at his Indian-style crossed legs. I hugged my own legs to my chest. "Oh… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned her…"

I chuckled. "It's okay, babe. You didn't know. I should have told you earlier. It's just… hard to talk about, you know?"

He nodded. "Is that why you volunteer at the Family Crisis Center?" he wondered. 

"Yes. Suicide isn't the way out. I wish I could have told my mother that…" I didn't realize it until I felt a tear roll off my face, but I was sobbing. Vic wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to cuddle into him. "I'm sorry," I sniffled. "I just miss her a lot." 

"Shh… it's okay," he cooed. I swear, Vic is such a good man. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing such a pretty girl like you cry. It hurts me." He used his thumb to wipe away tears. 

"Sorry. I just want her back. My family and I… we created something so beautiful. Like us, but instead of a romantic relationship we were all each others best friends. My mom was my best friend… and she destroyed it. Not on purpose, obviously. Before working at the Family Crisis Center and before my stomachaches got really bad, like a couple months after she died, I used to have thoughts about taking my own life. Nobody knows I dreamt about it. It was just my wild imagination. I don't think like that anymore though. I know it's wrong to end your story before it's supposed to. I wish she knew that." 

Vic held me tighter. "I know. I know…"

"Thank you," I mumbled. Before I even spoke I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck to hide a blush. "I think… Vic, I love you."

He looked down at me with a smirk. "Blair… I love you too."


"Yeah. Since the mommy I saw you. I love you."

I thought for a moment. I don't have much time left… I sat up instantly and looked at him seriously. "Prove it," I murmured. 

His eyes widened. "You mean…?" I nodded. "You sure?"

"I don't have forever. Even if I'm not your soul mate, you're mine. I want to be with you as much as possible. Please?" I asked shyly. 

Vic moved closer to me. "Blair," he said sternly. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed HS forehead to mine. "You are my soul mate. Always and forever." He pressed his lips to mine and before I knew it, we were in the backseat of his car. 

A/N: I really love this chapter guys. Also, whoa! Blair and Vic are getting "fun" if you know what I mean. For the next chapter I was actually thinking about writing out the sex scene, but I didn't want to if you guys wouldn't like it. Comment and tell me if I should or shouldn't write it out! And could I get five comments for this chapter? Only six chapters left! Enjoy. :)


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