37 (Part 1)

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Let's birth some babies (:

Time went fast for Niall's pregnancy. Now being 8 months pregnant Niall honestly just wanted the babies out. He was so big and doing the simplest things were hard enough as it was. He couldn't be able to get up without minutes worth of struggle and he wouldn't be able to reach things.

The only times he would get up was to pee or get something to eat. Normally Harry would be home to help him but he had to go into the office today so Niall had to rely on Liam, but the man was busy enough as he was.

It was a breezy March afternoon and Niall was not having the best of the day. His babies were really kicking his bladder and his lungs at the same time. He almost peed his pants when his baby kicked his bladder really hard. But he made it and had to change his pants because he leaked a little.

Now he was hungry and he didn't know if he could get up or not. He bit his lip and looked around. "LIAM!" He called out. There was nothing. Niall sighed and tried once more and once again no reply. Niall sighed and he attempted getting up which took him a bit before he actually stood up.

He let out a sigh and kept his hand under his belly, before waddling to the kitchen.

When he got in there he looked around and picked out some food. Which was very hard to reach. Being the very pregnant man he is he had a strange craving of fish and frosting.

Harry had cooked some salmon a week ago so he grabbed the fish and heated it up in the microwave and grabbed the frosting in the fridge that was left over from Harry's birthday.

He hummed as he ate from the spoon full of vanilla icing and turned when the microwave went off. He got the fish out and then he moved to the table and he ate the food. "That's...an interesting combination." Liam said eyeing the food he had.

Niall looked back and then to his food with a shrug. "I was hungry." He said. Liam shrugged before he walked out to do the dishes. Niall felt some cramps and he grunted a bit. He looked down to his belly. He felt he was done as he got up.

"Here Lia..." He was suddenly interrupted by a sharp pain and then his pants was soaked. Liam looked back and he gasped.

"Shit...Ni..." Liam said. "Come on let's go sit...I have to get your stuff." He said. Niall nodded and Liam helped him to the living room. Then he hurried upstairs and got some clothes and stuffed them in a bag. He then hurried downstairs and went back to Niall. "Let's go."

The two walked to the car hurriedly. Niall making grunting sounds and Liam looking concerned. He got him into the car and buckled him in and then he got into the drivers side hurriedly turning it on.

Liam backed out and kept assuring to Niall it was okay. And said things like "breathe" and "calm down." When realistically he was the one freaking out.

"C-Call...Ha-Harry..." He panted with a grunt. Liam nodded and pulled out his phone. He quickly dialed Harry and continued to rush to the hospital.

Harry didn't answer the first time but the second time he answered on the third ring. "What is it?" He snapped. He sounded busy and Liam rolled his eyes.

"Niall's in labor." Liam said as he turned into the hospital. Niall was now calm as the first wave of pain subsided. It was gonna get worse but Niall just enjoyed the moment.

"What?! Im...I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said before hanging up. Liam parked and he looked to Niall.

"Everythings gonna be okay." He said. Niall nodded to him and that's when Liam got out and helped him to get inside. When they walked in a nurse noticed instantly.

"I need a room now!" Liam said.

"Are you the father?" She asked.

Liam shook his head. "He's on his way." The nurse nodded. "Can I come back there with him?" He asked.

"No only family and the father. We'll get back with you." She said leading him off. Liam sighed and watched Niall hoping everything will be okay.

Liam sat in the waiting room for minutes before Harry hurried in. "Where is he." He asked Liam.

"I don't know you have to ask someone." He said. Harry nodded and asked the receptionist and she told him. Harry thanked him and hurried to the birthing center.

He hurried into Niall's room who was currently pacing with a hospital gown on. "Niall..." Harry said hurrying over. Niall looked up and he smiled.

"Our babies they're coming." He said with a smile. Harry nodded and kissed Niall before kissing his belly. Niall giggled before he felt more contractions coming.

Harry noticed his face and he led him to the chair. He sat him down and rubbed his back. "They said I was 7 centimeters." He said. "It hurts..." He whined.

"I know baby I know...you're strong though and you can do this." He said.

Niall nodded and the intense cramps subsided. Harry kissed his head. "You can do this baby..." He encouraged.

An hour passed before the doctors checked how dialated Niall was. "You're at 9 cm...let's get him an epidural." He said before walking out and getting stuff ready.

Niall faced one wall while the nurses prepped the epidural. Niall winced when the needle was injected and then he felt numbness. His emotions were getting the best of him and Harry kept saying it was okay.

"You're fully dilated let's get you laying down." The doctor said. He was laid against the bed and his feet were propped it up. Nurses were scattered around before it was finally time to do something. A couple nurses were by the doctor. One was on the right side of Niall and Harry was on the left of Niall.

"Okay Mr. Horan push."


Any who comment: #birthnarry if you enjoyed this chapter

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Katie xx

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