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Song of the Chapter: Do You Remember - Jarryd James

Niall blearily opened his eyes seeing three blurred figures standing around him. When his eyes opened all the way he saw Harry and Liam. Then a third man he didn't recognize.

"Good Morning Mr. Horan." A thick accented voice spoke.

"W-where am I?" He mumbled

"Don't worry you're still in the house." Harry spoke. "Just in the hospital wing."

"How big is this place..." Muttered to himself

Harry turned to the doctor and gave him a dismissive nod. The man nodded back. "I'll be back to check on you. Dr. Malik by the way." He introduced before walking out.

Harry turned to face Niall after watching the doctor leave. "Liam can I talk to Niall alone," Harry said. Liam was about to protest before Harry stopped him "please."

Liam nodded and glanced to Niall before leaving. "Do you remember what happened?" Harry asked. Niall then remembered his incident. He glanced down at his arm. Three stitches were implanted in his forearm.

"Not really... just a lot of blood." Niall shuddered slightly.

"Why did you grab the knife in the first place?" Harry asked while sitting on the side of the bed.

"I don't remember." Niall said with a shrug. Harry sighed and gave Niall a stern look.

"Did anyone ever tell you that its not safe to be playing with knives." Harry scolded. Niall only responded with a shrug and Harry sighed. "Do you even know how to have a decent conversation or are all you good for is fucking." Harry snapped.

Niall looked up a little hurt at Harry's words. He couldn't help but the tears that brim his eyes. Harry noticed he hurt his feelings and sighed. "Just get some rest." He said before he walked out of the room.

Niall laid down and covered himself with the blanket. Why did Harry have to be so rude. Yes he had his fair share of various douche bags. He just expected Harry to be different.


As Harry stormed out Liam looked up and hurried over seeing his frustration. "What happened."

"He doesn't remember what happened." Harry said. "Then I got frustrated with him and he began to cry." Liam gave a look to Harry.

"Oh my god Harry." Liam scolded

"Relax." Harry began. He stopped and leaned against the wall. "I think something is wrong with him. Like mentally." He said

"How are you sure?" Liam asked.

"I'm not." Harry began "That's why I'm gonna ask Dr. Malik to run some tests." He said. Liam wasn't too sure about this, but he nodded to him hoping Harry would do the right thing.


"What is this again?" Niall asked a little unsure. As he was led to a room. He saw a big high tech machine and it made him nervous.

"Nothing too big, just a quick check up before you go back to normal things." Zayn half lied. Yes he was doing a check up, but it was a different kind of check up.

Zayn helped Niall lie down properly and he prepared everything before turning to Niall. "Alright I'm going to be in another room okay? This will only take a few minutes and you need to lay completely still." Zayn said.

Niall gave him a nod and soon enough he was alone. Then he felt the thing he laid on began to move into the big machine. Niall slowly panicked as he got further inside.

Niall gulped and did everything the doctor said, even though he wasn't exactly sure what he was doing in the first place.


Harry sat in his study patiently waiting to hear what the doctor had to say. It was silent, even with Liam who quietly sat on the chair across. The only reason he was quiet because it was awkward. Harry however was deep in thought.

He looked up when Zayn walked in. Both of them looked toward him with an anticipated look. "What's up doc?" Liam asked.

"PTSD." Zayn said.

"You think that's what he has?" Harry asked with a raised brow.

"I KNOW he has it. I'm sure that boy has been through stressful activities. There's one other thing that intrigues me." Zayn begans "With his PTSD he is able to switch perspectives from an adult to premature." He said. Liam and Harry both rose an eyebrow confused which caused Zayn to sigh. "He can't control a personality switch between present Niall and past Niall." Zayn explained.

"So Niall turns into a child?" Harry questioned.

"Only when something triggers it." Zayn said.

"So that's a mix of multiple personality disorder and PTSD." Liam stated.

"Dissociative identity disorder." Zayn corrected. "And yes. Which could explain why Niall doesn't remember what happened with the knife."

"He didn't know what he was doing." Harry stated. "Thank you Zayn." Harry dismissed. Zayn nodded and left Liam and Zayn alone.

"What are you gonna do now?" Liam asked

"Why is it up to me?" Harry asked

"Because your dad gave him to you. Not me, or anyone else in the house." Liam said. Harry sighed as he thought. He got up and went over to the nearby window.

"How does one deal with something like this." Harry said.

"Well you could start by apologizing.." Liam said.

"He doesn't need an apology." Harry said shaking it off.

"Yes. He does. You snapped at him and made him cry. He needs at least something now that you know his condition." Liam argued. Harry sighed at his nagging brother.

"Alright alright. I'll apologize to him. If that would make you shut up." Harry said leaving the room. Liam watched after him with a sigh. That boy stressed him out some days.


Harry found Niall in his bedroom just sitting there looking down at his hands. He cleared his throat and Niall looked up wide eyed. "Relax. I came to check up on you." Harry assured.

"Oh..." Niall muttered. "Don't worry about me I'm fine." He said looking back at his hands fiddling with them. Harry was almost tempted to go back but he couldn't help but feel empathetic

"I have a question if you don't mind me asking." Harry said as he walked over to sit by the smaller boy. Niall looked up and allowed him to continue. "How did your past masters treat you?"

Niall looked away feeling the memories hit him. Most of them were horrible and treated him horribly. He glanced down at his arms and his eyes welled up at the scars. Harry noticed and on instinct he pulled Niall on his lap and cuddled him.

Niall was a bit thrown off, but cuddled into Harry longing the comfort he hasn't had for a very long time. And he had to admit, Harry smelled nice.

A/N Lmao I suck. I promise you. Future chapters won't be as shitty

Any who comment, vote, etc.


Katie xx

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