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Song of the Chapter: Arcadia - The Kite String Tangle


Niall and Harry were having twins. Both of them couldn't believe it. Niall wasn't gonna have one baby but two. It kind of explained why he was showing already. Normally with a pregnancy with one baby they wouldn't show as early as two months. Probably 3 or 4 months depending on the person.

They sat in the car and Niall had a hold of the ultrasounds that had their babies on it. "Baby beans..." Niall said with a smile. He looked to Harry with a wide smile. Harry smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

Harry then got to the steering wheel and he began backing up. As they got on the road Niall spoke. "Can we start making a nursery?" Niall asked.

Harry rose an eyebrow at him. "But you're only 2 months along." Harry said.

"I know but I wanna get a nursery put together...I've been actually thinking about this for a while now." He admitted sheepishly. Harry nodded to him and he thought for a bit.

"Let's go get some stuff then yeah?" Harry said. Niall smiled widely with a nod. That made Harry smile and the two went to WalMart first.

"I was thinking we can use the extra guest room that I used to sleep in when I first came here." Niall said as they walked in. The greeter nodded to them and they headed for the paint section.

"I think that could work." Harry said with a nod as they looked at different variaties of colors. They decided to use grey because it was a nice unisex color and if need be they could change it.

They got the paint mixed and then they looked at a bunch of other baby things. This made Niall excited when he looked through these things. He looked to his belly every now and then and smiled. His babies

The eventually left with bags full of baby stuff and Harry carrying the paint. "Wanna stop at IKEA? For the crib and stuff?" He asked. Niall smiled widely and that was where they headed next.

Niall had to admit he had never been to an IKEA before. He was surprised at how big it was. Niall smiled widely at it and looked to Harry. "C'mon." Harry said leading him to the beds were."

They got two simple wooden cribs and some shelves and they were out of there. This was just the simple stuff. If they wanted to get more they always could come back some other time.


Now home Harry and Niall were working on painting the room. The plastic and the tape were set up before they were painting on the grey. Both of them starting off with rollers and getting the major parts. They both had on comfy clothes. Harry with an old pair of sweats and a band tee and Niall had a pair of joggers with a simple white tee.

Harry would always glance back at Niall and smirk at how well he looked. His bum fitting in the joggers a little too well and whenever he reached on his tiptoes his belly would stick out and Harry would smile.

Niall however was more focused on the room. He could already envision the theme. He was thinking elephants or monkeys. Those two were his favorite animals. He thought it would be cute for their nickname as well.

The room was halfway painted when Liam had entered. "Hey you two." Liam said. "What's going on?" He asked

"We're starting to make the nursery." Niall said excited.

"Ah cool. Hey so what did you guys find out on the baby?" He asked casually.

"Babies." Harry corrected as he painted the corner." Liam rose an eyebrow and looked to Niall.

"Me and Harry are having twins." Niall said. Liam rose his eyebrows in surprise and smiled.

"Oh that's great Niall..." Liam said with a smile.

Niall nodded excitedly. He put the paintbrush down and he made sure his hand didn't have paint on it before he pulled out the ultrasound for Liam to see.

Liam smiled down at it and looked to Niall. "You better put this somewhere safe." He said. Niall nodded and excused himself before he ran out. Liam watched him leave before he turned to Harry. "You don't seem as excited as Niall is."

Harry looked back with raised eyebrows and he shook his head. "No no believe me I'm thrilled. I've just been tired lately." He said.

"Is it work?" Liam asked. Harry looked away and Liam sighed. "You can't be overworking yourself."

"I'm the CEO, Liam...I have to overwork myself from time to time." Harry said.

"You've got two babies on the way...are you just gonna leave Niall to take care of them himself?" Liam asked. Harry bit his lip and looked down. Liam then lowered his voice "Harry...Niall has his incidents...do you think he would be capable of those things?"

Harry took a while to answer and before he was just about to answer until he heard a sniffle and footsteps hurrying off. Harry sighed and glared at Liam. "He's smarter than you think. Don't underestimate him.." Harry growled before he ran off to find Niall.


Niall sat in a closet and curled up on himself. Liam just called him dumb and Harry didn't do anything to defend him. He looked to his belly and sighed. Was he gonna be good for the babies? He didn't know. Now he wasnt sure.

Niall jumped when the closet opened and Harry kneeled down and looked to Niall who didn't even look at him. "Niall..." Harry said softly "look at me..." He said.

Niall eventually did and he looked to Harry sheepishly. "There's my beautiful baby boy...come here." He said softly. Niall crawled out and cuddled up to him.

"Liam called me dumb...and you didn't do anything about it." He grumbled. Harry looked to him with a furrowed brow look.

"I don't think you're dumb sweetheart. Believe me...I snapped at Liam. Hopefully he feels guilty. But I don't think you're dumb. You are the smartest and most beautiful boy I know." Harry said running a hand up and down his back.

"More than you?" Niall asked with a small smirk.

"Yes." Harry chuckled. "More than me." Harry said. Niall giggled and the two cuddled. Niall enjoyed moments like these. It made him feel like he was wanted

A/N May or may not give you drama next chapter. Or smut...so we'll see :)

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Katie xx

Little // Narry (mpreg) ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora