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Baby bump above (:

Niall woke up when he heard vomiting. He furrowed his eyebrows and got up to go investigate. He sighed seeing Harry vomiting in the toilet.

"Haz...?" He asked rubbing his eyes. Harry looked back and groaned.

"Go back to bed Ni...I'll be..." He was suddenly interrupted by him vomiting again. Niall sighed before he pulled out his phone and went to call Dr. Malik even though it was 3 in the morning.

+ + +

Niall opened the door and he let Dr. Malik in. The man looked exhausted. Niall didn't blame him, he was exhausted himself. Even little Bailey was exhausted. His little puppy body stretched across the bed.

"He's been vomiting and I don't know what to do." He said

Zayn nodded and he walked to the bathroom. Harry was groaning with his head leaning against the toilet. "We need to sedate him...that should calm anything down. I'll be back." He said before leaving.

Niall nodded and he turned back to Harry. "You gonna puke again?" He asked.

Harry growled before that's what he exactly did. Niall signed and gently leaned down and rubbed his back. The babies didn't like Niall's position as they adjusted in the belly.

Niall smiled at his belly and he rubbed his stomach. "The babies don't like you being sick either." He said with a chuckle. Harry let out a huff that was supposed to be a chuckle but it was more strangled.

Zayn came back with his bag. He walked over to Harry. "Harry you're gonna feel a poke." He said.

"Wait...wha- OW!" He said surprised by the needle being poked in his side. Minutes later Harry was passed out on the floor. Niall let out a sigh seeing Harry okay now.

"He should be fine...do you know what could of caused it?" He asked

Niall shrugged. "Maybe he ate something." He said. Niall waddled out to the kitchen which made little Bailey hop up and follow after him.

"Ooh cookies." Niall said being the first thing he saw.

"Ah ah!" Zayn said slapping his hand lightly. "You don't know what's in there." Zayn said.

"Well Harry practically banned anything with peanuts..." He said. Zayn sighed before he looked to the cookies that was in a box. "Whose this from?" He said walking over. "Mummy." He read the tag.

Niall gasped and quickly walked over before he threw the cookies out. "I dont want that woman near my house ever again." He said with a sigh. "I might just have to get a restraining order." He said.

"Do what you have to." Zayn said before he left. Niall sighed and he hugged himself with his bump poking out from under his arms

He let out a sigh before he went back to the room. He looked to Harry who laid on the floor and he felt bad for letting him sleep there. So he smiled a bit before bringing a blanket and two pillows to the bathroom and laid a pillow under Harry and he laid on another and snuggled next to him. There was no way the small boy could of carried Harry to bed so he brought the bed to him.

+ + +

Harry woke up first and he was surprised to be on the floor. He looked to Niall who was asleep next to him. He smiled to him and kissed his cheek.

He picked Niall up and laid him in bed and kissed his head. He was still nauseous but he decided not to eat. He got up and he let Niall sleep. He went to the living room and saw Gemma passed out on the couch. He rolled his eyes and he threw a pillow at her causing her to jump. "Harry..." She groaned

"This isn't your home Gem." He said.

"Sorry..." She said with an eye roll. Harry shook his head before he sat on the couch. "Thought of any names?" She asked.

"Not really...I kind of like the name Haiden or Oliver." He said. "But nothing on the girl name." He said

"You should name it Gemma." She said with a wink. Harry chuckled and shook his head.

"I think I'll leave that up to Niall." Harry answered.

"Leave what up to Niall?" Niall asked walking over to Harry. Harry smiled and pulled him on his lap.

"We were discussing baby names." He said. Niall instantly lit up. "And we were saying you should think of the girl name." He said.

"Well I like Daisy, Emma, Lilah, or Sarah." He said.

"I like Daisy." Harry said.

"What boy names were you thinking of?" He asked.

"Haiden or Oliver." He said.

"Ooh I like Oliver." Niall said before he felt a couple kicks. He chuckled and looked down to his tummy. "The babies like the names too." He said.

"Oliver and Daisy. What's the middle names?" Gemma asked. The two had to think for a bit before Niall spoke.

"Ann and James." He said with a smile. The two Styles's looked over and something wasn't right. "What?"

"Let's not do Ann." Harry said with a small frown. The boy deflated slightly.
"Why not?" He asked.

"BECAUSE ITS PERSONAL!" Gemma snapped. Both of them gasped and looked to Gemma. She shook her head and stomped out of the room.

Harry sighed and he pulled Niall close. "What did I do?" He asked with a whimper.

"Nothing baby..." He said kissing his cheek. Niall still was upset so Harry sighed and he kissed him. "Ann was our mother's name...she died and we were left with our dad." Harry explained.

"I...I didn't know." Niall said with a sigh. Harry kissed his cheek again.

"Don't worry love...Gemma will understand." He said. "Did you have any other name ideas?"

"Daisy Mae?" He asked. Harry smiled up at him and nodded. The two felt a strong kick and Harry chuckled.

"I think Daisy Mae agrees." He said rubbing his tummy. Niall smiled and looked to his stomach. "Daisy Mae and Oliver James...I like it."

Niall smiled widely at him and hugged him tightly.

A/N Some minor drama for you

Oh and sorry for giving y'all a heart attack on the last chapter with the babies. THEY ARE OKAY

Also comment: #daisyandollie if you enjoyed the chapter

Also vote and that stuff.


Katie xx

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