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Song of the Chapter: Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood

Niall woke up slowly and looked around realized he fell asleep. He sat up and ran his hand through his messy blonde hair. He thought back to what happened recently and he shuddered. Then he remembered Harry comforting him, for some reason thinking about that made his heart flutter.

He glanced over at a pile of clothes and he noticed a piece of paper on top of it. He cocked his head slightly and went over to investigate. He unfolded the piece of notebook paper and saw it was a note from Harry.


Get dressed and head to the kitchen. I have a day planned for us today.


Niall furrowed his brows and looked to the clothes. It was a simple outfit and a good taste of fashion. Niall felt hesitant but he began to put the clothes on.

His outfit consisted of a striped black and white shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of converse. He actually was surprised on how good he looked as he looked in the mirror.

A knock on the door caused him to jump and he walked over to see who it was. Harry stood there wearing navy blue button up and black skinny jeans. He had tan boots on his big feet. Jeez Niall was smaller than he thought compared to Harry.

"I was going to see if you were ready, and I can see you are." He noted looking Niall up and down. Niall nodded and looked down shyly. "I'm surprised they fit you. It used to be mine but I outgrew them." Niall nodded

"What are we doing.." Niall asked quietly

"Well since I had a break from work for once I thought maybe I can take you around London." Harry said. "Besides we need to get some bonding time."

Niall gave him a nervous look unsure if he could handle that. "Sure.." He said with a small smile.

"C'mon." He said as he grabbed his wrist lightly. He dragged him downstairs and said a goodbye to his butler before he headed to his car. He opened his passenger door and let Niall slide in.

Niall watched Harry go to the driver's side as he buckled his seatbelt. He wondered what Harry was going to do. He sighed slightly glancing out the window.

The car ride was silent as they headed into London. Niall spent most of the time starting out the window while Harry spent it glancing from Niall to road. It was pretty awkward for the curly haired lad. He wanted to start a conversation with Niall, he just wanted to get to know him honestly. Mostly bc he was interested in Niall's case.

"Why're you doing this?" Niall asked breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked slightly relieved Niall spoke up and he didn't have to.

"I mean... taking me out. Just yesterday you were slut shaming me." Niall said. Harry bit his lip at the boy's boldness. Honestly he never heard Niall speak that much ever.

"Why not? I mean I'm off you have nothing to do... So why not enjoy life a little." Harry replied.

"For some reason I don't think that's the truth." Niall said. Niall wasn't exactly 100% right. But he was kinda there. Harry shrugged it off

"Don't worry it's the truth." He assured. Niall stared skeptically at Harry but shrugged it off. He looked back out the window and Harry huffed slightly at the silence.


You could tell Niall was hungry his stomach growled in the car, in various stores they went, and especially when they were walking up to a restaurant.

So as they sat down at a table Niall quickly began to search through the menu. All of it looked good but all so expensive. They both got waters and when the waitress left to retrieve their drinks Niall looked to Harry. "Everything is super expensive..." He muttered

Harry waved it off and gave him a slight smirk. "Niall it doesn't matter. Get whatever you want." Harry informed. Niall glanced to the shopping bags by their feet and back up to Harry

"But you've already spent plenty on me." Niall said. He didn't want to use Harry because that was simply rude. Plus he wasn't really used to this because his past owners weren't as wealthy as Harry, and they never bought stuff for him anyway. So this was a different experience

"Niall just get whatever you want..." Harry said. Niall gave him a worrisome glance before he looked down at the menu. After a while he chose some kind of steak and waited for the waitress to come back.

When the perky blonde came strutting back with the water she pulled out her little notepad and pen "Are y'all ready to order?"

They both ordered and once again left to themselves. Harry turned to Niall and began striking up a conversation "So what do you think of the clothes I bought you?" He asked

"I never had clothes bought for me before." He said "So it's kind of nice."

"So if you didn't have clothes bought for you did you wear the same outfit or.." Harry asked. Niall shook his head

"I wouldn't have any clothes at all." He said. Harry furrowed his brows slightly. This boy was really tortured. Harry sighed pitying the boy. He felt it was awkward and then Niall spoke up. "Can I say something and you promise not to get mad?"

"Sure." Harry said not sure what to really expect. Niall gave him a nervous look before nodding.

"I was wondering if you could make me stay with you permanently.." He said. Harry rose his eyebrows not really expecting that.

"Oh.." Harry started off. "You can do that?" He said not even sure what to say in general.

"Yeah. Normally if the master enjoys the slave that much they can buy the slave until the master dies. It's kind of an intense decision because you can't back out of it." Niall explained.

"Niall... I...um that sounds...a little too much for me Ni...I don't know..."

"No don't worry about it..." Niall said interrupting him. He looked around trying to find something. "I'm going to the bathroom..." He dismissed. Getting up he went to the men's bathroom and Harry sighed.

"Great.." He mumbled

Minutes passed and Harry began to wonder where Niall went he looked around and saw no trace of him. He couldn't just leave, he had things at the table. He sighed and got up anyway to look for Niall.

After a while of distressed looking a waiter noticed Harry's distressed look. "Excuse me sir are you in need of assistance?" Harry looked around once more before looking to the waiter.

"Have you seen.." He stopped hearing hysteric crying. He looked around before looking back at the waiter. "Hold that thought.." He said before walking over to the sound and sure enough it was Niall. He was sobbing and looked as if he was scared.

"Niall." Harry called. Niall turned to Harry and relief was on his face.

"Daddy!" He cried. Harry froze at the name. Did he just call him daddy? He was interrupted by Niall clenching onto Harry. Harry pushed the name aside and hugged Niall back. He knew one thing for sure.

He can't go back.

A/N Yes Niall just called Harry daddy...bc why not *shrugs*

Any who comment, vote, etc.


Katie xx

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