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Song of the Chapter: All We Do - Oh Wonder

It has been two days since Harry and Niall's argument and it killed both of them.

You could tell Harry was a mess, he had dark circles under his eyes, his curls lacked that bounce, and his vibrant green eyes weren't even vibrant anymore. They were just a dull moss color.

Niall was more upset internally. He looked fine compared to Harry but he didn't speak at all. To anyone. Even to his little friend Isobel. Louis noticed that too every time he came over.

He only ever came over because Isobel wanted to see Niall. Louis would say no at first but Isobel got the young lad whipped enough that he would do anything for his little girl.

Louis had mentioned to Liam began to notice it as well. That's when he consulted Harry. Who was currently in his study avoiding everything. When Liam entered Harry groaned. "What have I told you about knocking?!" He snapped.

Liam glared at him and crossed his arms, "You and Niall need to make up." He said.

"Wow...thank you captain obvious. I never thought of that. Its not like I've been trying to figure out how to fix it for the past TWO. DAYS." He snapped. Liam gave him even more of an angry look. He glanced around and bottles of alcohol littered his office.

"Does your butler ever come in here and clean?" He asked going over and picking up the bottles.

"No because I've threatened to fire him if he enters my office." Harry replied simply as he was scribbling down something on a piece of paper.

"See that's your issue." Liam said with a sigh as he threw the bottles away. Harry sighed and let go of his pencil and looked up to Liam.

"Oh really please do tell." He said placing his hands on his head.

"You're just so negative all the time. You're just like your father." He said.

"DON'T!" He snapped. He looked to him with widened green eyes. "Get out of my office." He said simply.

"I'm not done. Niall isn't talking at all. I've noticed it, Louis has noticed it..."

"Are they still here! Honestly! How long does one little girl get to play with a grown man." He said. Liam glared at him.

"Look you need to change your attitude. Or believe me, you won't have Niall back any time soon." He said staring at him straight in the eye before he left the office.

Harry watched as Liam slammed the door shut. He then couldn't help the one tear that went down his cheek. He needed to fix this with Niall. He looked down to the many apology letters on his desk and he sighed. He was a mess.


Harry walked out of his office when he was informed that his father was here. It took him a while to come out but his butler told him that his father wasn't leaving until he saw him.

He sighed seeing him sit on the couch and that caused Desmond to look up. "Harry my boy." He said hugging him. Harry only patted his back once and gave him a fake smile.

"What do you want dad." Harry asked sitting on the opposite couch.

"I came to see my boy. Is that something I can't do?" He asked. Harry rolled his eyes. He knew that's not the real reason he came.

"What do you really want." He asked. Desmond only stared at Harry for a bit before he spoke.

"How's your slave doing?" He asked.

"Why do you care about Niall?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Desmond furrowed his eyebrows when he called him Niall, but he shook it off anyway.

"I'm just curious." Desmond asked.

"He's fine." Harry lied to him and laid back on the couch. Desmond rose an eyebrow.

"Just fine?" He asked as if he wanted more than ok. Harry furrowed his brows and stared at him.

"Yes." He said.

"Have you fucked him yet?" He asked. It took a second before something hit Harry. His and Niall's argument last night. It made sense now.

"What did you say to Niall?" He asked with a cold glare. Desmond looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" He asked acting innocent.

"Don't give me that shit! What did you say to Niall?!" He snapped. Desmond looked to him as if he was about to refuse before he chuckled a little bit. "What's so funny?"

"How in love you are with that slave boy. Hes just a fuck toy. Nothing else. And you've fallen for him like he's an actual person. Yeah I told Niall to stay away. Only for your benefit.'' He said. Harry only growled before he took a hold of his father's suit jacket and dragged him to the door.

"I don't want to see your face ever again. If you come near this house or Niall I will call the cops." Harry said coldly

"You can't do this to me... Im your father." He said. Harry glared at him for the longest time before he opened the door and shoved him out the door.

"Labels don't mean its the actual truth." He said before slamming the door shut. He sighed and stared at the door for the longest time. He had one last problem to fix.


Harry was searching around the house and looking for his Niall. He grew worried not being able to find him and then he remembered the guest bedroom.

Harry walked upstairs and he grabbed onto the doorknob. Praying it wasn't locked. With a sigh of relief it wasn't. He peaked in the door and saw Niall folding his clothes and facing away from him. "Ni..?" He asked

Niall froze and stopped folding his clothes. Harry walked over and he saw the suitcases. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked to Niall. He had tear stained cheeks and looked like a mess.

Harry pulled him close and tight. Niall made a squeak but seconds later he joined in the hug.

"Love what are you doing?" He asked looking him in the eye.

"Packing..." He replied simply.

"For what?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"I didn't think you would want me anymore... So I packed just in case." He said. Niall then was attacked with kisses all over his face. Niall didn't smile at first but a small giggle came out of him causing Harry to smile.

"Of course I want you... Next time my father or anyone threatens you tell me... I'll fix it ok?" Harry said.

Niall looked into Harry's eyes and he nodded. Harry smiled before the two laid on the guest bed. Which ended up with the two tired boys sleeping.

A/N Yay Narry is okay again!... for now :3

But anyways. Comment: #slayharry if you enjoyed this chapter.

Make sure to comment, vote, etc.


Katie xx

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