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Song of the Chapter: I Got U - Duke Durmont

Everything seemed perfect. Niall and Harry were happy. Their relationship seemed to stay strong and Harry wanted to give Niall a break from any stress.

So he had called a travel agent and he arranged for them to go to Paris the first of the month.

Today was the first of the month and Harry had to surprise Niall. He and Liam had already packed the bags and made sure it was in the car early in the morning so they could go right away. The only thing Harry was worried about was Niall not wanting to go. But Harry respected his decisions.

He had got out of bed early to make breakfast. He decided a simple breakfast would work. French Toast would do just fine. Besides it was Niall's favorite.

When he finished and he brought it up on a tray. He walked into the room and carefully walked over. He set the tray that had the food and the envelope that contained tickets for Paris on the nightstand. He glanced down to Niall and smiled a little. The peacefulness that covered the boy was perfect.

He kissed his lips gently, hating to have to disturb the peaceful persona. Niall woke up a few seconds after and looked up to Harry with a confused look. "Morning sunshine." Harry said fiddling with Niall's hair. Niall smiled at him "I made breakfast." Harry said.

Niall rose his eyebrows and he looked up to the nightstand. He sat up and smiled happily. "French toast...my favorite." He said pulling the tray on his lap. Harry smiled and he waited until the boy would notice the envelope.

It didn't seem long until Niall rose an eyebrow at the red envelope. "What's this?" He asked after he swallowed his food.

"Open it." Harry answered simply. Niall rose an eyebrow at him before he shrugged and ripped it open. Harry watched him with an eager smirk on his face. The smirk becoming a full out smile when Niall saw what it was.

"P-Paris..." He said unable to believe it. "Harry...I don't know what to say."

"Thank you is nice...and you probably should say yes because we have to leave in a couple of hours." Harry said. Niall panicked and did just that.

It only took them an hour to dress and get ready before Harry and Niall were driving to the airport. To say Niall was excited was probably an understatement. He was also nervous, this was all a lot to handle for a boy whose never been far away from where he lived.

Harry preferred his own private jet and he felt it would be best for Niall as well. He didn't want to overwhelm the boy when it was his first trip on a plane.

So they pulled up to the nice looking jet and got all the bags, or more of Harry carrying them. They walked up to the jet and they were greeted by the nice pilot and the nice flight attendant, that the two didn't get a closer look at. Which maybe would of been a better idea.

Harry put his bags down and he led Niall to the seats. The two sat down and chatted amongst themselves.

"Harry! What a coincidence!" A familiar voice said that made the two freeze and look up.

"Hannah..." He said with a sigh. "That's funny I never knew you were a flight attendant." He said

"I've been for a year now...a friend told me it would be a great job to try out." She said with a purr, eyeing Harry's body and tattoos. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well that's nice... Now if you excuse me, me and my boyfriend are trying to enjoy a vacation." He said. That made Hannah jump a bit before she looked to Niall with a visible glare. After a few seconds of being under her intense stare she stormed off.

Harry watched her and rolled his eyes. "I swear she's just stalking me now." He said before looking back. He stopped seeing Niall all teary eyed and he let out a sigh.

"Nialler..." He said before pulling him into a tight hug and trying to comfort him. "Don't listen to her. All she is, is a mean rotten girl...you know what you are?" He asked trying to look into Niall's eyes who were staring at his lap.

"You are the most adorable fun loving sunshine that I've ever met. You make me a different person and I couldn't imagine someone who could make me as happy as you do." He said while he pecked all over his face.

Niall couldn't help to erupt in a fit of giggles before trying to push him away. Harry smirked and looked to him. "I love you..." He said. Niall smiled to him

"I love you too." He said.

Harry felt happy and tingly when he said it back. And the two had an amazing flight. Minus Hannah of course but it was still good.

When they landed Harry and Niall were excited. Hannah was of course rude to them as they exited but Niall was too happy to be in Paris to care.

They had a car pick them up and they were escorted to some hotel. When Niall exited the vehicle he was too busy staring at the building in absolute awe. Harry chuckled at him and hugged Niall close. Niall smiled and hugged Harry back.

Eventually the two got into their room and it was absolutely beautiful. The room seemed as if it belonged to an actual king. The bed was covered in satin sheets that were a red with the gold like sheets. The room itself was huge and gave that open feeling. And the view, that was the best part.

Niall walked over to the window and stared in awe. They had the best view. You could see the whole city and of course the eifel tower that towered over all the other small buildings. Niall smiled and turned to Harry. "Why did you do this for me." He asked.

"Well.." Harry said walking over. "I feel you've faced enough crap already. So I thought why not give you something nice." He said pulling him in a hug. Niall smiled and rested his head against Harry's.

Harry was right. This put him at ease.

A/N yeah another filler chapter. BUT I GOT A LIL SURPRISE FOR YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER ;)

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Katie xx

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