Chapter 27

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-Two months later-

I didn't know if I could do this, this was our wedding day and Blake wasn't here yet. Ava stood beside me. She was fanning me as I started to panic.

"It's going to be okay, he told Adrian he had an emergency to take care of but he's on his way."

"Emergency? He's a writer the only emergency he can have is if one of his plot twist go bad," I started breathing heavily, I was beginning to wonder if he didn't just decide to leave us and find someone else. Elliot was in the pews with his grandmother.

I wanted to have him as my bouquet but he was a little sick the past few days. I just want to soothe him and hold him, I didn't want to stand in a room waiting for Blake to appear. This isn't what I envisioned for my wedding day.

"Just take a few breaths, he wouldn't miss this for the world and I'm sure that it must be VERY important if he's running late, he won't runaway that's for sure."

"How would you know, maybe he decided he wasn't ready for all of this after all and is headed to a tropical island where there are big boobed beauties," I said bitterly. Ava rolled her eyes.

"Trust me, he won't-big boobed beauties have nothing on you, you've got more than enough boob," I started laughing, Ava hugged me.

"I wish our parents were here, mom would have loved seeing you and dad would be marching down the aisle with you, parading that you're his daughter. On days like this I miss them so much," She wiped away her tears trying to avoid her makeup being ruined.

"I need Samuel on days like these, he would be on the other side of dad , giving Blake a hard time and making sure that he doesn't mess with his sister, in a few days it would've been his birthday," I couldn't help sniffing , Ava pulled me into a hug again as I cried and cried.

"If he doesn't show we can drink everything in the open bar and I'll send my trusty blood hound named Adrian after him." My crying subsided a little bit. I heard footsteps running up the hall that led here. The big oak doors swung open and this made me jerk backward. Blake came running in, he struggled with his tie and his hair looked messed up.

"I'm so sorry, darling," He kissed me on the cheek, before taking a few huffs of air.

"Slow down, what was the emergency?"

"The man that did some work for us, some shady work, passed away, I wanted to talk to his family, I've decided to continue helping them with money, it's my fault he's dead anyways," Blake let out a sad sigh. I straightened his tie out and patted his messed hair, I had to admit he looked so sexy.

"We can postpone if you want," He shook his head.

"Hell to the no, bad things always happen and I'm not letting it interfere with the good things," He hugged me.

"You're not getting rid of me my dear, try as you might" He squeezed my hand before walking back out of the door.

Ava turned to me, linking my arm in hers.

"I told you he wouldn't just leave, you got him whipped," I stared down at my long classic a-line dress with light lace on my shoulder and the train. It was simple and had a touch of blue in it. When the music started to play I felt my heart speed up. I nodded to her and we started to walk together.

We stopped beside Blake, he smirked at me. I glanced at Elliot who was snoozing on his grandmother's shoulder. I guess we do things backward, we first have the baby, then the engagement and finally the wedding.

The priest started talking, I didn't really listen because I was staring at Blake thinking how amazingly fascinating our relationship was now. The priest announced it was time for our vows.

Blake took my hands in his.

"I vow to be true to you, to love you until the end of time, to tell you about everything, through the good and especially the bad, to be the best father and husband I can be because damn I'm lucky to have you and Elliot," He winked at me.

"The first time I saw you Blake, I thought that 'I'm going to be fired' and strangely enough I fell into your arms literally, you were like the devil to me at first , but I found out that beneath the crust there's a loving,c aring and honest man. I vow to love you till the end of time, to cherish you, to be yours completely, to kick you when you need kicking and kiss you when you need kissing. To be the best wife I can be and also the best mother. We do things backwards, no pun intended, and I'm very happy that we did. Yours Truly Mr. Stone" Adrian chuckled at my pun and Blake raised his eyebrow at me mouthing back.

'Yours Truly Mrs. Stone'

We exchanged rings and then finally Blake could kiss me, he's been itching to that since I stood beside him.

"Introducing to you Mr. And Mrs. Blake Stone" Everybody stood up clapping, Elliot didn't wake up.

Blake took my hand in his as we walked down the aisle together. Our reception is on the beach so we had to change first. Our room was walking distance from the hall where we had our ceremony just in.

The guests moved to the reception, we entered the room and when I closed the door Blake pulled me into his arms and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

After a few minutes he pulled away from me, he wanted a longer kiss that's for sure. But if we go any longer we might miss our own reception.

I dressed into a shorter flowing, aqua dress with my hair pinned up and no shoes, Blake wore some khakis with a simple white t-shirt and no shoes. He looked gorgeous I must say but I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

We walked into the reception area, there was a tiki bar and a buffet with white benches as tables around, colored lights strung around and little candles on each table. The sea breeze blowing slowly through the palm trees on the private beach.

People were laughing and dancing, some eating and another kissing (that would be my sister and Adrian of course) there was just about thirty people there, it was some of Blake's' friends including Archer and some of Adrian's friends including a mob boss or two but the brothers promised me that it's safe and they are 'legit mob bosses' if there even was such a thing.

I didn't invite David; I considered our friendship over.

I walked with Blake over to where Elliot and his mother was, Elliot has woke up and was looking around curiously. I picked him up and kissed his little cheeks.

"You slept through all of it, you make me think of your daddy,"

"Hey, I'm standing right here!"

"We can make fun of him while he's here, that's great," Elliot rested his head on my shoulder, looking a little shy. Blake stood behind me making faces at me which caused Elliot to laugh.

I turned around and glared at Blake, he just kissed my cheek. A slow song came on and Ava came up to me taking Elliot.

"Care to dance, our first dance," We walked to the small dancing area, he pulled me close to him whispering I love you into my ear. His arms around me, is where I want to be.

We swayed to the song.

"I wanted to tell you something earlier but I didn't get a chance, " Blake sighed.

"I knew I would make you sad in the end but I didn't think it would be this way," I frowned and he looked kind of sad at me.

He dug into his pocket and sighed loudly handing a note to me.

"I'm sorry I wanted to tell you after the honeymoon but I know if I didn't do it now that I'd never do it then,"

I opened the note, as my eyes skimmed over the words dread filled my veins.

"No! Blake you can't!" Tears flowed down my cheeks as he just held onto me as I sobbed.

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