Chapter 26

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I stopped at David's house just after I left ours. I want to kill him, badly, but I couldn't do that to Juliet. The last thing I wanted was to end up in jail. 

I sat in my car for a moment before I decided to get out, I knocked on his door lightly. I could feel the anger coursing through me. I saw the door open and a little girl was standing at the door. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Daddy! There's a man at the door." David came out and was wiping his hands off when he saw me. I could see him becoming pale. Yeah, that's right buddy you don't get away with kissing my fiance unscathed.

"Emma, go to your room" She ran upstairs.

"I didn't mean what I did, I'm sorry I kissed her."

"Why did you when you know she is engaged?" He pursed his lips almost glared at me.

"She deserves someone better than the mob trash you are, you fooled her into thinking that she loves you because you have a baby together." I could feel my heart speed up and my eye slightly twitching.

"I can't make her love me and it's her decision to love me, she knows me better than anyone else and I love her, you better leave her alone." I gritted my teeth together, trying to contain my anger.

"Or what? She can decide to change her mind when she sees what type of monster you still are." I couldn't keep my rage in anymore, with one solid blow to his jaw he tumbled backward and landed on the floor, I helped him up.

"I can do much worse than that! Stay away from her she's mine." I slammed the door shut. I felt like a lion that has to protect his territory. I decided to stop at Adrian's house, when he saw me walking up the driveway he opened the door.

"You looked fairly pissed, you need a drink." I walked in and saw Ava working on her laptop in the living room and Adrian poured us a drink.

"You don't look okay, what happened?" Ava stood up and excused herself knowing she didn't want to interrupt our guy talk. He handed me something that smelled very strong.

I took a big gulp before sitting down, he joined me.

I started telling him about what happened and that I hit him hard in the jaw.

For a moment after I stopped telling him he looked at me in silence and then spoke up.

"Woah, I thought he was a non-threatening friend?"

"I thought so too but I guess not."

"You went easy on him, If I were you I'd beat him black and blue so that the message can actually sink in,"

"I really, really wanted to but he has a daughter and I couldn't let her see her dad so beat up, a black eye can be explained away."

"Aww the daddy side in you is taking over, you should be happy she told you about it and chased him away it seems like she's loyal to you."

"Yeah, but I'm still worried that maybe what he said made her realize that she is too good for me and that she deserves someone who doesn't have the same bad history as I do,"

"God Adrian you are the worst person to give advice" Ava walked downstairs, she was clearly eavesdropping.

"Go, make us lunch or do some taxes, shoo"

"Don't make me bite you, woman!" She stuck her tongue out at him as he stood up, he kissed her on the cheek.

"I was hoping you bite " She whispered not so softly in his ear, he turned red and got out of there like hell was burning his backside.

"Blake, I know you still think you're some kind of dangerous guy and that your past clings to you-it's not true, believe me, you're as harmful as a fly, you did what you had to do and that's all. She loves you and she won't change her mind that easily. You sound like an insecure girl on her period."She rolled her eyes, now I get why he had her help him take care of our empire, she knew how to dish it out.

"Uhm thank you very much?"

"Go back home, go to your fiancé and show her why she loves you," I stood up and walked out the door, Juliet must be so worried about me really, she didn't know where I went to and in the state I was in I was ready to blow a gasket, which I kind of did but in a subtle way.

At least now the record was set straight, I don't know why David did this all of a sudden, was it because we were close to getting married and he wanted to break us up? I don't know but I do know is that where I belong is not beating the shit out of him, it's in the arms of my fiancé and with our son.

I walked through my door, I set down my keys on the table near the entrance and kicked off my shoes, I checked the living room where she was when I left her but she wasn't there.

I went upstairs and found her on our bed sleeping with Elliot curled up beside her, with pillows placed around him so he won't go anywhere. I took my place on the other side with Elliot between us. God, he's so small even if he's gaining weight, he had his teddy I bought him a long time ago, holding onto it. His first teddy

I ran my fingers through his dark hair and on his little cheek, Juliet opened her eyes slightly when she felt that I was in front of her.

"No jail cell calls means you didn't kill him." She smiled.

"No, I just gave him a sore jaw- I'm sorry/"

"It's okay, I'd have kicked his ass too if he touched you, wait that doesn't sound right, you're not gay" She had this little frown on her face.

"Wait I mean, I would also punch him if he touched my girl, dammit no, that sounds worse." She blew out a breath.

"I mean-" I kissed her deeply, her soft lips inviting me. I feel so lucky to have someone like her. We stopped kissing to catch our breaths.

"I know what you mean,"

"I just forgot what I meant, you shouldn't kiss me when I'm trying to think you make me lose everything I wanted to say." She playfully glared at me. I stared at Elliot as he snuggled the little bear, he's adorable.

He didn't seem like he was waking up soon so I put him in the crib we moved beside the bed.

Juliet smiled sleepily at me from the bed as I did.

"I think I'm very tired because I thought for a moment that you were naked" I gasped playfully.

"Your mind is in the gutter, you're not tired at all" I lay back down behind her, holding her in my arms.

"I can't wait until we're married," I turned around so we were facing each other. I just stared into her beautiful green eyes.

"You know, you can get naked if you want to for me" She smirked.

"No, Miss O'Malley you need to clean up your mind and note that I am a reputable gentleman and I don't go naked for just anyone."

"Anyone? Am I just anyone? " I pulled off my shirt and pulled her closer against my chest, she leaned her head on my chest listening to my now rapidly beating heartbeat.

"Yes, you're my anyone, my someone, my everyone." I pecked her on the head. I find it scary that things have changed so fast, I don't really care now because without her I wouldn't have realized that I need her.

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