Chapter 19

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"I'm going to get my sister." Juliet stood up, I grabbed her before she could storm off.

"No you'll not, you can't go acting like a fighter when you have to take care of something much more precious like the life inside of you." She cast her eyes down and sat back down.

"What if Blake dies without finding her? What if she dies?"

"What if this all ends well?" I countered, she shrugged.

"I don't think it will Adrian, in the meantime, we have to sit here and feel helpless" I felt like I could go crazy, I can't sit here and I can't leave her, I can't take her with either. I had to do something. Usually, I'm the one out there fighting, and Blake keeps an eye over us but today it's different.

Juliet noticed that I was having an internal argument, she placed her hand on my shoulder making me snap back to reality.

"I think we should try and figure out who took her first. My grandpa used to say that it's better to know your opponent's weakness and name before you shoot out all your ammunition."

"It had to be Anatra's men, but there isn't enough left of them, I think two at the most. The other mobs wouldn't cross us because they owe us like Blake said before, he'd been doing business everywhere."

"It would take only two to take her."

"Wait! We have a security camera on each window and door." I jumped up and headed to the security room that was hidden beside the pantry. Juliet followed me meekly and stopped at the bolted door of the security room. It was a big room with four computer screens and two chairs. It monitored everything.

"This is just a precaution." She nodded and sat down. I rolled through the footage and then stopped at the glass sliding door by our bedroom. I know that I made sure it was locked. Juliet and I leaned into the screen. I saw two men opening up the lock, very quietly, there was a woman walking behind them. She motioned to the men and handed them the syringe.

Moments later after opening the door, they dragged out Ava's body, they drugged her for sure. The woman walked out in front of them, clearly the leader. I knew who it was. She had an opportunity to end me in my sleep but then she decided to torture me instead.

"Who is that?"

"This is that long story I promised to tell you. The deal that we worked on with my father was for Anatra and his daughter. Money was going missing and he blamed us, he killed my father telling us that he'd be back for his money, we kept quiet because if anyone found out we were dealing with a notorious mob boss, we'd be going down too. He kept away for so long so we thought he moved on."

"Now he's back, we got rid of him so that he couldn't try anything else, he told us that he'd kill us too because he hasn't gotten his money yet. Now that he's dead, his daughter that knows what happened is coming for us, we found out she stole the money and I think she thinks that we're going to tell the police, which we would've done already if we wanted to"

"So she's fine that he father is dead?"

"Yeah, soulless bitch, not that I can really speak, I guess the 5 billion she stole is motivation enough to keep it from the police. Actually, the 5 billion her father stole from the CIA that she stole from him."

"So she basically stole from the bloody CIA? Oh god, I see why she wants you to shut up." The CIA would've gotten their money already if they knew she stole it.

"It's chump change, but federal chump change so yeah," I rubbed my neck and let my hand run through my hair.

I called Blake.

He answered after the first ring.

"I'm a little busy right *gun shot* now"

"It's Cassandra, she did it."

"I can see that!" There was another shot, Blake didn't have a lot of back-up, he had Archer and his friend, three against three is still not fair when it comes to Cassandra.

"Keep yourself alive, I have a plan" I stuffed my phone in my pocket. Juliet looked at me frightened and scared, I hated this look. This is the same look that Ava had when I told her about what I did and do for the business, she looked scared but then admitted that she knew a little about it and she doesn't care, in fact, she found it very sexy to have a 'mob boss killer' in her bed.

Ava never ceases to surprise me. Now she's used as bait. I felt another pulse of anger sift through me.

"A plan?" Juliet asked warily.

"A plan and you're coming with us."

I knew where Blake was and that he and Archer were fighting to stay alive, I know that bringing a three-month pregnant woman is not a bright plan because it's dangerous but she insisted that she comes.

The cavalry of bulletproof SUVs behind us made me feel a bit less scared.

It's amazing what you can accomplish by just a phone call. Now Blake had it in with most businessmen around here but I knew the darker underbelly employees. I called them and many a man agreed to help, why? It seems that Cassandra didn't just threaten us but she was blackmailing other bosses for money. She seemed to have already passed the 5 billion out and was running dry.

Her womanly ways had them seduced previously and she, the wannabe that she is, recorded everything and threatened them to leak it.

They were more than eager to help when I called, and our accountants knew her reputation and knew that if word got around that we ended her crime spree( and no other details about how we did) got out we'd get a bit of a reputation boost.

Our man was still in the hospital, it's a very deep flesh wound apparently but he said he'd be fine.

The five SUVs that followed behind us were packed to the brim with ammunition and guns, big guns. I know Cassandra and if we wanted to see Blake alive again, we have to bulk up. Her three guys would most likely turn into three hundred.

"Can I ask you something?"

Juliet looked at me as I broke the silence.


"Why aren't you or Ava running away from us, we've killed and tonight you'll see what we do on a daily basis?"

"I love Blake, I know he does what he does to keep people safe and because he protects you and his uncle. He does the business part, sometimes in the gray areas but he's a good guy and he's just protecting his wolves. That and love makes you blind."

"And Ava?"

"You're not the only one who has dealt with shady people, let's just say that she wasn't always a stylist." What? Ava hasn't told me anything like this before. What does she mean she wasn't a stylist all the time?

"Can you promise me something, Adrian?"

"I don't really do promises, but I'll make an exception."

"After this is sorted out, you have to make him quit,"

"We're talking about Blake here, I can't make him do anything, he has those older brother privileges"


"I can only try, I think that maybe he'll agree we've been discussing it that he gives me his shares as a 27th birthday present, he's tired of all of this every day and with the baby, he'll want to be home more, he's so whipped." Juliet rolled her eyes.

I could hear loud shots bouldering in the air, the cavalry stopped when I did.

I have to get Ava back.

It's time.

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