Chapter 20

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Six SUVs' pulled up and surrounded the building, Cassandra had men everywhere. I prayed dearly that she didn't have any more coming and thankfully by some divine intervention Adrian pulled up. Many men came out, locked and loaded, shooting for the men that surrounded the building.

If we could clear them we could have Ava free, Cassandra will kill her in a blink of an eye, to get back at us and lure us here so that she can finish us off. We really didn't care that she had the money but she's running scared and can't think clearly.

Adrian ran to me, crouching beside me as we had our backs against my Hummer.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"That's not the way to thank your brother for bringing you some backup since you decided to go rogue!"

"Where's Juliet? I swear if she's here I'm going to kill you myself"

"Then I'm going to say she isn't," We tried to communicate amidst the blaring sound of gunfire.

"Fuck, how many guys did you bring Adrian?"

"All of them, from Julian's army to Amich's friends, some of our accountants too,"

"Jesus, you must really love her."

"I do, I want to see her alive- Cassandra is hell bent on killing us but I know she'll go for me first." While we were dealing with the contract that led to all of this, years back, Cassandra and he started a relationship, a passionate and lust drove one, that burnt out quickly. I know she loved him and that she wanted them to be more but Cassandra well...she's a bitch and he doesn't date a woman like that. It's was just the sex that kept them together.

The men stopped firing, I slowly peered around the car and saw many bodies on the ground, Archer joined us and was also backed up against the car.

"I think now's the time to go in, my friend has visuals on Ava and she looks fine, you guys can go in."

"Blake you take the lead and I'll back you up,"

"This sounds like operation Octagon all over again" I shuddered at the memory, Archer was there with us, most of our men were killed, and the victims, none came out alive.

The men Adrian brought over all moved so that they could see through the windows of the dilapidated building she once owned, to make sure it was clear, stealthy they moved away so we could go in

We moved in and Adrian kept eyes on the back, Cassandra was not in sight. We sneaked through a passage and finally got to Ava, Adrian untied her quickly. Her face was purple, her lip bleeding and her cheek swollen; she had bad cuts on her arms and they looked severe.

I kept up my finger to my lips to tell her to keep quiet.

As soon as we untied her Cassandra emerged chuckling.

"Did you really think it would be so easy?"

"It was so easy to kill your father, so yes we did." I could see her eyes becoming almost black. She pulled out two pistols and Adrian and I pointed our guns at her.

"Now, let's play a little game called kill the Stone brothers," Adrian chuckled bitterly as Ava hid behind him.

She must know she's outnumbered anyhow and that if she got a shot off that she'd be dead within a second. She walked closer to us, I took the opportunity to grab her gun from her now I had two guns pointed at her.

"Let's play a game called killing a bitch, it's an easy game."

She grabbed a gun from her boot and before we could react a shot went off.

She plummeted to the ground.

I didn't shoot and neither did Adrian, it must've been one of the guys on the look out.

When I turned to Adrian I saw Ava, with a small gun in her hand, her hand shaking.

She shot her.

"Where did you get that from?" She had a rueful smile.

I checked that Cassandra was dead and indeed she was.

Well, that was an anti-climax.

"After my previous job, I always keep protection with me."

I guess she isn't as innocent as we thought. Adrian and I helped Ava out of the building, Juliet rushed to us. She attentively hugged her sister before she kissed me, kissed me like never before. So raw and full of emotion, tears spilling down her cheeks. I let my gun drop to the ground and wiped away her tears.

"I was so worried when you went into the building I thought you won't come out."

"I didn't think I would but, your sister shot her," I said with a disbelieving sigh following my words.

"You have no idea what else she's done." I saw Adrian and Ava driving away, he mentioned she needed stitches and he some clarification as to why she can actually make a clear shot to the head.

"No more, I don't want to do this anymore- I don't want our baby to grow up in this lifestyle. I'm done with this,"

"Those are the most wonderful words ever."

We went straight to the hospital after I called a cleaner that makes everything disappear including the bitch's body.

Ava was being stitched up by a doctor, Adrian holding hand. Juliet smiled and squeezed her hand.

"I was so worried about you sis"

"You shouldn't be, you know me, don't worry, your baby daddy and sister are fine" Adrian shook his head.

"Would you care to explain?"

"Explain what? the bruise that was a fist, the cuts was some kind of dagger and I think she kicked me too. She wanted me dead but kept me alive to bait you both as you know, she was one scary motherfucker but I find it kind of funny how hard she tries- tried."

"Not that, I meant the shooting and Juliet said that you weren't always a stylist and that you have past, I'm guessing it was like our job," She shook her head.

"No, when my brother died in the train crash, I knew it wasn't an accident. No one believed me so I investigated it myself; I had to learn how to shoot and general self-defense. I hunted down the man that was responsible, none other than my brother's silent partner. He was on the train with him and made sure he sat exactly where the collision would be the worse and then he sneaked off the train, partly also harmed. I made sure that bastard would never see the light of day again and well, it's not exactly legal. I didn't want to tell you this, I thought you might be scared off.

For about 2 years I was searching for him, going undercover so we can say I was sort of an undercover officer for a while, and Juliet knew what I was doing and stuck with my aunt until I could find him, one greedy son of a bitch."

Adrian and I's jaw went slack, wow.

"Darling, you make me sound like a chump."

"No, you do this every day I did it once, but yeah you are a chump."I started laughing followed by Juliet, of course, he didn't find it very funny.

"I decided that I'm handing my shares to you and I think that maybe I'm going to start writing again."

"Oh thank goodness you decided that on your own, I really didn't want to be the one to tell you to quit, you go very head-off-ripper-ish "

" I love Juliet enough to know that this isn't the best career when we're having a baby " I let out a heavy sight, wow it just really sunk in now that in the near future I'm going to be a daddy, a daddy.

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