Chapter 19- Hiding Form The Bad People

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Lillia's Pov.

Once we were at the Shelter. Saw little kids and all the women that work here in the shelter. There was a lot of growling and howling of pain from unknown people. I could tell if we were winning this fight or where the enemy was winning. The unclarity was overwhelming to those in the shelter, but we tried not to let that feeling overcome us and tried to keep positive. I tried to stress about the situation because the stress wasn't good for the babies. We have been in the shelter for over three hours or more waiting for the weather to clear. As we waited for a sign that the attack was over and we were safe I got lost in thought about the encounter with the bright red eye man. The question came to me fast like 'who is this man?', 'What does he want with my daughter?', 'What was his end game once had my daughter?' There were questions in mind but one minute later my thoughts were interrupted by the doors flew open. I thought it was the evil man but there standing was a man wearing all black with a mask on. I hand my daughter to the next woman.

" Move back," I said to all the kids and women in the shelter. They listen to me and move to hide me. Some made a protective circle around the women who were protecting Sky.

" awww, is the queen try to protect her people," the man said I ignored him

" What do you want," I asked the man, who was so angry.

" We want your daughter," the man sneered at me.

" Over my dead body," I said. I ran at him to kick just as my mates came in and killed the man.

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