Piano Man - Chapter 16

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“Early shift today?” he asked

“Actually she came to talk to you” Ed  answered him for me. “I’ll leave you two to it, but can I get you anything?” Ed offered.

“No thanks” I answered for the both of us. I also wanted to talk to Michael in the morning, before he could get any alcohol in his system. I walked over and sat down at the closest table and smiled at Michael signalling him to come sit with me.

“What can I do for you today love?”he asked smiling at me.

“I had a few more questions for you today” I stated shyly.

“Anything for you” he replied.

“ The song you sang last night...that was the song that my dad sang at his x-factor audition where he became part of One Direction” I stated.

“It was actually  the song he sang at your grandmother’s  funeral”  he replied and then his eyes widened. “ That’s why he chose it for his audition, that’s what he told me anyways” Michael explained.

“I was just wondering when you meant my dad. I mean none of his best friends know this stuff about him, you too must have been really close”

“We were close but I mean any of this information you can find of google. It is a known fact, One Direction use to be the worlds number one boyband. Nothing about them was a secret” he stated.

“I couldn’t find it online” I accused him slightly. Michael started tapping his foot.

“On the other hand Ed I could use something to drink” he shouted to the back.

“No!” I stated and then blushed. “ I mean, I just need you to answer these questions when you’re sober” I tried to explain without offending him.

“I think you asked enough questions today” Michael replied. “It’s early and I’m tired” he then stated sweetly. “Come back another time and I’ll answer all your questions” he smiled. I knew I needed to ask him one more question.

“Just one more?” I begged

“Fine” he agreed leaning forward.

“You aren’t my father aren’t you? I mean you know so much about hi-”

“Darcy I know not knowing your father is hard and  it would be easier for me to say yes,but I can’t. I am not your father as much as I would like for you to know him, I can’t change the facts.” he stated. “I’ve got to go to the bathroom, excuse me” he added as he got up and made his way to the bathrooms. I tried hard to keep the tears in my eyes and not show how hard I was trying to keep my body from shaking as I left the bar. I was foolish to think that some random guy at a bar was my father. My dad had been off the grid forever it would be stupid of him to give it all up to sing at a bar and have a simple conversation with his daughter. I walked down the street trying to contain my emotions, I wish I was home already so i could just go up to my room and cry and by home I didn’t mean Niall’s, I wanted my room, with my stuff and my best friends. The tears started to fall down my face, blurring my vision and stuffing up my nose.I ignored everything going on around

me determined to make it back to Niall’s as soon as possible.

A honking vehicle finally got my attention, causing me to turn around. I turned my head to see the all too familiar old truck from Niall’s far, with Noah behind the wheel. Part of me felt relief and the other part of me felt sick.Obviously confrontation wasn’t going very well for me. I walked up to the truck and opened the passenger’s door climbing in, while trying to keep my face down to hide my tears.

“Wow you were really lost in your thoughts weren’t you” Noah asked, not noticing that I was upset.

“Mhm” I replied.

“My mom said you came to work early today, but I know you had the day off” he stated while driving but then pulled the truck over. He put his hand on my lap causing me to look up at him with my tear filled eyes. “What’s wrong Darcy?” he asked rubbing his hand on my thighs. I immediately hit it off of me.  “I’m sorry?” Noah half apologized and half asked. “Did I do something wrong? I mean last night. you also pushed me away. I kind of thought you like me” he explained. I wasn’t going to confront Noah. My plan was to sit quietly until we got home and then go straight to my room but Noah was pushing me towards confronting him.

“I do like you...” I started to explain and then stopped.

“So why do you keep pushing me away?” he asked.

“I’m not so sure you just like me. I seen you with Nour and I know you two went to the beach by yourselves and I can see why you like her. I mean you’ve known each other forever and she isn’t ugly. I guess I just want you to only like me”  I breathed deeply after sharing my feelings.

“Me liking Nour?” Noah laughed slightly. “I love Nour but more like a sister” he explained.

“Then why did you lie to me about only being with Nour?” I accused him.

“I actually have a surprise for you..”

Piano Man  (Sequel to Isn't She Lovely) -h.s-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu