By Sumaya

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David's face turned bright red, so red, that he could be the first human color, real color red, to be in the rainbow. "Well, I am waiting for the adoption sheet," said David, waiting impatiently.
"Oh, very sorry," said Mar. Mar gave David the adoption sheet, and Tanner and Asma's face were turning bright red, just like David's. Tanner saw the adoption sheet that David was signing. "Okay, bye," said Mar, looking all teary-eyed. David grabbed Tanner and Asma and put them in a familiar truck. "Heyy..." Tanner said. David had a feeling that Tanner remembered the truck, but of coarse, Tanner was too stupid to understand. Tanner continued his saying, "This truck has a smudge of chocolate on it." Tanner put his finger on the smudge of chocolate. Unfortunately, the smudge wasn't chocolate, it was bird poop. And Tanner can never tell the difference. Asma heard a sigh of relief from David. "Umm... Divad?" Asma said. "Why are you so mad?"
"I'm not mad," said David.
"Yeah you are. I mean, look at your eyebrows, they're bushy and ugly. Doesn't that mean you're mad?" Asma asked. David was so annoyed, he just played along with Asma.
"Yeah, I am mad." *sarcasm* Asma gasped so loud, that 17 birds died. "Why did you gasp?" asked David.
"Because, your eyebrows fell off!" Asma was really dumb, so she had a crazier imagination than Tanner. David rolled his eyes, then pushed both kids in the truck. Until David heard a small squeak in the passenger seat. It was a mouse. David then screamed hysterically while the kids snuck out

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