By Sumaya

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    "Oh my gosh!" Tanner yelled. Happily, Tanner only had a bad dream. He must've taken a nap after eating all tho food at McDonald's. Lucky for him, his arm wasn't cut off. But it turned out the driver, was acting all French, and yes, I guess that wasn't part of the dream. Tanner walked out of McDonald's and saw a nearby trash can. He started hurling up all the food he ate. So now he was hungry again. So Tanner walked and walked. It felt as if he were in a movie, a scary movie. Or a book. Considering the fact that he IS in a book. But of course he doesn't know. He was walking and saw a dog. He climbed the fence and went on the lawn where an old couple lived. The dog just sat, not barking. But Tanner saw something that was brown.

    "Oooh! Chocolate!" Tanner yelled. He tasted a little bit of it and almost threw up again. Until an old lady, a bit familiar, walked outside and saw him! "Whatcha doin," she said. "Eatin chocolate," said Tanner.

     "Where'd ya get it?"

    "The doggy dropped it."

    "Ha ha ha!" the old lady laughed hysterically. "Aaaah. I remember those days when I was 80 years old. And people used that joke on me. How'd ya know it went like that. It was made before you were born," the stupid old lady said. But Tanner was confused. 

    "That was a joke? But I was literally eating chocolate and the doggy dropped it. "

    "What?"the old lady said. "Gross! Someone called Neighborhood Security!" And with that, Tanner remembered exactly who it was. "Fairy Godmother!" he yelled. He hugged her. But Tanner should have known that she was NOT the "Fairy Godmother" he saw at the mall. It was her long lost, exactly identical, twin sister. "Excuse me! Security! There's a young boy squeezing me when I don't know him. What a stranger!" The lady looked at his hand and

Stupid People Do Stupid StuffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ