By moi

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car zoomed past, just inches from where he was standing. "Hey! What do you think you're doing, kid, standing in the middle of the road?!" yelled a driver. A driver, not the driver, in case you were wondering. "Oops! My bad!" replied Tanner as he made his way to the sidewalk. Tanner sat down on a nearby bench and began to sob uncontrollably. Not because his parents were missing, a bearded man was trying to kill him, or that he's been kidnapped, but because he was on the naughty list.

"Why, oh why..." he moaned. A few minutes later he stopped crying and looked up to see a stranger standing in front of him. But, little did he know, it wasn't a stranger at all, it was the driver with a clever disguise. he was wearing (if you were thinking a fake mustache, you're right!) a fake mustache and using a British accent so fake it would insult the living daylights out of any British person. "Good day, mate!" (by the way, lots of Australians say that) the driver said cheerfully.

"Ya look a bit down, mate. Would ya care for a ride?" Now, any NORMAL person knows to say no riding with a stranger. But, Tanner was obviously not a normal person, so he said, "Sure! Actually, I am feeling down. Santa told me I was on the..the... n-n-naughty list!" And with that, Tanner started crying all over again.

"There, there, no need to cry, Tann-uh, I mean mate." the driver patted Tanner and said, "Well, we have get going, Tann-uh, mate."

"Okay." The driver securely held on to Tanner's hand and led him to the truck. "Gosh, this truck looks familiar...Maybe I've seen it on TV or something..." This time the driver actually used his brain (or whatever scrap of brain he has floating around in his head, anyway) and handcuffed Tanner's wrists, threw him in a box, duct taped the opening, and tossed that into a garbage bag which he quadruple knotted, tied with rope, and duct taped. He threw this into the back of the truck, slammed the double doors shut, and secured all the locks on it. Little did the driver know that this wasn't Tanner in the back of the truck, it was the bearded man!

"Aaaaargghhhhh! Let me out, you stupid good for nothing aaaarrghhh!!!!!" The driver still didn't know it was his boss, so he cackled evilly. "What are you doing?" asked Tanner. The driver looked from the truck to Tanner, his mouth dropped open. "W-what? B-b-but, how? Wha?" the driver stuttered. He rubbed his eyes. "!" exclaimed the flabbergasted driver. Then

now what's going to happen to Tanner? will the bearded man get out? how is Tanner not in the truck? keep reading to find out! ;)

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