By moi

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    The person who wanted to adopt Tanner and Asma had a long beard and and Italian accent so fake it would insult the living daylights out of any Italian person. The man was actually David, but they were too dumb to realize that.
"Hello, I am Divad, ya? I am here to adopt these idiots- I mean kids, ya?"
"I don't wanna be adopted!" wailed Asma.
"Too bad, ya?"
"No! Too bad for you, sucka!!" and with that Asma kicked him in the shin. Hard.
"OOOOWWWWW!!!!" howled Diva- I mean, David.
"Asma! Say sorry to the innocent young man!" ordered Mar.
"No!" yelled Asma. "A, he's not innocent, and B, he's DEFINITELY not young!"
"Yeah, he's just like my evil fairy godmother's who's super old! And evil!" agreed Tanner.

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