Chapter 3 Asma's point of view By Griffin

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"Oh no," said Asma. She went to the counselor. "Hi, ok about the adoption thing I just made my first friend. And I don't want to move away from him," said Asma. "Well go talk to her," said that counselor. "Ok," Asma said in an annoyed voice. She walked over to the woman. "I don't want to be adopted," said Asma. "What will you give me," said the woman. "Let's see," Asma said. Asma reached in her pocket. "I've got uh...a toothpick, a used tissue, and a wig," said Asma. She looked back at Tanner. Tanner was doing his hair,

will Asma get adopted and be forced to leave Tanner? keep reading to find out! ;)

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