By Sumaya

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"Fine," the man said, "You asked for it."
"No I didn't," Tanner yelled again. "You're too dumb to understand. So go to Walmart and buy a new brain. It's 50% off!"
"Oh. So the stupid kid wants to gain 50 pounds. I'm pretty sure I heard that. (sarcasm intended)"shot back the man.
"!" said Tanner. I said 50% off, not gain 50 pounds! You know what, maybe you should go to Target and buy new ears! Cuz eventually you're deaf. By the way, it's 25% off."
"Oooh, I just got served," said the man in his head. But he dialed the police anyways. "Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" said a cop girl. "Oh," began the man. "There is a young boy who is talking trash talk to me."
"Umm... I believe that is not an emergency. But we'll come anyways." The man hing up right after the cop ended her talk.
"The cops are coming your way, Tanner," said the man.
"How do you know that my name is Tanner," Tanner said. "" the guy stuttered. In the middle of the guy's stuttering, cop cars started driving straight to Tanner and the man's destination. A lady came out of the cop car and walked directly to them.
"Umm. Excuse me. I believe there was an emergency here," she said.
"Oh," began the man. "This young boy was in the middle of the street. He refused to do it. I mean, how juvenile is that?"
"Ok, but didn't you say that he was speaking trash talk to you?" said the woman.
"Hey!" said Tanner. "I was never speaking trash talk to him."
"Whoa, whoa," said the cop, lady, woman. "Since you both refuse to give me answers, you big guy, will go to jail."
"What?" the man said. "That's not fair!"
"No arguing or or else execution will be n your hands," said the cop woman. And for you, little boy, you'll need to go to kid jail. But first we need to speak with your parents. And for you, grown man, once again... you can't get your parents called because you're over 18 years of age. Little boy, I need to take notes of you. What is your name?"
"Whoa!" Tanner said. "How can you speak so fast. Anywho, my name is Tanner Tranowski, and I'm 11 years old. "
"Thank you," said the cop. "What is your parent's phone number?"
"Oh. Here's the thing. I don't know where they are. I heard by a bearded man, suspiciously, that my family stole, umm... something, from him. And, I think they're dead. Oh, my mom's phone number is 123-456-7890, my dad's is 098-765-4321." said Tanner, saying the words, very fast, just like the cop lady. "Wait," the cop lady said. "Did you say you basically have no parents?"
"Umm... I didn't say that. The exact words I said were..." said Tanner. But the cop lady didn't let him finish his sentence.
"I know what you mean. Are your parents not with you, like, lost?"
"Umm... yeah. I guess," said Tanner. The cop lady went to a whole bunch of other cops and started speaking with them. After about seven minutes, Tanner had to go to a Foster Home, until the FBI find his parents. Tanner sobbed when he was getting the administration sheet (by the way, he obviously didn't sign it. The cop lady did. He was just sitting and crying) "Okay," said a woman who owned the foster home. "You're set to go. This is your new "home" until the FBI find your parents. Children! Time to meet a new foster home buddy!" All the kids stood line by line facing Tanner. But there was only 4 kids: Bethany, Jerrad, Caleb, and Asma. For some reason, Asma looked vaguely familiar. He took a close look at her and said, "I think I saw you in my dream."
But of coarse, Asma was embarrassed because of two things: the thought of not knowing someone and they had a dream about you, and that the way Tanner said it, sounded very, very stupid. But then again, it was embarrassing. But it looked like Asma was blushing. Then Tanner began to blush. And all the other three kids started pointing and laughing.
"Tanner and Asma sittin' in a tree."Asme ran upstairs and it looked like she was about to cry. Tanner ran after her. But there were so many doors, he didn't know what door she went in. So he saw a slightly opened one, and he heard a familiar girl voice, sobbing. He opened the door and saw Asma. He said, "Umm. Didn't you lose your parents too?" Asma said, "Uh, yeah. Including my aunt."
"Was there a guy named "Dora the Explorer who you could have sworn stole your family?"
"How'd you know?"
"I had a dream about you. All of this happened. You had a rude-turning out to be babysitter?"
"Cool. You are getting it all right."
"I also had a dream that a bearded man, named David, and Jodi, your babysitter, were working as a team." And with that, Asma's tears started fading away.
"What if it'a true. What if Jodi and David work as a team to defeat us?" All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. Tanner and Asma tip toed downstairs and choked who it was. "Hey," Asma began, "That girl looks familiar. Maybe I've seen her around." But the person was a girl, and she wanted to adopt Asma. "What?" Asma said. "This is gonna get ugly!"

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