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Krystal pov

"Hey babe"
"Guess what"
"Well you have to guess" she chuckled
"Ugh...okay... Is it that you love me" I teased
"No but I do love you... I think you look beautiful!!!!" She yelled
"Omo Amber why did you scream" I hit her arm
"I was just showing how much I love you" she kissed my cheek
"Dork" I laughed
"Hey babe I have to go get something from the nurses office so don't wait up" she hugged me
"Okay hurry I'll be waiting" I walked away

Amber pov

"Hey babe I have to go get something from the nurses office so don't wait up" I hugged her

"Okay hurry I'll be waiting" She walked away
Now where is it... There's my necklace!!! I don't know what I would do if I lost it

"There you are cutie" Someone said

"Oh hey Suzy" I awkwardly said hi remembering that Krystal hates her for almost kissing me

"I've been looking all over for you" she walked up to me putting her hands on my chest

"What are you doing" I said in scared tone

"Well I missed you so I should get what I deserve" she pushed me on the nurses bed

"I'm dating Krystal and I love her not you" I tried pushing her away as she started kissing my neck

"THATS WHY YOU CAME TO THE NURSES OFFICE" I heard Krystal scream as soon as Suzy kissed me on the lips

"NO!!! I would never cheat on you" I pushed Suzy off of me and ran to Krystal

"It's not what it looks " I tried to hold her hand until



"No please Krystal I love you, don't leave me please" I started crying

"It's over" she ran out the nurses office with her hands on her face

"WOW" I heard Suzy say


"Sorry" she walked out the nurses office




I walked out of the nurses office still feeling my cheeks wet.

I'm sorry Krystal, please don't leave me
I kept reacting in my head waiting her to forgive me

As I walked out to leave school I saw Krystal with sulli, we had eye contact for a couple of minutes but then she looked away. I know she hates me and I know she will never forgive me. I walked to my car driving off just waiting to wish all this never happened.

Krystal pov

I walked out of school seeing Amber. I wish I could walk over to her and hug her and have her in my arms,but I remembers what she did making my eyes feel teary so I looked away.

"Hey aren't you going to go with Amber" she asked

"No we broke up" I said feeling tears in my eyes

"WHAT!!!!" She asked hugging me

"I saw him kissing Suzy in the nurses office earlier" I cried in her shoulder

"It's okay... It's going to be okay" she rubbed my back

"I love her sul, I don't want to lose her I want her back" I cried even more

" let me take you home" sulli walked me home


Amber pov

It's been 4 months and I'm still in love with her, I don't think I can ever get over her

" Hey Amber are you still thinking about her" Henry asked me

" yeah she's never not on my mind... I love her dude" I said feeling my eyes water



Great now I have to go outside and wait like 5 min in the cold just to walk back inside and do work

As I was walking down the stairs to walk outside for the fire alarm, I saw a beautiful girl. As I looked closer I saw that it was Krystal who was with some guy, as soon as I was going to turn around we had eye contact so I looked away making her notice I was mad. I walked down stairs with my class and through the school doors that led outside, and it didn't surprise me at all seeing Krystal talking with the same guy. I couldn't help but look at her, the sun rays hit her skin perfectly making her glow looking more majestic to me.

"Hey Amber" I turned around causing me to jump back to my senses
"Oh hey Luna" I nodded
"Can you please tell taemin that I don't like Minho" she hugged my arm
"Taemin she doesn't like Minho" I pinched Luna cheeks
"Yeah she does I always see her staring at him" he teased
" I don't" she sticked her tongue out
"Oh gosh will y'all stop fighting" I teased them
"Ugh...okay oppa!!!" She hugged me by my waist
"Oppa" I chuckled
" I'll see y'all" I walked away walking back inside to go to class

As I walked back I saw Krystal on the corner of my eye, but for some reason I didn't know how she popped right next to me. We were both heading to the door and I knew we could fit but I did know that if we both walked in at the same time that are shoulders would touch and I know I wouldn't be able to handle her touch. I turned my should thus making both of us able to pass with no physical contact. I went to class still thinking about her beauty, knowing that no matter what girl I look at it would always be Krystal who Im looking at and have in my heart.
Krystal pov



"Ugh" I heard the fire alarm go off
As I walked out of class to walk outside I heard someone call me.

"KRYSTAL" I turned around

"Oh hey nichkhun" I waved
" can you help me find a way to ask Victoria out"I chuckled
"Sure why not" I smiled

For some reason I had the feeling that someone was looking at me so I looked up.
Amber out of all people why you, you always have a way to stay in my heart

We had eye contact and for the slightest moment I felt like something was going to happen, as if he would come running down and pull me and ask me to take him back but no he turns away with a mad face. I couldn't help but feel pain so I walked back to where nichkhun was.

"There you are" he smiled
" here I am" I laughed
" I think I have a plan for you to ask Victoria out" I smiled
"Thanks this means a lot ... Well I have to go time to get back to class."
"Okay bye" I waved
As I was walking back to class me and Amber were at the door and I knew we would touch each other, but what hurt me more is that she avoided my touch.

As I got back to class I could not stop thinking about Amber, my one and only prince the one I love and forever will love.

"I love you Amber" I whispered

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