What is she doing

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Krystal pov

" Hey can I have some of that mango putting?" luna asked

"No you know mango is my favorite" I replied

"Oh come on just one spoon full please" she said

"No and stop asking me"
"oh my god" I said as I looked up and saw sulli with a hot guy looking at me

"Hey guys this is my new boyfriend" sulli said

"WHAT!! NO I'm not her boyfriend we are just friends" he said

"Oh come on amber just let me have some fun" sulli pouted

"So his name amber that's a girls name...why does she have a girls name" I thought

"Why do you have a girls name" luna said

"Oh because I'm a girl...I just dress like a boy because it's comfortable" amber said while awkwardly scratching her neck

I acted as if she was not I'm my presence so she would not think I like her

"Whats wrong with me why have I already fallen for her I don't even know her" I thought

"Well it's nice to meet you all" amber said

Amber pov

"Why isn't krystal looking at me"
"Omg even when she eats its sexy, why am I already in love with her when I don't know her" I thought

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