I cant loose you

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Amber pov

I've been thinking lately about taking krystal on a date. I haven't took her out in a while.

"Hey princess I'm picking you up at 5, dress beautifully" I said over the phone

"Wha-" she replied until I hung up


I dressed in my black dressy paints with my white button up and a blazer.I arrived at krystal house with a bouquet of flowers.

"Bam bam bam" I knocked on her front door

"Hey amber" Jessica opened the door

"Hey Jessica long time no see, I'm here to pick my princess up"

"amber you spoil her to much, she will be down she getting a cover up" she looked at the flowers

"Ill do anything for her and she doesn't need a cover up I'm right here to keep her warm, IM THE WARMEST LLAMA SHE CAN FIND!!!!" I gave her my famous dork smile

"Dork, she's lucky to have you. But if you ever hurt her ill kill you" she grabbed my collar

"I won't Jess" I winced in pain

"JESSICA PUT AMBER DOWN" krystal order her older sister

"What I was just fixing her collar right amber" she gave me the warning to not say anything about what she said earlier with her eyes

"Yeah thanks Jessica wouldn't want to look ugly compared not the beautiful princess over there" I smiled

"Come on amber... by unnie ill see you later"she grabbed my hand

"Oh here I almost forgot these are for you" I handed her the bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks am" she blushed

"How many" the waiter said

"Table for 2" I said

We sat down and I pulled a chair out for krystal

"My lady" I bowed

"Dork" she chuckled

As soon as I sat down I hear krystal yell

"Oh hey Kris!!!!" Krystla ran to a guy at the restaurant and hugged him

"Krystal I missed you, how have you been"
He hugged her back

"I've been good, when did you get back" she held his hand

"I got back this morning i was going to call you to have dinner"a he rubbed her hand

"Why not now come on sit down tell me how you been" she pulled him to our table and pulled a seat out for her to sit on.

"You know I really missed you these couple of years of me and you being apart" he rubbed her cheek

"I did too...I missed you too" she held his hand on her cheek

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yelled getting back to my senses

"Amber" she looked at me confused

"ITS OVER KRYSTAL WHY DONT YOU JUST GO OUT WITH THIS KID" I yelled at her storming out of the restaurant

I drove home feeling wet stains down my cheeks.

"How could she" I said to my self

"I love you so much" I yelled

I got home and took a hot shower I got ready for bed still thinking of what krystal did or is doing with him

I laid in my bed feeling my phone vibrate

"-Amber I'm sorry for what I did please answer me I miss you" krystal said

"-You hurt me krystal and I can't forgive you for this... I love you so much... I can't do this anymore I'm sorry" I replied feeling my shirt getting soked


Krystal pov


I was confused at what just happened I got back to my senses and saw how Kris was holding my cheek and my hand being on top of his. I suddenly felt my tears falling

"Hey why are you crying" Kris said

"She left me, she might of thought I liked you" I said

"What your my cousin,does she know that" he asked with a shock expression

"I don't think so, I can't lose her I love her" I cried in his shoulder

"Go talk to her" he said

"Okay... I should...please amber forgive me" I whispered to my self

"-Amber I'm sorry for what I did please answer me I miss you"I healed my phone tight

"-You hurt me krystal and I can't forgive you for this... I love you so much... I can't do this anymore I'm sorry" I felt a knife just cut through my heart when I read what amber said

"Let me take you home" Kris pulled my hand

"Thanks Kris sorry about what happened ill make it up to you how about we have lunch tomorrow" I hugged him when we arrived home

"Its okay Krystal, feel better and deal your buying" he waved and I chuckled

I got inside and took a warm shower, I thought about what happened to me and amber earlier and felt my tears running.

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