meet the family

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Krystal pov

We got on a 14 hour flight from korea to L.A.

We got off the air plane looking for our luggage walking around waiting for amber sister.

"I'm so excited" I held ambers arm

"Really? Why?"

"Because I get to me your family who you never talk about, I want to see how they are and how they made the best daughter in the world"

"Well your in for a treat"

"Hey am" some yelled across the airport

"Omg here she comes"

"Huh?" I was confused at what was happening

"Their you are sis took you long enough" she put amber in a head lock.

"Let me guess is she your girlfriend" the older girl with short hair teased after letting go of amber

"Yeah" amber rubbed her neck fixing her hair

"Hi I'm krystal nice to meet you" I reached my hand out

"Nice to meet you too, I'm ambers older sister my name's jackie" she shuck my hand

"Okay let's get going" amber pulled my hand

"Wow slow down cow boy you can't go anywhere with out the keys" jackie teased

"Ugh jackie hurry up we don't got all day we are super tired"

"Okay llama let's go then" jackie laughed

*Ambers home

"Come on" amber healed my hand pulling me inside her house

"MOM IM HOME"jackie yelled

"mom im home too" amber quietly yelled

"IS THAT AMBER, MY BABY IS HERE" she ran toward amber and started kissing all over her face.

"MOM stop this is so embarrassing"

"Oh come on sweetie I haven't seen you in like 2 years"

"I know but I will be staying here for like 4 days just give me some time to rest we still have jet lag" amber whined

"Ugh okay sweetie, and who is this" Mrs liu asked

"THATS AMBER GIRLFRIEND" jackie yelled from the kitchen

"Yeah this is krystal" amber said holding my hand

"Hi nice to meet you, please take care of me over the next few days" I said

"Nice to meet you too sweetie, I hope my amber bear is taking good care of you" she hugged me

"Of course she is" I laughed

"Wow amber you have a beautiful girlfriend, I'm so glad you found someone like this"

"Yeah I know I'm lucky"she rubbed her neck

"Mom we are going to get some sleep okay"

"Okay when you wake up I will cook some dinner"

*Amber room

"Wow I love your room babe"


"Because it's like totally different from my room, like who has llama pictures on their walls" I laughed

"Haha so funny" she picked me up bridal way

"Ahhh amber put me down" I screamed

"Why your my princess"

"Put me down" I gave her my ice stare

"Okay...fine....I'm sorry... sooo how about you go wash up and put your pj on so we can sleep for a couple of hours"

"Mmm" I answered


I walked out the bathroom with my pjs on (white shorts and a white teen top on with my black bra)

I was fixing my shirt and when I looked up I saw amber looking at me head to toe causing me to blush

"What" I giggled

"You look so hot" she kept looking at me

I love how she can be so honest at times

"Are you ready"

"For what" I looked at her with questionable eyes

"Princess I didn't mean it like that I meant like going to bed" she laughed historically

"Ohhh yeah"I laughed with her, I jumped in bed going under the covers, laying my head on ambers chest

"Goodnight princess" she kissed the temple of my head

"Goodnight baby" I leaned closer to amber trying to take in all her warmth

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