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Amber pov

It's been 2 weeks since me and krystal broke up. It hurts to know that the one I loved and always will love hurt me. Krystal came up to me everyday the first week I broke up with her, trying to explain everything. I did.t want to here it because I knew that it would hurt me and I would break down in front of here. These days I've been seeing her hanging out T.O.P, and it's killing me seeing her laugh with someone else.

"Hey amber" henry called at me


"Are you okay...dude if you want her back go get her" he looked at me

"I can't what if she doesn't want me back, I still have a feeling she will do something to hurt me" I looked down

"If you don't fight for her now, you will lose her to that T.O.P kid" henry shuck my shoulders

"Your right I'm not going to lose her" I smiled

Everyday I would walk to class me and krystal passing by each other. The first few weeks should would look at me then she stoped and that hurt me. But today when we walked by each other I looked at her making sure we had eye contact and gave her my dorkest smile.


Krystal pov

Everyday I see her I just want to run up to her and hug her and beg her to take me back. The first weeks I would try to explain to her what happened but she would just brush me off and tell me to leave. Lately T.O.P been hanging around me lately, he would walk me home make me smile, and also comfort me when I feeling down. Today when I walked to class I saw amber like usual since we pass by each other going to class. I looked straight as if I didn't see amber but I had this feeling she was looking at me so I looked up and made eye contact, just was surprised at what had happened next. Amber gave me her dorkest smile my favorite smile of all her smiles. No matter how hard I try to get over her theirs always a way I fall back in love with her.

After school T.O.P asked we can go get a snack at a convince store near by,I had nothing to do so I agreed.

"What would about a mango" he asked me

"I love mangoes" I yelled

"Wow it's just a mango" I thought of amber because she would always by me mangos

"Nothing" I put my head down

"Whats wrong" he walked up to me

"It's nothing" I looked up

"Let me help you with that" he lifted my chin up with his finger.

He was about to kiss me until I felt someone pull me to them. I looked up and I found amber, she was holding my waist tight I couldn't help but blush at the contact we had.

"Leave her alone, she's my girlfriend" amber yelled

She pulled me out of the store and opens her car door and drove off. I couldn't help but look at her, she was holding the steering wheel tight, showing her vains and her arm muscle. She suddenly stoped the car, and looked at me. She pulled my wrist to her making my lips close to hers.

"I don't ever want to see you kissing anyone els" she said firmly

I nodded giving her my answer. We had an awkward moment until she broke it.

"Krystal" she said in a low voice

"Yyess" I stuttered

"I'm sorry" she looked at me with tear eyes

"No I'm sorry" I cried

She pulled me in to her hug making me feel the warmth she had all along for me

"Why did you leave me" I suddenly said wanting to know her answer

"Because you cheated on me with Kris" she yelled


"Why did you slap me" she yelled at me

"I HATE YOU" I started to cry

"Dont cry I'm sorry for yelling"

"Your such a babo...I never cheated in you stupid" I started hitting her chest.

"What" she looked confused

"That was my cousin" I cried

"What" she look down

"You left me because you thought I cheated in you. Do you know how sad and depressed I was because of you" I looked up to her teary eyes

"I'm really am stupid" she kissed me

"I love you babe" I deepened the kiss

"Im not going to loose you this time princess, I love you" she smiled


JUST kidding!!!!!

To be continued!!!:)

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