8. A Bond Is Made

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"Stormfly heel!" Hiccup yelled rushing in front of Astrid and pushing her behind him. Stormfly stopped charging and cocked her head to the side to look at them with one of her large and intelligent golden eyes. "Easy girl Astrid din't mean to insult you." Hiccup said gently holding his hand out. Then Stormfly squawked and shoved Hiccup roughly to the side. She raised her blue and yellow tail up with the spikes out, prepared to strike her down.

"Astrid move!" Eret yelled but Astrid felt as if her legs were frozen.

Then she closed her eyes, dropped her head down and held her hand out the way she had seen Hiccup do. Nothing happened. Then she felt something scaly touch her open hand. Astrid opened her eyes and looked up to see Stormfly's snout gently pressed against her palm.

"Whoa...." she whispered in awe.

"Wow you actually did it." Astrid turned to see Ruffnut and Fishlegs holding Hiccup up on his feet.

"Do what?" She asked.

"You stopped Stormfly from attacking you." Fishlegs answered.

"Oh that uh..." Astrid glanced at Stormfly, who was looking at her with a playful look and kept nuzzling her. "I just uh...followed Hiccup's example."

"Well it looks like you got yourself a friend today Astrid. You created a bond between you and Stormfly." Hiccup said with a chuckle. Stormfly happily cawed and nudged her happily.

"But I don't even want to train a dragon!" Astrid protested, shoving Stormfly's head away roughly. But Stormfly thought it was a game and shoved Astrid back roughly.

"Too late. You can't give her back." Ruffnut said with a grin.

Astrid glared at Stormfly and sighed. Things weren't going the way she hoped they would.

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