6. The Announcement

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"That was kind of unnecessary wasn't it?" Eret asked Astrid as they walked to the Berk Training Academy the next day. Hiccup had told them that he wanted them there for a  surprise.

"What was?" Astrid asked.

"Punching the chief. Be lucky that he was nice enough to let us stay."

"Oh that? Well lets hope that I am out of the list of girls we offered him to marry."

"You are not getting out of this Astrid. Normally the daughter of the chief would marry him but I don't have any sisters and I am not a girl."

"Who knows he could be ga-"

"No he isn't...uh...gay. I can see that he likes you despite that you socked him hard enough to probably knock a lug out of him."

"Well too bad for him because I won't be marrying him. Garnet or Opal can have him for all I care."

"Astrid as your chief and your friend I suggest you listen to me and-"

"Listen Eret, you may be my best friend but you are not chief yet to be bossing me around like this."

"Need a ride?" They looked up to see the guy Snotlout circling above them with the other three dragon riders Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"No thanks we're good." Eret answered tugging Astrid in the direction of the academy.

"You sure? You look like you could use a lift. It's a pretty long walk to the academy and we don't want you to be too tired today." Fishlegs said landing his dragon.

"We're fine really. Plus Astrid doesn't want to be riding any dragons." Eret said quickly.

"Yeah plus I'd rather walk. It's good for the legs." Astrid said walking on.

"Suit yourself." Snotlout said with a shrug before flying off.

"You know we could all really use the exercise too." Fishlegs said motioning his dragon to follow as he walked with Eret and Astrid.

"You didn't have to walk with us." Astrid said as they walked.

"Astrid..." Eret said in a warning tone and she glared at him.

"It's okay. Besides Meatlug needs the exercise too don't you girl?" Fishlegs said rubbing his Gronckle between the ears.

"I am still wondering what Hiccup has for us." Eret said.

"Probably something good. Maybe you guys are getting jobs training the kids. We do need some teachers that know pretty good combat skills." Fishlegs said helpfully.

"Maybe but I doubt it." Astrid said with a shrug.

Soon the four of them arrived at the academy. Inside waiting for them was Hiccup, the twins, Snotlout, Opal, Garnet and the dragons.

"Took you long enough." Opal said jumping off the barrel she was sitting on.

"Oh shut up." Astrid said rolling her eyes.

"Ahem, ladies please no fighting we're still trying to keep this arena clean of blood." Hiccup said quickly.

"So what did you call us in for?" Garnet asked.

"Well I figured if you are gonna be with us you might as well learn to do something we all do here." Hiccup answered.

"Which is what?" Eret asked.

"Training dragons of course."

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