9. You Got a Funny Way of Showing It

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"...for the last time Astrid, it was on accident!" Eret protested as they left the academy.

"You set my skirt on fire!" Astrid yelled showing him the ruined skirt she was now holding in her hands. "How can anyone loose control of a Monstrous Nightmare the way you did?"

"It was an accident! Come on you gotta forgive me please?" Eret asked stopping her and getting down on his knees.

"Not until you fix my skirt." Astrid said shoving the burned skirt into his face and walking off with Stormily running after her. "STORMFLY GO BACK TO THE ACADEMY!"

"Hey calm down!" Eret yelled running after them and pulling Stormfly back. "Astrid she just wants to play relax."

"She stays in the academy during these hours." Astrid snapped. "Send her back please?"

Eret spotted Hiccup and Toothless and waved the burned skirt to get his attention. Hiccup walked over to them and Stormfly gave a happy squawk and started to play with Toothless.

"Hey Hiccup is there something you wanted to tell Astrid?" Eret asked loudly

"Ask me what?" She asked turning to Hiccup. Hiccup blushed and rubbed his neck nervously.

"I uh....wanted to know if...if you...wanted to go on a small date with me this week." Hiccup stuttered. Astrid's eyes went wide.

"She would love to Hiccup! Tomorrow afternoon sounds great right Astrid?" Eret said clamping her on the shoulder.

"Eret wha-"

"Okay see ya tomorrow.," Hiccup said quickly and hurried off. Astrid turned to Eret with a frown.

"Did you just set me up on a date with the chief?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, yes I did. Now prepare yourself Astrid you got a hot date with the worlds best dragon rider tomorrow afternoon. your welcome.' Eret said giving her a mocking bow.

"STORMFLY ROOST!" Astrid yelled. Stormfly squawked and ran straight for Eret. His eyes widened in horror and he ran as fast as he could to get away from the blue bird dragon.

"YOU'LL THANK ME FOR THIS LATER ASTY!" He yelled as he ran.

"Unlikely Eret, just unlikely." Astrid muttered.

The New Girl [On Hold And Under Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora