3. Welcome To Berk

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They traveled for two more days till they finally reached Berk. Astrid started at amazement at the large statues that stood away from the island. She had always thought that Gyros was big but compared to Berk it may as well been comparing the size of a sardine to a tuna.

"It's huge!" Eret gasped as they got closer.

"Way bigger. Are you sure this is Berk? 'Cause you said it was suppose to be small." Opal said to Saphira.

"This is it." Saphira said as Eret helped her off the boat. "Now let's go have a little chat with the chief shall we?


Sadly no one seemed to be out that day. The entire village was surprisingly empty and no one or nothing was to be seen.

"Where is everyone?" Astrid asked looking around in confusion. She noticed that the majority of the houses had large stalls next to them with huge saddles inside them.

"What kind of beasts do these Berkians keep?" Eret said quietly to her. Then they heard some sheep baaing and saw a group of them moving around. Astrid noticed that one of them had some paint.

"What in Thor's name...?" Opal muttered as they watched the sheep move. Astrid heard something zoom behind them and from above too.

"Wait a second...." Astrid muttered and gripped her axe. She watched as the sheep with the paint get shoved away from the ground and it skirted to her, baaing in fear.

Then Astrid felt something snatch her and the sheep into the air. She gave a scream and held onto whatever grabbed her. She looked up to see a bright red Monstrous Nightmare gripping her with one foot and holding onto the sheep with the other. She heard a loud whoop and a man's voice that said:

"Yeah she's so gonna win this race thanks to me Hooky!"

"Snotlout I don't think people count as extra points!" Yelled a chubby looking guy on a Gronckle.

"What?" Astrid saw a guy who looked around her age poke his head over the side of his dragon and his eyes widened in shock. Astrid gave him a scowl but didn't say anything. "Well what can I say Fishlegs? All the ladies wanna be with me."

"Oh sure," Astrid said sarcastically rolling her eyes, "then once they see how disgusting you are they wanna run."

"I like this chick already but I hate to break it to you sweetheart, my heart is in the hands of-Fishlegs give that back!" While the guy Snotlout was distracted, then other guy Fishlegs had snatched the sheep from the grip of the Monstrous Nightmare.

"YEAH!" Yelled a blonde girl who came riding in on a Zippleback with a boy. Fishlegs tossed the sheep to her with a big smile and blew the girl a kiss.

"All for you my darling!"

"Ugh I'm gonna puke." Astrid heard Snotlout mutter.

"Uh before you do, do you mind putting me down?" Astrid yelled.

"Whoops sorry. Hookfang set her down." Instead of setting her down, the Monstrous Nightmare tossed Astrid straight into the air. Astrid gave a scream and she heard others screaming too.

As she plunged down to the earth, she saw a streak of black and felt something grab her by the legs. "Did you get her bud?" A guys voice said. Astrid turned her head up to see a black dragon with bright green eyes looking at her. It gave her a gummy smile and made a cooing sound. Astrid gave an ear-splitting scream of terror, causing the dragon's smile to droop and look confused at her.

"PUT ME DOWN OR I SWEAR TO ASGUARD I WILL KILL YOU!" Astrid yelled as she tried kicking.

"Sorry milady didn't mean to scare you!" The black dragon descended downwards and carefully dropped her. Astrid rolled to her feet and heard the shouts of the Gyros villagers.

"Astrid!" She felt Eret collide with her and give her a tight hug. "Thank gods you're alright."

"Eret you're squeezing me a little too tight." Astrid groaned and he released her.

"Sorry. That looked like fun though."

"Being tossed around like a sack of flour? I don't think so!"

"Uh Saphira are you sure this is Berk?" Opal asked looking at all the dragons and villagers who had came to see what the commotion was. "Because I don't think you mentioned that Berk was overrun by dragons."

"This is it." Saphira said with a nod.

"And you are?" Asked a young man as he got off the black dragon. He looked around twenty years old, and pretty close to Astrid's age. He had short auburn hair and bright green eyes at shone like emeralds. Astrid felt his eyes land on her and she felt the blush creep up to her cheeks.

"Who?" she asked then realized he was asking them all.

"We are the Gyros tribe," Eret said stepping forward, "my father was the chief but he's dead now. I'm Eret, son of Eret." he held his hand out to the young man and he accepted it with a firm shake.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third," he said with a grin, "and this is Toothless." he added gesturing to the black dragon. Toothless gave them a gummy smile and walked over to Astrid. She took some steps back when he walked forward a bit more to sniff her.

"That must be the infamous Night Fury I suppose?" Saphira said extending her hand to Toothless to let him smell it.

"Yeah that's him." Hiccup said with a chuckle. Toothless crooned and rubbed against Saphira quite roughly. Astrid quickly put her hand between Totthless' head and Saphira's arm and gave him a shove and pushed Saphira back too.

"Saphira I don't think any of us can stand being on the same island as the creatures who burned our village to the ground." Astrid said sending Toothless a glare. He looked at her and then to Hiccup with a confused look.


"I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO BREATHE THE SAME AIR AS THESE CREATURES THAT KILLED MY FAMILY!" She screamed. The villagers from both tribes gasped and the dragons looked shocked.

Eret stepped forward to calm her down. "Astrid please-"

"SHUT UP!" she roared angrily and shoved his hands away. Then she stormed away. There is no way that I am staying her. Never. She thought to herself angrily.

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