2. The Only Option

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"I can't believe it...." Astrid said as she watched their island get smaller and smaller as they sailed away from it.

"Me niether. I knew dragons were often violent but these....seemed different somehow." Eret said.

"In all my years I have never seen a dragon raid like this before. Never till now." Saphira said gripping her staff.

"And we lost so many people." Astrid added glancing at the two other boats.

"At least he is still alive." Saphira said pointing her staff at Eret. "He's the only living heir to our tribe now."

"What tribe? We are barely nothing. We have nowhere else to go, barely anything to eat and what am I even suppose to do?" Eret exploded angrily.

"Easy: marry the daughter or chieftess of a different tribe." Said a girl named Opal from the back of the boat.

"And how is that gonna work?" Astrid asked her narrowing her eyes. "They will expect us to give them something. We can't go marrying Eret off when he has no inheritance."

"I know a place where we can stay." Saphira said interrupting them. "It's a small island but the number of Vikings there are numerous. They can help us."

"How do you know?" Eret asked.

"If none of you heard, they were attacked by Drago Bludvist."

"Drago Bludvist? But no one can bring that madman down!"

"Aye, but their new chief can. They say when he was a boy he defeated a whole army of Berserkers by himself with a small band of fearless warriors."

"Seriously?" Astrid asked looking amazed. Saphira nodded silently.

"There is a chance that they could let us stay. And if we can perhaps we can marry one of our finest girls to him."

"There are only three girls among us who are at the age of marriage you know." Eret pointed out.

"Oh Eret you seriously wanna keep Astrid to yourself like that?" Opal asked teasingly. Eret's face blushed a fiery red rapidly at her remark.

"N-no you're crazy!" He sputtered. "Astrid and I are just friends!"

Astrid stood up and placed her hands on her hips with an annoyed expression. "Seriously Opal what makes you think he is that selfish? I mean sure he was very protective of me when we were younger but that doesn't mean that-"

"He likes you obviously and-"

"And nothing. You are also forgetting that you are also one of those three girls and so is Garnet." Eret said cutting in.

"Right, her too. Anyways so the only option we have is to go to Berk?" Astrid said looking at Saphira for an answer.

"Yes, and they have been raided by dragons so many times yet they still are standing on their feet."

"Well if they can withstand those beasts, then we have a much better chance of surviving when we stay with them." Eret said and everyone murmured in agreement.

"So to Berk?" Astrid asked looking at him.

"To Berk." He answered with a nod.

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