Louis sick but no one believes him

Start from the beginning

"What were you trying to pull there Mr. Tomlinson?" the women I snapped at asked.

"We're all exhausted can't you see that?" I asked.

"We don't ask more of you then we know you can do. Don't push you luck like that again. This is your warning."

"Fine," I huffed. I left the room and tried to make my way back to the boys. I sat down at the table in the green room where they were eating.

"What was that all about?" Liam asked.

"Sorry, I told you i wasn't feeling well," I grumbled.

"Lou, we aren't happy with all the stuff either and we're all tired but we could all get in trouble for that," Niall sighed.

"I said I was sorry alright? Just drop it!" I snapped. I immediately felt guilty when I saw the look in Niall's eyes. "Nialler, I..." He didn't let me finish before he left the table.

"Nice going Louis," Liam hissed getting up to follow him.

"What's gotten into you?" Harry asked.

"I don't feel good and no one will listen to me." Harry looked me over.

"You really aren't feeling well?" he asked. I nodded. He put his hand on my head and sighed. "You're warm, but whether you're sick or not you shouldn't have snapped at Niall like that. Or management. I get your stressed but we all are."

"I need to apologize to him," I sighed.

"Let me go talk to Paul. If you're really sick maybe, we can postpone the concert." I felt my stomach start to convulse.

"No," I whispered to myself. I felt the color leave my face. Harry's eyes got wide.

"Come'on Lou." He took my hand and rushed me into the nearest bathroom. I barely made it to me knees before the small breakfast I had shot back out of my mouth staining the water below me. Harry rubbed my back until I was done.

"I'm alright," I groaned fulling the toilet.

"Let's get you out of here." Harry helped me stand and we walked back into the green room where Niall and Liam were sitting. Niall's eyes were red like he had been crying. I felt terrible. I sat down beside him and he dropped his eyes so he wasn't looking at me.

"I'm really sorry Nialler. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that," I said softly. He nodded slowly. Harry pulled Liam aside and was whispering to him. "I really am sorry Niall. I don't feel well and I'm stressed. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He looked up at me.

"Are you really sick?" he asked softly. I nodded.

"But that's not your fault."

"It's alright Louis." I started to smile but I felt my stomach churn again threatening to send up more of what was in it. I put my hand to my mouth and put my head down.

"You alright Louis?" I heard Harry call. I shook my head. He quickly grabbed the trash bin in the corner of the room and brought it to me. I took it quickly and started to gag over it. Niall and Liam both looked at each other before both started to comfort me. I gagged again just before coating the bin with the remains of my breakfast.

"Shit," Liam cursed under his breath. He quickly left the room leaving Niall and Harry with me. I coughed and gagged until there was nothing left to bring up leaving me dry heaving. Liam came back with Paul who looked at me and nodded. I grabbed his phone and went to the hallway.

"It's alright Lou," Niall whispered. I felt worse for snapping at him now. I whimper before heaving again bringing nothing up. This went on for what felt like an eternity but my stomach finally calmed down. Harry took the bin from my hands and Niall ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered feeling tears form in my eyes. Niall pulled my head down on his shoulder and put his arm around me. "I'm sorry Niall," I cried.

"Shh, Louis it's alright," he told me softly. I didn't know why I was crying really but I couldn't stop. Paul came back in a few minutes later.

"We pushed the concert back. Louis we need to get you in bed," he told us. I sniffed and nodded. We all went back to the bus were Liam took my temperature. It was pretty high which explained my mood swings. They gave me medicine for my fever and put a cold cloth on my head which felt like heaven. The boys tweeted out to the fans explaining I was sick and we couldn't do the concert. Within an hour #GetWellSoonLouis was trending worldwide. I stayed in bed for a few days until I was back on my feet. We made up the concert when I felt better and everything was back to the way it should be.

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