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"Phil, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Back with the lies. The lies he had put away for a while. They were back and they were staying.

Phil pulled his body up to sit on his bed as Amanda walked into his room.

"Are you sure? You can stay if you want-" Amanda said but Phil immediately cut her off.

"No, I'm going to school." He huffed and began searching for clean clothes. He had a feeling in the pit of hit stomach that something bad was gonna happen but he ignored it.

As he rummaged through dirty pairs of jeans and shirts, he came to find his phone that had a message waiting for him.

I'm sorry.

Phil snorted, deleting the message and tossing his phone onto his bed.

Once he found clean clothes, he fixed his hair and brushed his teeth, made sure he wasn't missing anything and walked out the door without saying goodbye to his mum or dad.

His phone buzzed a few more times and he couldn't stop himself from reading the messages.

Phil, answer me.

Phil, please.

If you're reading this, know I'm sorry. I'm a mess and you saw it for the first time, I do need you and I don't hate you. I'm just a fuck up and when I'm angry I say stupid things. I love you, Philip.

At least let me know if you're okay...

Okay? Okay?

Phil shook his head and put his phone away before stepping into his first class.

His first two classes went by surprisingly fast and it was exactly the opposite of what he wanted.

As he made his way outside, he heard a voice call his name, only making Phil walk faster.

"Stop following me," Phil called, walking off school property and towards the lot of trees.

"I gotta tell you something."

"Yeah, like what? More lies about Dan?" Phil scolded and stopped, facing Joey.

Joey laughed. "No, I promise I'm not lying this time. I'm surprised you didn't believe what I told you about Dan though."

"I know I look stupid but I know Dan better than you." Phil said. "You followed me this far, what do you want?"

"If you think you know Dan that well, do you think he would ever cheat on you?" Joey asked, a smirk on his lips.

Phil didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. Would Dan do that?

No. No, he wouldn't. Of course not.

Phil looked at Joey and he didn't want to hear what Joey had to say next but he didn't move and let Joey continue.

"Your precious boyfriend fucked me." Joey chuckled.

Something in Phil completely broke and he had never been so angry at the world. Instead of crying and running away, Phil launched himself at Joey and punched him.

Joey fell back onto the ground but Phil didn't stop there.

Never did he think he would be one to beat another person up but at the same time, he never thought he'd be so angry.

Anger was the only thing Phil could feel. He was furious and he had completely lost control and was kicking Joey like there was no tomorrow.

Joey had managed to get up and balled his hands into a fist to punch Phil.

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