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Nik was standing by his easel as he usually did when he wasn't out planning a murder. I walked into the room and smiled a bit when I saw him. I had finally thought up the perfect way to make our lives a lot better. I slid the paintbrush out of his hand and he groaned playfully before using a rag to wipe the excess paint off of his hands.

"I assume this means you want me for something?" he asked me while he chuckled a little bit.

"I always want you for something."

"You're a very high maintenance fiancée."

"And you love me."

"At this point, I have no choice. I've invested too much time and energy into you." He was obviously joking and he followed me over towards where I had sat down on the edge of the bed.

"And money."

"I prefer to ignore that and have Elijah handle my bills and bank account."

"So, I have everything all planned out." I explained while he gently wrapped his arms around my small frame .

"And what exactly does 'everything' entail?"

"It's everything. Our relationship. Our engagement. Our life together. I know how to make everything better."

"Well, I like to believe that everything is already perfect."

"Nik, c'mon. Be honest. It's not fair to you that I keep talking about and thinking about Damon. You're my fiancé. You're the only passive aggressive 6'0" man that should be on my mind."

"Look, I understand that you're depressed over everything that's happened. Don't worry." He sighed a little bit and I could tell he was trying to find the right thing to say, "I love you even if you're spending all your time watching Netflix and cuddling a bowl of popcorn."

"I know you love me. I love you more than anything. I just think I have a solution that's going to help us out and help everything go back to normal."

"I guess we could try something. What do you have in mind?"

"I think you should compel me."

"You want me to compel you?" he asked in order to make sure that he understood what I actually wanted, "Why would you want that?"

"I just think it'll make everything so much easier. Just compel me and get rid of all of those memories that Damon's my best friend and my maid of honor and all of that."


"-don't erase him from my memory. But if I think that he and I were just friends the way that Stefan and I are friends, I won't be this depressed."

"I really don't think this is a good idea. He's such an important part of your life and I would hate to take those memories from you."

"After the baby is born, I'll be back to my old vampire self and all the memories will come rushing back anyway. It's a temporary thing. Everyone wins. Trust me."

He bit his lip softly and I could tell he was thinking about it but he wasn't sure if it was really the right thing for us to do. I pouted and cuddled up to him a little bit since I knew that it didn't really take long for him to give in to whatever I wanted. I expected that he wouldn't go for it so quickly, but I really thought that it would be the best idea for all of us. There was no way that I would be able to feel better and drag myself out of this if I still remember every single thing that happened between Damon and I.

"Okay. I guess it could work out. You'll remember everything in a few months anyway." He mumbled after thinking it over for a few more moments to make sure that it was the right decision.

"Exactly. Stefan has been working on it for a while anyway. I'm sure everything will be okay. Hell, it's possible that Damon will be back before I even get my memories back."

"Alright. If this is what you really want."

I nodded again, trying to make sure that he knew I was sure about this. Nik took a deep breath and pulled me towards him again so that he was looking into my eyes. I had been thinking about this for a while and I was absolutely sure that this was exactly what I wanted. I barely realized that he was saying anything to me until I blinked a few times and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Ashley, princess, how do you feel?" he asked me, making me shrug a bit since I wasn't sure why he was asking me that.

"I feel fine. Why wouldn't I?" I replied while picking at my split ends a little bit while a smile came onto his face.

"Just wondering." He chuckled a bit and gently pulled my body towards his again, he was obviously happy about something and I didn't really understand what was on his mind, "I was wondering, how close are you to Damon Salvatore?"

"I guess we're friends. I've known him for at least forever and we grew up close to one another. Why do you ask?"

"There's no real reason. Don't work about it."

He played with my hair gently and I smiled. For some reason, I felt so calm and content at this moment. It was almost as if there had been something bothering me for a while. But, like always, Nik was able to take care of it for me. He'd always do whatever it took to make me happy.

"So, what do you have in mind for the wedding and the baby? I figure now you probably have everything all planned out." He said, quickly ending the small silence that we had been sitting in for a few calm moments.

"We need to pick out some more names. But there is definitely one that I like more than the others." I admitted with a small blush while I intertwined our fingers gently, "I also have to send my old measurements to the designer that's going to be making my dress."

"Your old measurements? Shouldn't you send whatever new measurements you have after the baby's born. It's possible that they won't be the same."


"What? What did I do?"

"Other than get me pregnant and possibly ruin my body for the rest of eternity? I've been the same size since 1863."

"You're right. I ruined everything. I should be arrested." He said over dramatically, obviously joking.

"Oh, Nik. If you're ever going to be arrested, it's going to be for something a lot more serious than getting your fiancé pregnant."

"Technically, you were my girlfriend at the time."

"Well, in that case, it's probably morally wrong. But I still don't think you could be arrested for that considering the fact that you have a few thousand murders under your belt."

"Oh, c'mon. that's not a big deal."

"It's not exactly normal."

"There are many things about our relationship that are far from normal."

"Well, I definitely think it helps keeps things interesting."

"We're cute together sometimes, aren't we?" he teased just a little bit, making me roll my eyes playfully before he pecked my lips softly, "I love you so much, princess."

He had mumbled against my lips just a bit and I smiled softly. I slid my hands into his hair and played with it just a bit. We pulled away from the kiss and I cuddled up to him a bit, all the while thinking how much I would love for our daughter to have his eyes.  

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