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  I had been so sad while thinking of Olivia that I decided to go out in order to cheer myself up. I was walking through one of the shops and I rolled my eyes when I saw Nik walk into the store with a worried look on his face. He looked relieved when he saw me and I bit down on my bottom lip softly while he walked forward. Like usual, people stepped away from him. It always seemed like everyone knew who he was. Also like usual, people started to whisper instantly once his hand was placed on the side of my cheek and he was pecking my lips.

"What are you doing here? You know I don't really like you to leave the house. It's dangerous. Anyone could do something just to get back at me." Nik said quickly while he took the items I had been carrying around the store with me.

"I was hurting." I mumbled softly, pushing past him again after I handed him my purse as Well since I didn't feel like carrying it.

"Princess, this coat is over $4,000. What's wrong with your other white one?"

"The other white one isnt an Alexander McQueen coat."

"I definitely don't know what that means."

"I thought all you wanted was my happiness?"

"And I thought money couldn't buy happiness."

"Oh, Nik, sweetie," I said softly while I took the pile of clothes back so I could give it to the girl over the counter and pay, "whoever first said that obviously didn't have a rich fiancé."

"Well, you're shopping, you're being a tad condescending, and I'm 90% sure that most of your stomach contents is chai tea. Is someone having issues with their sister again?" He teased playfully, making the eyes of the girl behind the counter widen comically while I giggled because Nik traced his fingertips down my side.

"She's being annoying and unacceptable. I refuse to deal with her while she's acting like a spoiled brat."

As the words left my mouth, Nik rolled his eyes playfully as I mentioned my sister being spoiled. Honestly, I had gotten to the point where I could cry on demand anytime Nik refuses something I want. I was only partially aware of the irony of my words as I slipped Nik's credit card out of my wallet and I plugged in the pin easily. Nik grabbed the shopping bag as I held just my purse and we walked out of the store to a little cafe down the block.

"What happened? What did Olivia do?" Nik asked me as we waited for our order.

"She basically asked me who I wouldn't choose if I had to."

"She wanted you to pick? How are you supposed to pick between your fiancé and your twin sister?"

"Exactly! Imagine if your brother asked you that."

"Princess, that's different. I'd kill my brother without a second thought. You wouldn't."

"You're right. I'd ask you to do it for me."

"And I'd do so happily. But that isn't the point. Why did she want to see what you'd say?"

"Because she isn't very happy. with any of this. She thinks you're using me. Actually, they all kinda think that."

"Really? Well, in that case I have an idea."

"No." I said quickly, making him chuckle.

"No? You haven't even heard what I have to say."

"I don't need to hear it. Your ideas usually involve a couple dozen murders and I refuse to drag my sister into that."

"I promise you'll like this." He said while leaning back into his chair, "We should have a party."

"The last time you threw a party was the night Damon and Stefan found out I was your girlfriend. You don't have a very good track record."

"But that was different. This would be an intimate gathering to announce our engagement and your pregnancy. We could have it in Mystic Falls."

"My love, how is a party supposed to help anything?" I asked him while the waiter came over with a tray of our stuff.

"They don't trust me. I know why, I've given them plenty of reasons to hate me."


"-but I love you, more than anything. I'd love a chance to prove to everyone how much I love you. That way, they could see how we really are together. Just like Damon after that whole venom incident. He definitely hates me a bit less."

"I guess we could go back to Mystic Falls for a weekend. It would be nice to see everyone again."

"I have some business to take care of back there anyway. I was planning on going soon. I'll have Rebekah plan the party. This is the exact thing she'd love."

"She's gonna invite the whole town."

"In that case, the whole town is going to gasp over your ring and gossip about you being a pregnant high school drop out."

"Do you really think they're gonna talk about me?" I asked with a little pout while I got into his car so we could go back home.

"I'll take care of anyone who does."

"You're such a good fiancé." I teased, making him roll his eyes before he started driving.

Before I knew it, we were back in Mystic Falls. I never felt more at home. My small body was cuddled up to the pillows on Nik's old bed while he organized the rooms downstairs with Rebekah and James. The three of them wanted me to have nothing to do with the planning process. Nik was also trying really hard to surprise me with the final product. While I was looking down at my phone and scrolling through Instagram, Olivia came into the room. She stood by the doorframe and I sighed.

"Last time you entered a room like this, the conversation got really ugly really fast." I mumbled to her.

"Relax, I've been sent up here by your darling fiancé to take you out to Damon's house and distract you." She said, her words making me laugh a little as I sat up.

"Did you just use the word darling in the same sentence in which you we're talking about Nik?"

"Maybe I've grown to like him."

"Bullshit. What does he have over you?"

"He made me feel like shit for not supporting you." She mumbled softly, "I stand by what I said. But, I also don't want to lose you. C'mon, let's go see your best friend and we can all hang out and watch bad movies on Netflix together until Nik calls for us to come back for your party."

I nodded and followed her downstairs. Once I was at the door, I bumped into Nik because he was coming in with a bag in his hand. He groaned when he saw me and he hid the bag behind his back so that I wouldn't see what was in his hands.

"I'm sorry, princess. I thought you'd be on your way out with Olivia by now." He said, pecking my lips quickly while he passed by me, "Pretend you didn't see this bags! And say hi to Damon for me!"

His words trained off to silence while he walked into the living room and I walked out to the car with Olivia. The whole time, she was whining and talking about Nik. She was still a little upset about this all. Once she stopped the car by the front door, I got out and ran inside.

"You're so much clumsier now that you're human and pregnant. It's a lot easier to know when you're trying to sneak up on me." Damon said, making me pout.

He wasn't even turned to face me when he said that and I was reminded of the last time we did this. It was the day I literally bumped into Nik while on my way here. I groaned and walked towards him more, smiling when he stood up. But the smile fell off my face when I saw how wide his eyes were at the sight of my baby bump.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him while Olivia walked in, playing dumb since I knew exactly what it was that had surprised him.

"You're pregnant. Like really, super pregnant." he said in surprise, "I just didn't think you'd be this big so soon."

"Don't be mean! I'm not that big. Only eighteen weeks." I said while he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"I'm surprised Klaus was willing to let you out of his sight."

"He sent me here with Olivia. Plus I'm pretty sure he has at least three people close enough to attack you if you try something to hurt me."

Before he could even ask about my sister after I mentioned her, she walked into the room and Damon hugged her tightly as well. I sat down on the couch after shrugging off the expensive white jacket that I had purchased for myself very recently. They made small talk for a few seconds and I flipped through the channels on the television in front of me. Soon, Damon sat beside me and Olivia sat at the chair across from us. Both of them had a drink in their hand.

"Well, it's been a long time since I saw my favorite Darko twin." Damon said, making me pout.

"Your favorite twin? I've been your best friend for more than a century. I'm pretty sure that means I should qualify as your favorite twin." I said after nudging him a bit.

"For the record, my favorite twin is whichever one of you isn't impregnated by a hybrid sugar daddy."

"Wow. How long have you been holding that one in?"

"I have a few more cracks about it. Especially considering the fact that your ring could sent a nice 18 year old away to a four year college and your jacket could pay for the dorm."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd honestly be this opposed to my relationship now that it's obvious Nik and I aren't going to be breaking up anytime soon."

"And I didn't think we'd have to stage a mini intervention."

"Excuse me?" I said with a little laugh while they both stood up.

"We don't recognize you anymore. You're wearing $4,000 coats and telling Klaus that he can kill anyone who looks at you for too long." My sister said while pacing back and forth a little bit.

"So what are the two of going to do? Kidnap me and brainwash me until I'm no longer in love with Nik?"

"While that sounds like a fascinating idea that we really should revisit in the near future, we have actually come up with a much better idea." Damon teased while I groaned, "Don't be so over dramatic with your groans. We're just gonna ask you a question."

They both sat down in front of me, their similar eyes glared into whatever was left of my soul. For the first time since I had started seeing Nik, I was actually worried and nervous. Hell, I might even say that I was scared. I had really not had many reasons to be nervous or scared when Nik was always around to take care of me and protect me. I shrunk back in my chair a bit and Olivia sighed.

"Damon and I have been talking about this for a while. We just wanna know why."

"You wanna know why?" I asked in a confused tone while I relaxed in the seat. "What are you talking about?"

"We want to know why you chose him, of all people. Hell, Damon and I were still rooting that one day you'd fall for Stefan."

I sighed and looked down at my nails while I actually thought about it. I really didn't know what to tell them. I loved everything about Nik. Over the months I had fallen in love with his power, his personality, and even the way that he presented himself in front of other people. I knew the truth. I knew that he wasn't this devilish monster that my friends all thought he was. While he wasn't a saint, he was still Nik and he was the love of my life. I just wasn't sure why I had chosen him when I found it hard to even commit to a long term phone plan. While being grilled by my sister and best friend, I just hoped that I wasn't making the wrong choice.

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