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Nik had some stuff to do when we got to Mystic Falls. So, he went onto town while I got my stuff together from my bedroom in the old Salvatore boarding house. Damon was absolutely furious. He didn't want me to keep the baby and he definitely didn't want me to have anything to do with Nik. I knew he felt like I was betraying him, but there was nothing I could do to change his mind. Even now, he was pacing around my bedroom and drinking while I folded up my clothes.

"Damon, you're pacing and it's making me nauseous. Please stop it. Just sit somewhere and be angry while you're still." I ordered, gesturing towards the bed in the center of the room.

"It just doesn't make sense to me. Why do you want to be with him?! I really don't get it! He's lied to you and manipulated you. He tricked you into getting pregnant in the first place. He's the devil incarnate and you're too blind to see that."

"I love him."

"Oh? You love him? Is that all you have to say for yourself? That's really the only explanation you have for this?"

"I don't need an explanation, Damon. It's my life, he's my boyfriend, and it's my baby. I can do whatever I want. I want you to be part of my life, but no one is going to force you."

"Other than my brother, I've known you longer than anyone else on this earth who is still living. I love you so much. But, you've been around for over a hundred years and this is the biggest mistake you've ever made."

"I'm having a baby with him, and I just-"

"-Oh yeah. That beautiful baby. Tell me, have you thought of any names yet? What about Maleficent? Or maybe something classy like Beelzebub Jr?"

"Nik has gotten past his hate for you. Can't you just accept the fact that I'm in love with him?"

"All I really need is for you to seriously explain to me what you're thinking. He's literally the worst person you could ever end up with. You and I both know that someone like Nik would be your father's worst nightmare."

"Yes, and you were my father's dream for me. Do you remember that? Our fathers were planning our wedding, I was getting my mother's wedding dress altered and you were busy screwing around with Katherine even though we were engaged to get married in a few months."

"In another lifetime, I'm sure we would've been amazing together. But, we just aren't meant to be."

"So why don't you just let me be happy with Nik?" I whined while I sat down on the bed beside him, whining a bit since I really needed him to get over his hatred towards my boyfriend in order for me to actually move on with my life and be happy with Nik.

"I just honestly don't get what your big thing is with him. He's cruel and we all know that the only reason he even went out with you in the first place was to get back at us."

"Well, we fell in love while he was trying to ruin your life. Sorry to inconvenience you."

"And what if he gets tired of you? He could kill you, take the baby, and run off before we even get a chance to read a eulogy at your funeral. I'm sure you wouldn't be the first girlfriend of his that he's killed."

"Damon, Nik isn't going to get tired of me." I said with a small laugh since he didn't even realize the truth of how much we loved each other.

"And how do you know that?"

"He loves me."

"That's not a good enough answer! How do you know he loves you anyway?!"

He had finally finished his drink and he placed it on the night table. I bit my lip softly and got up, walking over towards my purse that was on my dresser. I grabbed the little grey box inside of one of the smaller pockets of my purse and hid it in my palm while I walked back over to the bed so I could sit with Damon again. I took a deep breath before I started talking. He definitely wouldn't react to this news very well.

"Nik... Um. Well, he kinda proposed to me this morning." I said while opening up the box so I could show him the expensive ring that Nik had presented me with earlier today.

Damon's eyes widened when he saw the diamond ring that I was showing him and he gently took the box from my hand. He looked it over for a few moments and looked between the ring and I a few times. As expected, he didn't know how to react. He bit down on his bottom lip.

"He proposed to you. When? How? What happened?" Damon said quickly while I took the box back and slid the ring back onto my finger.

"Nik brought me breakfast in bed. The tray was there when I rolled over this morning and the box was by the glass. I kinda assumed it was just earrings or something. You know Nik loves to spoil me. But, I screamed when I opened it. I started crying and he came into the room a second later to slip the ring onto my finger. I didn't even have to say yes for him to know what I meant."

"You're marrying him? The devil?"

"Damon, he isn't like that. He's giving me everything I've ever wanted. A husband, a baby, a home. At this point he's even giving me things that I didn't even know I wanted."

I heard a noise towards the door and I looked up to see Nik standing there, leaning against the frame and making me smile. Damon looked as well and he sighed a bit. Nik held his hand out towards me and I walked towards him. He kissed my engagement ring then my lips sweetly, making Damon groan.

"I understand you're still in your honeymoon phase, but you don't need to practice for the honeymoon every time you see each other." Damon whined, making me giggle while Nik rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, Damon. You don't have deal with me for much longer. I just came to get the suitcases. I don't want my princess carrying anything too heavy." Nik said while grabbing the two suitcases full of my stuff.

He pecked my lips one more time then left. I pulled on my jacket then grabbed my purse. Damon grabbed onto my wrist before I could move any farther away from where I was standing. I looked down at him, obviously confused and he just sighed while nibbling on his bottom lip.

"You're sure about this?" he asked me again, obviously more worried than he was letting on.

"Of course I am. I've never been more sure about anything else that I've ever done. You know how much I love him. This," I looked down at the ring on my finger, "proves how much he loves me."

"I just don't want you to make a mistake."

"This isn't a mistake, Damon."

"If you ever need anything, or if anything even remotely bad ever happens between the two of you, you know where to find me. Don't hesitate to come back home."

"Right, but if I'm engaged, your guest bedroom doesn't exactly qualify as my home."

"You know what I mean."

I smiled and nodded, hugging him tightly and saying a quick goodbye before I grabbed my purse and left. I ruffled my hair as I walked out the front door and Nik smiled when he saw me walked towards his car. He opened the passenger side door for me. Once I got into the car, he pulled me towards him and kissed me sweetly. His lips were moving a bit rougher against mine than they had in the last few days. I slowly pulled away from the kiss and he pulled out of Damon's driveway.

"Are you excited?" Nik said while speeding out of Mystic Falls.

"For what? For my new fiancé to continue his war against the other vampires in New Orleans?" I teased him playfully, watching him roll his eyes playfully.

"Don't be snippy with me when you've got that expensive rock on your finger. You should be excited for us. With our engagement, our baby, and our future home."

"I'm definitely excited for all of that."

"I realize that I might get myself into trouble by saying this. But, I've been all over the world and I've been with a lot of women. Yet out of everyone I've ever known, you're the only one I've ever loved. Hell, you're the only one worth any sort of power or even wealth that I could offer to a woman. And it'll be a privilege to raise my empire and my child with you by my side."

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