Kings & Queens

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I was in class, the last period right before lunch, and all I thought about was Nik. I missed him so much that it hurt. He went to New Orleans for a few days in search of some witch. But, I couldn't wait for him to come home so I'd be cuddled up in his arms again. I was staring out the window when I should have been staring at the blackboard and I was daydreaming about one of the last conversations I had with Nik.

"What was your dream when you were young? Before you were turned?" Nik asked me suddenly, making me look up at him while my head was on his chest.

"Why would you want to know about a stupid little girl's dream? It doesn't matter now." I told him, a little confused as to why he would actually be interested in that.

"I told you that I wanted to give you everything you've ever wanted. That includes Ferrari's and childhood dreams." He said, making me smile and giggle a little. I loved how much he spoiled me. "Now, spill."

"Well, it was the dream of every other girl in that time period."

"Which is?"

"I wanted to find someone who would love me unconditionally. I wanted a husband that was powerful and only looked at me. I wanted four kids, two girls and two boys. I wanted a big house with a wraparound porch and a stable in the back for a horse."

"You wanted the perfect family, including a horse."

"Every little girl did in that time."

"I don't think every girl wanted a horse." He teased playfully, making me laugh. "You dream big, don't you?"

"Well, luckily, dreams change."

"What's your dream now?"

"You. Forever and always." I said, looking up at him and smiling before kissing him sweetly and feeling him smile against my lips, "What's your dream?"

"Oh, princess. My dream is to make all of your dreams - current and past - come true. From the wrap around porch and horse to being with me."

I cooed at what he said and started giggling a second later when he started to place little kissed all over my neck and exposed collarbones. He sucked a few pieces of my skin then looked up to look into my eyes.

"My dream is also to have you, naked, in my bed every single night for the rest of eternity." He said cheekily, making me groan playfully while he sat up and slid his shirt off.

I didn't even realize that I had spaced out until I heard the bell that signified the end of our classes. I walked out with my sunglasses on top of my head as a headband and I went to the cafeteria that was slowly crowding up. I grabbed a tray and got a few things. For some reason, I had been eating a lot more than I usually did. I sat with Caroline, bonnie, and Elena outside like I usually did. I had tried my best to explain everything between Nik and I to all of them. They were still confused. None of them could seem to understand what was going on because they all claimed he loved me too much to just pack up his bags and leave. They also didn't appreciate the fact that I was even thinking about this. Truth was, I'm already pretty sure that I'm going to be leaving with Nik. I'd just try to come see my friends as often as I could.

"So, he just left? That's it?" Caroline asked me, obviously a little confused by what was going on.

"He just left for a few days. He'll be back soon." I replied with a shrug as I picked at the food in front of me, a lot of my favorite foods had been grossing me out for the last few days, "He said he wanted to give me some more time to make my decision."

"Are you okay, Ash?" Bonnie asked me, a bit worried about me.

"Yeah, I've been feeling sick for the last few days."

"I can tell. You're not eating anything you actually like and you ate nothing but Oreos and peanut butter yesterday." Caroline said, making Elena giggle.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were pregnant and just having weird food cravings." Elena said, making Caroline and I both roll our eyes.

"Don't be silly, Elena. It's not like she can actually get pregnant." Caroline said again, "Bonnie, she can't get pregnant. Right? That's just impossible and crazy on so many levels."

"I guess it could happen. But only if you found a witch that was powerful enough-"

"-and stupid enough! What kind of self-respecting witch would give Klaus a child?" Caroline interrupted Bonnie.

"Shh, Caroline. It would just take a few powerful herbs and spells. Especially since Klaus is a hybrid." Bonnie explained after thinking for a few seconds.

"C'mon guys. Do any of you really think that Nik wants to have a child with me anyway? I'd be a horrible mother. All I do is drink and go shopping while my boyfriend plans revenge and world domination."

"What would it even be? If he went through with it?" Elena asked Bonnie, curious about it since she hadn't heard of anything like this before.

"Well, they'd probably reduce it to a powder. A lot of times they end up stirring it into something that the person would be tricked into eating. Like, a soup, a drink." Bonnie shrugged. "Something the person likes."

"Like their favorite tea?" I mumbled to myself, slowly s together what had happened.

"Yeah, but it would taste weird. Like-"

"-sour and gritty."

"Ashley... is everything alright?"

"I need to go." I stood up abruptly and dug through my purse for my car keys while I walked over to my car on the other end of the lot.

I sent Nik a few angry, panicked, and worried texts then sped back home. I really needed an old fashioned cuddle night with Damon since I was freaking out so much. I just hoped he'd be over the possibility of me leaving with Nik. I walked into the house and slammed the door shut behind me.

"Damon?! I know you're home! Come here! I-I need you!" I screamed as I walked in, my voice somewhere between desperate and needy.

Damon was in front of me before I could even blink and he had a hand on either side of my face. I knew he wouldn't be able to stay away if I really needed him. Unfortunately, I wasn't even able to say anything and he just pulled me into his warm arms and let me sniffle on his chest for a few minutes. He carried me off to his bedroom and I cuddled up to him on his bed.

"Can you please use your words and tell me what's wrong?" He asked me after playing with my hair for a few minutes, "Normal people would've just told me what happened by now."

"I-I was talking to Bonnie, and I think I'm pregnant." I mumbled against his chest, not even looking up at him.

"So, Bonnie got you pregnant? Do I need to explain the many reasons why that's impossible?"

"Nik got me pregnant."

"But you're a-"

"-he's a hybrid, Damon. If I was anything other than a vampire I would've gotten knocked up a while ago."

"How is this even possible?"

"Bonnie mentioned some kind of spell, or herbs. It basically makes me fertile. I'd get pregnant from whoever gave me the herbs."

"So if Nik has them, gives them to you in some drink-"


"In your tea, you get pregnant next time you two sleep together."


"Have you guys slept together since then?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Damon. He was going away for a few days. Of course we had sex."

"How many times?"

"I don't know. A lot. He's hot."

"Ashley!" Damon whined out, "I guess I'm gonna have an honorary niece or nephew coming out of there
in a few months."

I sighed and cuddled close to him again. I was so worried about this and I really needed Nik here so I found confront him about this.

"Do you ever think about what it would've been like if we weren't turned?" I mumbled, clinging to his shirt.

"I have, actually." He said with a small chuckle that shook his chest and moved me around. "But, either way, you would've been in my life. That's all that matters."

"If I recall correctly, our parents were getting ready to arrange our engagement."

"You're right. Our father's wanted me to court you and I was upset because I felt like you were my sister."

"I'm your sister but you've fucked Olivia?"

"That was in the sixties! Everyone was having sex. I can't be blamed for anything I did in that time period." He said, making me laugh as my phone rang.

It was Nik's ringtone. A melodramatic and slow romantic song that he claimed would always be our song. He even joked that this was the song he wanted to play at our wedding when we were having out first dance. I sighed while I answered it, waiting for him to explain himself since I had already told him via text that I was convinced that I was pregnant.

"Have I made you unhappy?" He asked me, his voice melting me because I missed him so much, "You know that was never my intention."

"You got me pregnant."

"Every good king needs a gorgeous queen and an heir. Besides, I thought you wanted a to have four children. Remember?"

"Yeah. I wanted four children when I was a child and a human. Not as a vampire that's over a century old!"

"Well, my princess, I've been love for a thousand years. Trust me, a family is an amazing gift."

"You tricked me, Niklaus."

"Oh, full names? I see. You're pissed off."

"You need to come back to Mystic Falls as soon as possible. We need to have a serious talk about this. I'm freaking out."

"I can see you're nervous. Don't worry, princess." He said after a small sigh, "I'll be back tomorrow night to see you for a few minutes. But I can't stay too long. Alright?"

"That's alright, I guess."

"I love you, princess." He said sweetly, his words melting me even more to the point where I wasn't even mad at him anymore.

"I love you too, Nik." I said before we both hung up and Damon groaned loudly, making me look over at him.

"You totally fell for all that cute little sweet talking." He mumbled.

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